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来源:资源环境与地球科学学院 | 作者:朗杨 | 发布日期:2016-11-08 01:07:00 

  朗杨 (Yang Lang) ,讲师,博士


Dr. Yang Lang,   Lecturer, Research Interests are Seasonal   Drought and Hydrologic Simulation and   Prediction


Address: School   of Resource Environment and Earth Science at   Yunnan Universtiy



2011.09-2015.06  北京师范大学,全球变化与地球系统科学研究院,理学博士

2013.09-2014.09  美国密歇根州立大学,地理系,博士生联合培养

2008.09-2011.06  北京师范大学,地理学与遥感科学学院,理学硕士

2003.09-2007.06  辽宁工程技术大学,测绘与地理科学学院,工学本科

 Ph.D. 9/2011 -6/2015  Global Environmental Change   and Hydrological Process Beijing Normal University College of Global   Change and Earth System Science,

Exchange Visiting 2014 Department of   Geography Michigan State University
 M.S. 9/2008 -6/2011   Geographic Information   System School of Geography Beijing Normal University
 B.E. 9/2003 -6/2007    Surveying   Engineering School of Surveying and Geographic Science Liaoning   Technical University

 1. Y. Lang, A. Ye, W. Gong, C. Miao, Z. Di, J. Xu, Y. Liu, L. Luo,   and Q. Duan, Evaluating Skill of Seasonal Precipitation and   Temperature Predictions of NCEP CFSv2 Forecasts over 17   Hydroclimatic Regions in China. Journal Of Hydrometeorology, 2014.   15(4): p. 1546-1559. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-13-0208.1
 2. 邓斅学,叶爱中,毛玉娜,朗杨,徐静,中国内陆TRMM降水数据质量评估,水文,2015,35(4):47-54.


1. 04/07/2013-04/12/2013: EGU General Assembly   2013, Vienna, Austria.
 Q Duan, J Schaake, J Xu, Y Lang, Post-processing of Ensemble Low   Flow Forecasts. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 15, 1623.   (Poster)
 2. 02/02/2014-02/06/2014: AMS 94th Annual Meeting   28th Conference on Hydrology Atlanta, GA.
 Y Lang, Q Duan, A Ye, Evaluating the Predictive Skill of CFSv2   Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts in China. AMS 94th Annual Meeting   Abstracts 6,528. (Poster)
 3. 04/08/2014-04/12/2014: AAG Annual Meeting,   Tampa, Florida.
 Y Lang, M Casey, L Luo, Q Duan, Evaluation of Drought Monitoring   Capability Based on Three Global Reanalysis Products. (Poster)
 4. 04/27/2014-05/02/2014: EGU General Assembly   2014, Vienna, Austria.
 Q Duan, Y Lang, A Ye, W Gong, Evaluating the Predictive Skill of   CFSv2 Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts in China. EGU General   Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 1591. (Poster)
 5. 12/15/2014-12/19/2014: AGU Fall Meeting   2014, San Francisco, USA.
 Y Lang, L Luo, M Casey, Q Duan, Characterizing the skill of   CFSv2-based seasonal drought prediction at multiple spatiotemporal   scales over China. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts H23N, 1091. (Poster)
 2014–2017: 美国气象学会 American Meteorological Society
 2014–2017: 美国地球物理联合会 American Geophysical Union
 2014–2017: 美国地理学家协会 Association of American Geographers

Hydrology group, College of Global Change and Earth System Science,   Beijing Normal University
Hydroclimatology group, Department of   Geography, Michigan State   University





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