王涛论文被《人大报刊复印资料 国际政治》2019年第5期全文转载
Wang Tao's paper was fully transferred to the 5th issue of International Politics

发布时间 Release time: 2019年08月28日 阅读次数 Hits:


王涛副教授与硕士生鲍家政合作撰写的《恐怖主义动荡弧:基于体系视角的解读》一文,原刊发于中国社科院西亚非洲研究所所刊《西亚非洲2019年第1期,被《人大报刊复印资料 国际政治》2019年第5期“反恐研究”栏目全文转载。

The collaboratively written paper by Wang Tao and Bao Jiazheng was fully transferred by the column of “Anti-terrorism Research” of the 5th issue of International Politics in 2019. The title of the paper is “Analysis of Terrorism Arc of Instability from the Perspective of System”. It was originally published in West Asia and Africa, the 1st issue of 2019.