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发布时间:2006年09月14日  []

冷战结束以来,中国和印度这两个亚洲大国的快速发展引起世界的关注,对亚洲的地缘政治和地缘经济已经并将继续产生深远的影响。人们在深入研究这两个亚洲国家的同时,也十分重视美国等大国对中印发展的态度和政策走向。中印的崛起对美国与亚洲关系的影响也成为美国有影响力的研究机构当前的研究课题。在这样的大背景下,云南大学于 2005 年建立了南亚与印度研究中心,并建立了中印美论坛。





  2005 年,新派大学社会科学研究院院长,印度中国研究所所长等应邀访问云南大学国际关系研究院,论坛主任刘学成参与了该大学进行的“印度和中国现代化和城市化研究”项目,并参加了在纽约举行的第一次学术研讨会。此外,论坛正与新派大学探讨合作进行学生培训计划。

  论坛与美国史汀生研究中心合作,将于 2006 年 12 月在云南大学举行“地区安全与和核问题”的专题研讨会,届时中、美、印三国的相关专家将围绕南亚地区的安全形势和核问题进行探讨。

  论坛正与美国斯坦利基金会商讨,计划于 2007 年在昆明举行大国与东南亚关系的学术研讨会。




  肖 宪:云南大学副校长

  任 佳:云南省社会科学院副院长,云南大学特聘教授


  刘学成 中国国际问题研究所研究员,云南大学特聘教授


  赵伯乐 云南大学教授 国际关系研究院副院长


  王崇理 云南省社会科学院研究员,云南大学特聘教授


  吕昭义 云南大学教授

  殷永林 云南大学教授

  张光平 云南大学教授

  杨晓辉 云南大学教授

  李卫平 云南大学副教授

  林 丽 云南大学副教授

  张高翔 云南大学副教授

  寸丽元 云南大学副教授

  谢念亲 云南大学副教授

  李 文 云南大学副教授

  李晓源 云南大学讲师

  杨晓惠 云南大学博士

China-India-U.S. Forum of Yunnan University

  Since the end of the Cold War, rapid economic development of China and India, the two Asian powers, has drawn great attention to the world, which has generated , and will continue to generate profound impacts upon the Asian geo-political and geo-economic landscape. Scholars attach importance to attitudes and policies of the U.S. and other powers towards emerging China and India while deeply studying all aspects of these two countries. The emergence of China and India and its implications for U.S.-Asia relations have also become the main research topics of the influential research institutions in the United States . Against such a background, Yunnan University established Center for South Asian & Indian Studies and China-India-U.S. Forum in 2005.

  The forum is committed to cooperative research and mutual exchange with research institutions and universities in India , the United States , and other countries , accelerating mutual understanding , broadening consensus , strengthening cooperation in all the fields among the three countries.

  The forum undertakes research projects in cooperation with domestic and foreign partners, hold academic conferences, publish research reports , and develop academic debates over the current issues on the website.

  The Forum is located at School of International Relations , Yunnan University.

Academic Activities

  The forum engages in academic exchange and joint research in cooperation with domestic and foreign research institutions and universities. The forum has reached agreement academic exchange and cooperative research with the New School , the Henry L. Stimson Center , the Stanley Foundation and so on.

  In December 2005, Dr. Benjamin Lee, dean for Social Research, and Dr. Ashok Gurung, director of India China Institute, The New School, visited Yunnan University and discussed possible programs for cooperation with Yunnan University. In April 2006, Dr.Liu Xuecheng, director of China-India-U.S. Forum, attended the first meeting of the “Globalization and Urbanization” program. The third meeting of this program is to be held at Yunnan University in 2007. The India China Institute of the New School has initiated a student training program with Yunnan University and an Indian partner.

  In December,2006, the forum will work with the Henry L.Stimson Center to jointly hold a workshop on “Regional Security and Nuclear Issues”. The experts from the U.S., India, and China will attend this workshop.

  The forum and the Stanley Foundation is planning to hold a seminar on power dynamics in Southeast Asia in 2007.

Leadership and Membership


  Cheng Ruisheng Former Ambassador to India and Myanmar.

  Xiao Xian Vice-President of Yunnan University

  Ren Jia Vice President of Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, and Professor of Yunnan University


  Liu Xuecheng Senior Fellow of China Institute of International Studies and Professor of Yunnan University

Executive Vice director:

  Zhao Bole Professor and Vice Dean of School of International Relations of Yunnan University

Vice Director:

  Wang Chongli Director of Institute of South Asian Studies, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, and Professor of an University

Main Members:

  Lu Zhaoyi Professor of Yunnan University

  Ying Yongli Professor of Yunnan University

  Zhang Guangping Professor of Yunnan University

  Yang Xiaohui Professor of Yunnan University

  Zhang Gaoxian Associate Professor of Yunnan University

  Li Weiping Associate Professor of Yunnan University

  Lin Li Associate Professor of Yunnan University

  Cun Liyuan Associate Professor of Yunnan University

  Xie Nianqing Associate Professor of Yunnan University

  Li Wen Associate Professor of Yunnan University

  Li Xiaoyuan Lecturer of Yunnan University

  Yang Xiaohui Doctoral Candidate of Yunnan University