被阅览数:2282次 发布时间:2011/10/18 10:42:15
题 目:Asymmetric Attention, Asymmetric Errors, and Status Quo Bias
时 间:2011年10月20日(星期四)16:30—18:00
摘要: Decisions involving default options are increasingly widespread and in favor with policy makers. Existing studies of status quo bias (SQB)--decision makers tendency to stick to a default option--implicitly assume that information is perfect. This paper studies a novel channel of SQB, namely the impact that the default option has on attention and decision errors. I design novel experiments in which search time and binary comparisons in a choice set are observable. I find that SQB arises even when the choice is among prizes of fixed monetary value expressed in arithmetic form. I also find strikingly asymmetric choice errors: 38% of the time subjects fail to choose an alternative better than the default, but in just 4% of time do they incorrectly choose an alternative worse than the default, and asymmetric attention, defined as more time devotion to default objects. I substantiate the causal relationship between asymmetric attention and asymmetric choice errors by switching off asymmetric attention and subsequently generating reduced choice-error asymmetry. Finally, I propose an attention-based theory of SQB to model the findings.