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Panel Cointegration Bounds Testing with Common Factor

主讲人: Anindya Banerjee

Professor Anindya Banerjee is Head of the Department of Economics at Birmingham Business School. He joined the Department of Economics in January 2008 as Professor in Economics. Before coming to Birmingham he was Professor at the European University Institute in Florence and Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. Professor Banerjee received his Ph.D. from the University of Oxford. His interests lie in time series econometrics, including factor models, and the econometrics of integrated panel data. He has recently been using his expertise in econometric modelling to look at the use of algorithmic methods in augmenting police decision making.

主持人: 洪永淼

The paper proposes a panel data unit root statistic with cross-section dependence driven by unobserved common factors that are approximated by means of the common correlated effects estimation method advocated in Pesaran (2006). The null hypothesis of panel data unit root focuses on the idiosyncratic component as in Pesaran (2007) and Pesaran, Smith and Yamagata (2013), although the statistical inference is conducted using a bounds-based testing strategy. Proceeding in this way the analysis takes into account that the cross-section dependence might be driven by I(1) non-stationary common factors, I(0) common factors, or a mixture of both I(1) and I(0) common factors and, therefore, extending some existing proposals in the literature.

时间: 2024-12-18 (Wednesday) 16:30-18:00
地点: 厦大经济楼N302(线下分会场)、中国科学院数学院南楼N219、腾讯会议:105 505 015
讲座语言: English
主办单位: 厦门大学邹至庄经济研究院、厦门大学-中国科学院计量建模与经济政策研究基础科学中心、中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院预测科学研究中心、中国科学院大学经济与管理学院
期数: “邹至庄讲座”杰出学者论坛(第46期)
联系人信息: 许老师,电话:2182991,邮箱:ysxu@xmu.edu.cn