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Name of Research Group:Electron Ultramicroscopy Group

Description of Research Group:Our group is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of [sub-angstrom resoution S/TEM] and [advanced energy material]. This is substantiated by ultrahigh resolution light/heavy element imaging, spectroscopy analysis and in-situ biasing, heating, gas, liquid or cryogenic environment. Through performing cross-scale and multi-dimensional characterization and material growth, we aim to explore the intriguing and emerging structural phenomena and establish the structure-property relationship by combining AFM/PFM, in-situ XRD and other relevant techniques. the focus reserach directions cover:

[1] Temporal and atomic-resolution S/TEM imaging about light elements.

[2] In-situ TEM for AFE/FE energy storage and correlated physical property.

[3] Transient cryo-TEM for energy transfer and conversion in catalysts and batteries.

[4] Emerging polar phenomena in nonpolar quantum and alloy materials.

[5] 4D-STEM-based method, program and technique development.

Warmly welcome students interested in exploring the "micro-universe of matter" join us.


We warmly welcome students interested in exploring the "micro-universe of matter" join us, discuss scientific ideas, and build our dream.

Team members Introduction:




全国大学生夏令营优秀学员 推免保送

本科 华东理工大学 (2020.09-2024.07)材料科学与工程学院 新能源材料与器件专业


核心课程: 固体物理 、材料科学与基础 储能原理与技术、电化学基础、太阳电池设计原理及制造、半导体器件物理等



