1999.9—2003.7 厦门大学生命科学学院 本科
2003.9—2006.7 厦门大学生命科学学院 硕士研究生
2008.9—2013.7 厦门大学药学院 博士研究生
2006.9—2007.8 中国科学院福建省物质结构研究所
2007.8—2008.9 厦门大学药学院
2013.7—至今 厦门大学公共卫生学院
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2. Huang Q, Chen D, Du C, Liu Q, Lin S, Liang L, Xu Y, Liao Y*, Li Q*. Highly multiplex PCR assays by coupling the 5'-flap endonuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase and molecular beacon reporters, PNAS 2022. 119:e119.
3. Yan T, Xu Y, Zheng R, Zeng X, Chen Z, Lin S, Xia Z, Liao Y, Zhang Y*, Li Q*.Accessible and Adaptable Multiplexed Real-Time PCR Approaches to Identify SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern. Microbiology Spectrum 2022. 10: e03222-22.
4. Kang WT, Xu H, Liao Y, Guo Q, Huang Q, Xu Y, Li Q*. Qualitative and Quantitative Detection of Multiple Sexually Transmitted Infection Pathogens Reveals Distinct Associations with Cervicitis and Vaginitis. Microbiology Spectrum, 2022. 10: e01966-22.
5. Liao Y, Li Q*, Profile of MeltPro® HPV test for human papillomavirus genotyping and cervical precancer screening, Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 2019. 19: 857-862.
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7. Mou Y, Muhammad AA, Wu Y, Xu Y, Wu J, Xu Z, Zulfiqar H, Saeed K, Muhammad I, Muhammad IN, Liao Y*, Li Q*, Detection of anti-hepatitis B virus drug resistance mutations nased on multicolor melting curve analysis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2016. 54: 2661-2668.
8. Muhammad AA, Xu Y, Xie X, Xu Z, Vakil A, Zulfiqar H, Syed SH, Liao Y*, Li Q*, Rapid detection of HCV genotyping 1a, 1b, 2a, 3a, 3b and 6a in a single reaction using two-melting temperature codes by a real-time PCR-based assay. Journal of Virological Methods 2015. 222:85-90.
9. Liao Y, Wang X, Sha C, Xia M, Huang Q, Li Q*, Combinationof fluorescence color and meltingtemperature as a two-dimensional label forhomogeneous multiplex PCR detection. NucleicAcids Research 2013. 41:e67.
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