1. Wang, R., Huang, L., 2021. Unpacking market-oriented land governance and its performance differences: Empirical evidence from urban land redevelopment in contemporary China. Habitat International, 118.(SSCI, JCR Q1)
2. Wang, R., Tan, R., 2020. Patterns of rural collective action in contemporary China: An archetype analysis of rural construction land consolidation. Journal of Rural Studies, 79, 286-301. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
3. Wang, R., Tan, R., 2020. Patterns of revenue distribution in rural residential land consolidation in contemporary China: The perspective of property rights delineation. Land Use Policy, 97. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
4. Wang, R., Tan, R., 2020. Efficiency and distribution of rural construction land marketization in contemporary China. China Economic Review, 60. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
5. Wang, R., Eisenack, K., Tan, R., 2019. Sustainable rural renewal in China: Archetypical patterns. Ecology and Society, 24, 32.(SSCI, JCR Q1)
6. Wang, R., Tan, R., 2018. Rural renewal of China in the context of rural-urban integration: Governance fit and performance differences. Sustainability, 10, 393. (SSCI, JCR Q2)
7. Tan, R., Wang, R., Heerink, N., 2020. Liberalizing rural-to-urban construction land transfers in China: distribution effects. China Economic Review, 60.(共同第一作者)(SSCI, JCR Q1)
8. Huang, L., Zheng, M., Wang, R., 2022. Rural housing rental rates in China: Regional differences, influencing factors, and policy implications. Land, 11. (SSCI, JCR Q2)
9. Tan R., Wang, R., Sedlin, T., 2014. Land-development offset policies in the quest for sustainability: What can China learn from Germany? Sustainability, 6, 3400-3430. (SSCI, JCR Q2)
10. 王荣宇, 谭荣. 集体经营性建设用地入市促进乡村二三产业发展的原型分析及其启示. 自然资源学报, 2023, 38(7):1743-1755. (CSSCI)
11. 王荣宇. 农村宅基地整理的自组织何以可能——基于公共池塘资源治理的视角. 中国土地科学, 2022, 36(5):102-111. (CSSCI)
12. 唐健, 王荣宇, 曾凯豪. 房地产用地多元化供给制度:变迁逻辑与建构方向. 中国土地科学, 2021, 35(11):1-9.(通讯作者)(CSSCI)
13. 王荣宇, 谭荣. 德国土地税收制度及其改革探索的启示:基于土地收益共享的视角. 中国土地科学, 2015, 29(12):81-87. (CSSCI)