发布时间: 2010-02-24 | 阅读数:各学院(研究院):
课程名称:Intermediate Chinese
上课时间:第2周-第17周 周一5-6节
课程简介:Intermediate level Chinese is an optional course about modern Chinese language for the overseas master-degree students in Xiamen University. The teaching goal is to improve the learners’ competence of using the Chinese language in real life communication through the teaching of the knowledge about both the language and the related culture.
Most of the lessons are chosen from newspapers, magazines or books, and are of different styles and topics, including religion, culture & arts, love & friendship, family life, science & technology, customs, travel etc. The teaching materials chosen are regarded as “easy to understand, easy to learn, useful, and interesting”.
Students who want to choose this course should have the modern Chinese language background with the basic grammar rules and a vocabulary no less than 2500.