卓仁恭 助理教授 学科(方向):药理学 所在系部:基础医学部 邮 箱:zhuorg@126.com
阿尔茨海默病(AD)病理过程中神经元兴奋性和突触功能发生改变,已知神经调节蛋白1(Neuregulin 1,NRG1)及其受体ErbB4参与神经元兴奋性和突触可塑性调节并影响AD病理进程;双孔钾通道成员TREK通道受到多种细胞内信号通路的调控,降低或提高TREK通道活性均可调节神经元的兴奋性活动,从而对学习记忆功能产生影响。目前,正采用AD细胞和动物模型,研究NRG1及其受体ErbB4调控TREK通道影响神经元兴奋性和AD病理进程的机制,具体包括:(1)阐明NRG1-ErbB4信号通路对TREK通道的调节作用特点;(2)揭示NRG1-ErbB4信号通路是否通过调节TREK通道影响AD细胞模型和动物模型的神经元兴奋性;(3)揭示NRG1-ErbB4信号通路是否通过调节TREK通道影响AD模型的神经元兴奋性进而影响AD的病理进程,并阐明相关作用机制;
2006.09~2010.06 南方医科大学中药学专业 医学学士;
2010.09~2015.06 南方医科大学药理学专业 医学博士;
2015.09~2017.12 厦门大学医学院 博士后;
2018.04~至今 厦门大学医学院 助理教授;
Zhuo RG, Peng P, Liu XY, Yan HT, Xu JP, Zheng JQ, Wei XL*, Ma XY*.Intersubunit Concerted Cooperative and cis-Type Mechanisms Modulate Allosteric Gating in Two-Pore-Domain Potassium Channel TREK-2. Front Cell Neuroscience.2016.00127. eCollection 2016.
Zhuo RG, Peng P, Liu XY, Yan HT, Xu JP, Zheng JQ, Wei XL*, Ma XY*. Allosteric coupling between proximal C-terminus and selectivity filter is facilitated by the movement of transmembrane segment 4 in TREK-2 channel. Scientific Reports,2016; 6:21248.
Zhuo RG, Liu XY, Zhang SZ, Wei XL, Zheng JQ, Xu JP*, Ma XY*. Insights into the stimulatory mechanism of 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate on TREK-2 potassium channel. Neuroscience, 2015; 300: 85-93.
(1) Zhuo RG, Peng P, Zheng JQ, Zhang YL, Wen L, Wei XL, Ma XY*.The glycine hinge of transmembrane segment 2 modulates the subcellular localization and gating properties in TREK channels. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2017 Aug 26;490(3):1125-1131. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=The+glycine+hinge+of+transmembrane+segment+2+modulates+the+subcellular+localization+and+gating+properties+in+TREK+channels.
(2) Zhuo RG, Peng P, Liu XY, Yan HT, Xu JP, Zheng JQ, Wei XL*, Ma XY*. Intersubunit Concerted Cooperative and cis-Type Mechanisms Modulate Allosteric Gating in Two-Pore-Domain Potassium Channel TREK-2. Front Cell Neuroscience. 2016.00127. eCollection 2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=(Intersubunit%20Concerted%20Cooperative%20and%20cis-Type%20Mechanisms%20Modulate%20Allosteric%20Gating%20in%20Two-Pore-Domain%20Potassium%20Channel%20TREK-2.)
(3) Zhuo RG, Peng P, Liu XY, Yan HT, Xu JP, Zheng JQ, Wei XL*, Ma XY*. Allosteric coupling between proximal C-terminus and selectivity filter is facilitated by the movement of transmembrane segment 4 in TREK-2 channel. Scientific Reports,2016; 6:21248.
(4) Zhuo RG, Liu XY, Zhang SZ, Wei XL, Zheng JQ, Xu JP*, Ma XY*. Insights into the stimulatory mechanism of 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate on TREK-2 potassium channel. Neuroscience, 2015; 300: 85-93.
(5) Zhuo RG, Peng P, Liu XY, Zhang SZ, Xu JP, Zheng JQ, Wei XL*, Ma XY*. The isoforms generated by alternative translation initiation adopt similar conformation in the selectivity filter in TREK-2. Journal of physiology and biochemistry, 2015; 71(4):601-610. (IF=2.4440)
(6) Zhuo RG#, Ma XY#, Zhou PL, Liu XY, Zhang K, Wei XL, Yan HT, Xu JP, Zheng JQ*. Mas-related G protein-coupled receptor D is coupled to endogenous calcium-activated chloride channel in Xenopus oocytes. Journal of physiology and biochemistry, 2014; 70(1): 185-191.