序号 |
作学术讲座的论文标题 |
讲座人 |
访问院校 |
作讲座时间 |
1 |
Procuring Commodities: RFQ or Reverse Auction |
Jason Shachat |
乔治亚州立大学 |
2010.1 |
2 |
Procuring Commodities: RFQ or Reverse Auction |
Jason Shachat |
亚利桑那大学 |
2010.1 |
3 |
Autoregressive Conditional Models for Interval-Valued Time Series Data |
洪永淼 |
美国雪城大学 |
2010.2.5 |
4 |
Testing Smooth Structural Changes via Nonparametric Regression |
洪永淼 |
美国普渡大学 |
2010.3.5 |
5 |
计量分析的经济学基础 |
洪永淼 |
中央财经大学 |
2010.3.20 |
6 |
Procuring Commodities: Request for Quote or Reverse Auction |
Jason Shachat |
上海交通大学 |
2010.4.26 |
7 |
Optimal Yardstick Rules Under Infinitely Repeated Competition |
Brett Graham |
上海交通大学 |
2010.5.19 |
8 |
Effect of Beijing’s Driving Restrictions on Pollution and Economic Activity |
傅十和 |
福建农林大学 |
2010.5.20 |
9 |
Urban Growth and Employment in China 1986-2006 |
欧振中 |
长江商学院 |
2010.6 |
10 |
Benefit from Short-term and Long Term Fluctuations of US Stock Markets |
王起 |
南京大学 |
2010.6.13 |
11 |
The Validity of Instruments Revisted |
方颖 |
中山大学岭南学院 |
2010.10.31 |
12 |
Can Grain Subsidy Impede Rural-Urban Migration in Hinterland China? Evidence from Field Surveys |
孟磊 |
西南财经大学 |
2010.11.5 |
13 |
Can Grain Subsidy Impede Rural-Urban Migration in Hinterland China? Evidence from Field Surveys |
孟磊 |
西南财经大学 |
2010.11.5 |
14 |
Semiparametric Varying-coefficient Instrumental Variables Models |
方颖 |
北京大学中国经济研究中心 |
2010.12.15 |
15 |
Predictability of Equity Returns over Different Time Horizons: A Nonparametric Approach |
洪永淼 |
北京大学中国经济研究中心 |
2010.12.22 |
16 |
Predictability of Equity Returns over Different Time Horizons: A Nonparametric Approach |
北京大学中国经济研究中心 |
2010.12.29 |
17 |
Informational Price Cascades and The Non-Aggregation of Asymmetric Informational in An Experimental Asset Market |
Jason Shachat |
北京大学汇丰商学院 |
2010.12.29 |
18 |
A Generalized Arbitrage-Free Nelson-Siegel Term Structure Model with Macroeconomic Fundamentals |
牛霖琳 |
赫尔辛基经济研究中心 |
2011.1.17 |
19 |
Forecasting Inflation in China with Bayesian Model Averaging |
牛霖琳 |
芬兰中央银行转型经济研究所 |
2011.2.8 |
20 |
Employers’ Preferences For Gender, Age, Height And Beauty: Direct Evidence |
沈凯玲 |
西南财经大学 |
2011.3.18 |
21 |
A New Conditional Capital Asset Pricing Model |
辛辛那提大学金融系 |
2011.4.8 |
22 |
Do Imports Crowd Out Domestic Consumption: A Comparative Study of China, Japan and Korea |
陈国进 |
麻省理工大学斯隆商学院 |
2011.5.4 |
23 |
A New Conditional Capital Asset Pricing Model |
山东大学经济研究院 |
2011.5.16 |
24 |
Information Price Cascades and the Non-aggregation of Information in and Experimental Asset Market |
Jason Shachat |
浙江大学 |
2011.5.23 |
25 |
Informational Price Cascades and Non-aggregation of Asymmetric Information in Experimental Asset Markets |
Jason Shachat |
乔治梅森大学、宾夕法尼亚州立大学、纽约大学、匹兹堡大学、卢森堡大学、阿姆斯特丹大学 |
2011.9 |
26 |
Bad Beta Good Beta and Cross Section of Stock Returns |
王起 |
北京大学中国经济研究中心 |
2011.10.20 |
27 |
Estimating Jump Frequency from Option Based Trading Data |
王起 |
大连商品交易所研究中心 |
2011.10.21 |
28 |
税基评估及其发展问题研究 |
纪益成 |
首都经贸经大学 |
2011.10.31 |
29 |
How Smooth Is Price Discovery? Evidence from Cross-listed Stock Trading |
陈海强 |
北京大学国家发展研究院 |
2011.11.3 |
30 |
How Smooth Is Price Discovery? Evidence from Cross-listed Stock Trading |
陈海强 |
中国人民大学 |
2011.11.4 |
31 |
Jumps: Testing, Modeling and Stock Return Prediction |
王起 |
西南财经大学 |
2011.11.18 |
32 |
税基评估相关问题研究 |
纪益成 |
中央财经大学 |
2011.12.5 |
33 |
CDS定价需要多少变量? |
韩乾 |
清华大学 |
2011.12.8 |
34 |
On the Conditional Effects of IMF Program Participation on Output Growth |
Marcel Bluhm |
比利时安特卫普大学 |
2012.2.15 |
35 |
The Hayak Hypothesis and Long Run Competitive Equilibrium |
Jason Shachat |
西交利物浦大学、电子科技大学及西南财经大学 |
2012.4.11 |
36 |
Asymmetric Attention, Asymmetric Errors, and Status Quo Bias |
耿森 |
上海交通大学 |
2012.4.18 |
37 |
Commuting Cost and Labor Supply: Evidence from A Satellite Campus |
傅十和 |
对外经贸大学 |
2012.4.26 |
38 |
Workplace Social Interaction and Wage Premium |
傅十和 |
上海财大 |
2012.5.10 |
39 |
The Hayek hypothesis and long run competitive equilibrium: an experimental investigation |
Jason Shachat |
清华大学 |
2012.5.10 |
40 |
The Hayek hypothesis and long run competitive equilibrium: an experimental investigation |
Jason Shachat |
丹麦哥本哈根商学院 |
2012.6.14 |
41 |
The Hayek hypothesis and long run competitive equilibrium: an experimental investigation |
Jason Shachat |
奥地利因斯布鲁克大学 |
2012.6.18 |
42 |
中外资产评估准则(资产评估专硕教学大纲) |
纪益成 |
中央财经大学 |
2012.7.19 |
43 |
The Hayek Hypothesis and Long Run Competitive Equilibrium: An Experimental Investigation |
Jason Shachat |
新西兰坎特伯雷大学、澳大利亚悉尼科技大学、阿德莱德大学 |
2012.8 |
44 |
A Hidden Markov Model for the Detection of Pure and Mixed Strategy Play in Games |
Jason Shachat |
西兰奥塔哥大学、澳大利亚莫纳什大学、悉尼大学 |
2012.8 |
45 |
An Experimental Investigation of Auction and Bargaining in Procurement |
Jason Shachat |
澳大利亚新南威尔士大学、新西兰奥克兰大学 |
2012.8 |
46 |
Quality and Input Choices: Evidence from Chinese Exporters |
王璐航 |
北京大学光华管理学院 |
2012.10.30 |
47 |
A Generalized Arbitrage-Free Nelson-Siegel Term Structure Model with Macroeconomic Fundamentals |
牛霖琳 |
安特卫普大学经济学院、法国巴黎Essec商学院 |
2010.12.6-12.7 |
48 |
Job Quality and Economic Independence of Welfare Users |
齐豪 |
清华大学和中国人民大学 |
2010.3.1-3.5 |
49 |
Can Grain Subsidy Impede Rural-Urban Migration in Hinterland China: Evidence from Field Surveys |
孟磊 |
复旦大学 |
2010.6.12-6.14 |
50 |
How Smooth is Price Discovery? Evidence from Cross-listed Stock Trading |
陈海强 |
西南财经大学 |
2011.10.27-10.29 |
51 |
Informational Price Cascades and Non-aggregation of Asymmetric Information in Experimental Asset Markets |
Jason Shachat |
乔治亚州立大学、德州大学 |
2011.8.26-8.29 |
52 |
The Hayek Hypothesis and Long Run Competitive Equilibrium: An Experimental Investigation |
Jason Shachat |
奥克兰大学、维多利亚大学 |
2012.7.27-7.30 |
53 |
On the Determinants of Interbank Networks |
Marcel Bluhm |
德国中央银行 |
2012.8.27-9.1 |