博士 计算机科学 Concordia University 加拿大;
硕士 计算机科学 Concordia University 加拿大
学士 计算机科学 福建师范大学 中国
虚拟现实技术与系统国家重点实验室,基于人眼交互的多模式情境认知交互模型的研究, 2015-2017, 主持
福建省科技厅,针对社交网络的网络舆情治理模式及其管理机制的研究, 2015-2016,主持
晋江掌中木偶艺术传承中心,掌中木偶机器人新媒体互动系统, 2019-2020,主持
厦门大学校长基金,基于眼动的多模式情境认知交互研究,2015-2017, 主持
科技部,科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目,抑郁症的前瞻性临床队列研究, 2021-2026,参与
教育部,文化产业发展专项资金项目,基于混合现实技术的国际虚拟博物馆流动镜像系统建设-以鼓浪屿世界文化遗产博物馆为范本, 2014- 2022,参与
日本住友电气工业株式会社新领域技术研究所,基于深度深林的AI情感识别算法研究, 2019-2020,参与
Hang Wu, Jiayu Lin, Jiefeng Li, Yingying She*, Lin Lin and Zhu Zhu, The Effectiveness of A Therapist-Robot Interactive (TRI) Model to Teach Autistic Children, 47th Annual Convention of Association for Behavior International, May 2021
Liang YiFan,Liu Chang,WangHan Rui,Liu KunHong*,Yao JunFeng*,She YingYing*, DaiGui Ming*, Yuna Okina*, A novel error-correcting output codes based on genetic programming and ternary digit operators, Pattern Recognition, Volume 110, February 2021
Y.Y She, X.M Xu, H.H Liu, J.Y Lin, M.K Yang, L Lin*, B.R Yang*, A Robot for Interactive Glove Puppetry Performance, Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA), October, 2020
J.F Li, Y.Y She*, L Lin*, Y.L Luo, H He, W.Y Lin, S.J Hou, An Approach of Short Advertising Video Generation Using Mobile Phone Assisted by Robotic Arm, Computer Graphics International (CGI), October, 2020
Yang Chen, Yingying She*, Lvqing Yang*, Daiwei Wang, Yingxuan Ji,Advertising video automatic visual effects processing for a novel mobile application, CSAI, 2019
Jin Chen, Yingying She*, Meimei Zheng, Yang Shu, Yadong Wang , Yuxin Xu, A multimodal affective computing approach for children companion robots, Chinese CHI, June 2019 (Best paper award)
Yingxuan Ji, Yingying She*, Fang Liu*, Yang Chen, Yanjun Shen, Hao He, Ad-designer mode: an interactive approach of guiding non-professional users to make the mobile advertising video, Chinese CHI, June 2019
Qingqiang Wu, Yichen Kuang, Qingqi Hong, Yingying She*, Frontier knowledge discovery and visualization in cancer field based on KOS and LDA, Scientometrics 118(3): 979-1010 (2019)
Huahui Liu, Yingying She*, Lin Lin*, Jin Chen, Xiaomeng Xu, Jiayu Lin, HinHRob, A Performance Robot for Glove Puppetry, SIGGRAPH Asia, Australia, November 2019
Mengwei Lin, Junfeng Yao*, Y.Y She*, Chao Gao, Jin Chen, HCI + Intangible Culture Heritage in China: Digital Interactive Puppetry of Quanzhou Marionette, CHI 2019, Workshop paper,Glasgow, UK, May 2019
Meimei Zheng, Yingying She*, Fang Liu, Jin Chen, Yang Shu, Jianbing Xiahou, BabeBay-A Companion Robot for Children Based on Multimodal Affective Computing, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), Daegu, Korea, March 2019
Hao He, Yingying She*, Jun Li, An Eye-gaze Oriented Context Based Interaction Paradigm Design, the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, Belfast, UK, July 2018
Hao He, Yingying She*, Jianbing Xiahou, Junfeng Yao, Jun Li, Qingqi Hong, Yingxuan Ji, Real-Time Eye-Gaze Based Interaction for Human Intention Prediction and Emotion Analysis, Computer Graphics International (CGI), Bintan Island, Indonesia, June 2018
J.B Xiahou, H He, K Wei, Y.Y She*, Integrated Approach of Dynamic Human Eye Movement Recognition and Tracking in Real-time, ICVRV 2016, China, October 2016.
Y.Y She, Q Wang, X.Y Zhang, W.Y Zheng, Y Fu, Q.Q Wu, The Approach of Micro-blog Explosive Events Detection and Analysis in Real-time, International Conference on Computer Engineering and Information System, China, November 2016.
Yao Junfeng, Lan Lei, Lin Wenlin, She Yingying, Zhang Binbin, Realistic and stable animation of cloth, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Springer, 2015.01.01, 26:281~289
Y.Y She, X.X Zhang, Q.Wang, Q.Q Wu, The potential relationship discovery model based on result fusion for biomedical medicine research, Journal of Information Science, March 2015
Y.Y She, Y.Z Jia, T. Gu, Q. He, Q.Q Wu, An Integrated Approach of Real-time Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Feature Points, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, April 2015