Posted on:2024-11-13 hits:



报告时间:2024-11-14 16:00

报告人: 孙长庆 教授




We amplified the conventional two-body XR hydrogen bond notion to the X:RY system that couples a pair of flexible and polarizable dipoles . The ":" denotes the electron-richness of the X. The R can be any element capable of forming either a molecular dipole with Y or an atomic dipole alone. This three-body system adheres to a unique force combination criterion, encompasses multiple scenarios, and demonstrates remarkable adaptability, cooperativity, recoverability, sensitivity, catalytic and hydro-voltaic capability, and chemical reactivity when perturbed. Concretely, the interplay between X:R attraction and X:Û:Y repulsion is decisive to the behavior of the X:RY system that follows the regulation of hydrogen bond cooperativity and polarizability (HBCP). Configurations of the lone-pair-engaged X:RY, such as the X:HY bonds (X = O, N, and Y = X, C), entitle the functionalities of water and CNHO molecular assemblies; polarity-inverted ZX:R bonds, such as the M+O2-:MP bond formation, facilitate oxidation bonding and electronic dynamics; atomic dipole MP or vacancy V0 substituted MP/V0:RY bonds coordinate molecular physisorption. A perturbation alters the XY distance by lengthening one segment while shortening the other by the XY repulsive coupling interaction. The introduction of the X:RY bond has deepened systematic insight into water anomalies, energetic explosives, molecular hydration, molecular physisorption, and oxygen chemisorption, thereby inspiring innovative approaches to atomistic dipolar and water-assisted catalysis, water surface self-electrification or electric-field enhancement, and low-dimensional high-TC superconductivity. Expanding the application of the X:RY system into fields such as biological science and cell engineering holds even more fascinating and promising prospects.



孙长庆,辽宁葫芦岛人,校长特聘教授。英国皇家化学会和物理学会会士。曾任职于新加坡南洋理工和天津大学,先后受湖南省和浙江省聘为海外专家以及吉林大学唐敖庆讲座教授。获颁夸瑞兹密国际科学一等奖和首届南洋科技创新奖,两次入围新加坡总统科学奖,担任多家期刊顾问编委。长期从事物理化学、纳米与表界面、冰水溶液、储能分子等基础和交叉科学研究,发展了化学键受激弛豫、耦合氢键振子对、水合反应电荷注入等理论和标度关系并拥有多项电子声子微扰计量谱学专利。著有双语《键合弛豫》、《氢键规则》、《水合反应》、《计量谱学》,其中2部入选全球有史以来最佳21部物理化学专著和1部入选最佳100部材料科学专著,在Phys Rep, Chem Rev, Prog Mater Sci等期刊发表了30余篇专述和500余篇学术论文。




