1. Animesh Kuley, Zhihong Lin, Jian Bao, Xishuo Wei, Yong Xiao, Wenlu Zhang, Guoya Sun, and N.J. Fisch, Nonlinear particle simulation of parametric decay instability of ion cyclotron wave in tokamak, submitted to POP.
2. Xiuxiu Liao, Zhihong Lin, Ihor Holod, Bo Li, and Guoya Sun, Microturbulence in DIII-D tokamak pedestal. IV. Electrostatic turbulent transport, submitted to POP.
3. Xinjun Cheng, Guoya Sun*(corresponding author), Thermoelectric transport and spin density of graphene nanoribbons with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, published in Physica E.
4. Zebin Li, Guoya Sun*(corresponding author), Ihor Holod, Yong Xiao, Wenlu Zhang, Zhihong Lin, GTC simulation of ideal ballooning mode in tokamak plasmas, published in Plasma Science and Technology.
5. L. Chen, W. Deng, Z. Lin, D. Spong, G. Y. Sun, X. Wang, X. Q. Xu, H. S. Zhang, W. L. Zhang, A. Bierwage, S. Briguglio, I. Holod, G. Vlad, Y. Xiao, F. Zonca,Verification of gyrokinetic particle simulation of Alfven eigenmodes excited by external antenna and by fast ions. Proceedings of the 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference.
6. G. Y. Sun, Electronic transport properties of helical macromolecular chains using dihedral orbital model,Eur. Phys. J. B 83 (2011) 77-82.
7. Guo-Ya Sun, Transport properties and spin accumulation in semiconductor two-dimensional electron gas/superconductor junctions, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 325206(2008).
8. Guo-Ya Sun, Chenxu Wu, Yi Chen, Zhi-Lin Yang, Spin-dependent transport through a quantum dot with inelastic interactions, The European Physical Journal B, 49,459-464 (2006).
9. Guo-Ya Sun, H. Lin, M.Y. Zeng, Y.H. Wen, C.X. Wu, A theoretical study of tunneling conductance in ferromagnet/PrOs4Sb12 junctions, The European Physical Journal B, 44,137-143 (2005).
10. Guo-Ya Sun and Chenxu Wu, Josephson current in superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junctions, Physics Letters A, 325, 166-174 (2004).
11. L. Y. Yang, Z. M. Zheng, H. L. Yu, G. Y. Sun and D. Y. Xing, Orientation dependence of proximity effect in ferromagnet/ -wave superconductor junctions, The European Physical Journal B, 39, 377-384 (2004).
12. Ming-Ying Zeng, Chen-Xu Wu, and Guo-Ya Sun, Kink Angle of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes due to Interlayer Interaction as Viewed by Elastic Theory, Physical Review B, 70, 132409-1 (2004).
13. H. L.Yu, G. Y. Sun, L. Y. Yang and D. Y. Xing, Proximity effects in ferromagnet/superconductor structures, Physica C, 402, 98-105 (2004).
14. G. Y. Sun, D. Y. Xing, Jinming Dong, and Mei Liu, Gapless superconductivity in ferromagnet/superconductor junctions, Physical Review B, 65 174508-1(2002).
15. Guoya Sun, D. Y. Xing, and H. Q. Lin, Coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in ferromagnet/superconductor proximity structures, The European Physical Journal B, 30, 33-38, (2002).
16. Xiaowei Li, Zhiming Zheng, D. Y. Xing, Guoya Sun, and Zhengchao Dong, Josephson current in ferromagnet-superconductor tunnel junctions, Physical Review B, 65 134507 (2002).
17. Guoya Sun, Zhiming Zheng, D. Y. Xing, Jinming Dong, and Z. D. Wang, Injection of spin-polarized carriers in ferromagnet/superconductor tunnel junctions, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13 627(2001).
18. Zhiming Zheng, D. Y. Xing, Guoya Sun, and Jinming Dong, Andreev reflection effect on spin-polarized transport in ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet double tunnel junction, Physical Review B, 62 14326(2000)