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研究领域 磁制冷,太阳能热利用,能量转换系统的优化,现代热力学

毕业于厦门大学物理系凝聚态物理专业,博士,教授,博士生导师,科技部“国际科技合作重点项目计划同行评议专家”,中国工程热物理学会理事,全国理论力学研究会理事,福建省闽江科学传播学者,福建省青少年科普专家团成员,厦门市鹭江讲坛主讲人,长期从事理论力学、热力学统计物理、现代磁学理论等课程教学及相关课题的研究。主要研究方向:磁制冷,太阳能热利用,能量转换系统的优化,现代热力学等;近几年重点研究室温磁制冷材料及其循环性能、太阳能热利用设备循环优化理论及其应用等。曾多次赴意大利、法国和捷克参加重要国际学术会议, 2003年在荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学van der Waals-Zeeman 研究所访问研究,开展室温磁制冷材料及其循环性能的研究工作;已主持并圆满完成了1项“973”子课题、3项国家自然科学基金及3项教育部基金项目的研究,目前正在主持1项国家自然科学基金项目的研究(2018,1-2021,12);已在近30种重要国际学术期刊、多种国内核心期刊及国内外重要学术会议上发表论文140多篇, 绝大部分被“SCI、EI”检索系统收录;曾获国家级优秀教学成果二等奖,福建省科技进步三等奖,福建省自然科学奖二等奖,厦门大学教学名师,厦门市优秀教师等奖励。
1 Yang Z, Liao T, Zhou Y, Lin G, Chen J. Performance evaluation and parametric optimum design of a molten carbonate fuel cell -thermophotovoltaic cell hybrid system. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 128: 28-33.
2 Yanchao Zhang, Chuankun Huang, Junyi Wang, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Optimum energy conversion strategies of a nano-scaled three terminal quantum dot thermoelectric device. Energy 2015(6); 85: 200-207
3 Yanchao Zhang, Yuan Wang, Chuankun Huang, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Thermoelectric performance and optimization of three-terminal quantum dot nano-devices. Energy 2016; 95: 593-601
4 Zhimin Yang, Wanli Peng, Tianjun Liao, Yingru Zhao, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. An efficient method exploiting the waste heat from a direct carbon fuel cell by means of a thermophotovoltaiccell. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 149: 424-431
1 Z.C.Xu, G.X.Lin, J.C. Chen . A GdxHo1-x-based composite and its performance characteristics in a regenerative Ericsson refrigeration cycle, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015; 639: 520–525.
2 Zhichao Xu, Juncheng Guo, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Optimal thermoeconomic performance of an irreversible regenerative ferromagnetic Ericsson refrigeration cycle, Jounral of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2016; 409: 71-79
3 Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance characteristics of magnetic Brayton refrigeration cycle using Gd, Gd0.74Tb0.26 and (Gd3.5Tb1.5)Si4 as the working substance. Int. JRefrigeration, 2012; 35: 1035-1042
4 Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance characteristics of an irreversible regenerative magnetic Brayton refrigeration cycle using Gd0.74Tb0.26 as the working substance.Cryogenics, 2012, 52: 500-504
5 Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Effect of geometrical shape of the working substance Gadolinium on the performance of a regenerative magnetic Brayton refrigeration cycle. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2013, 326:103-107
6 Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance characteristics of a regeneration Ericsson refrigeration cycle using a magnetic composite as the working substance,Int. J. Refrigeration, 2013, 36(3): 958-964
7 Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance characteristics of a magnetic Ericsson refrigeration cycle using GdxDy1-x as the working substance. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2014, 350: 50–54
8 Gildas Diguet , Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Impact of the initial field on the thermodynamic performance of room-temperature magnetic refrigeration cycle,Int. J. Refrigeration, 2013;36:2395-2402
9 Zhengrong Xia, Yue Zhang, Jincan Chen, Guoxing Lin. Performance analysis and parametric optimum criteria of an irreversible magnetic Brayton refrigerator. Applied Energy, 2008, 85(2-3): 159-170
10 Z R Xia, X M Ye, G X Lin, E Brück. Optimization of the performance characteristics in an irreversible magnetic Ericsson refrigeration cycle, Physica B, 2006, 381(1-2):246-255
11 X Zhang, J Chen, G Lin, E Brück. Influence of irreversible losses on the performance of a two-stage magnetic Brayton refrigeration cycle. Physica B, 2010, 405: 1632-1637
12 X. M. Ye, G. X. Lin, J. C. Chen, E. Brück. Parametric optimization of an irreversible magnetic Ericsson refrigerator with finite heat reservoirs, Physica B, 2007, 391(2): 350-356
13 Fang Wei, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen, Ekkes Brück. Performance characteristic and parametric optimization of an irreversible magnetic Ericsson heat pump, Physica B, 2011, 406(3):633-639
14 Fang Wei , Ruizhe Wang, Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin. Performance optimization of irreversible ferromagnetic Stirling heat pumps. Int. J. Energy and Environmental Engineering, 2011; 2(2):77-83
15 Junyi Wang, Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance characteristics of a magnetic Ericsson refrigeration cycle using La(Fe0.88Si0.12)13H1 or Gd as the working substance. Advanced Materials Research 2013, 631-632 :322-325
16 Yuan Wang, Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance analysis of the regenerative Brayton refrigeration cycle using Gd0.94Er0.06 as the working substance Advanced Materials Research 2013, 631-632 :318-321
17 Shanhe Su, Zhichao Xu, Guoxing Lin, Gildas Diguet,Jincan Chen. Thermodynamic
performance characteristics of a regenerative Brayton refrigeration cycle using Gd0.45Tb0.55 and Gd as the working substance. Advanced Materials Research 2013, 750 -752: 1016 -1019
1)林国星等. 复合工质室温磁制冷机参数优化设计研究, 国家自然科学基金,60(直接费)+12万,2018,1-2021,12 (在研)
2)林国星等. 以钆基化合物为工质的磁制冷循环性能特性的研究, 国家自然科学基金,60万,2012,1-2015,12
3) 林国星等. 基于铁磁材料的不可逆回热制冷循环优化性能的研究,国家自然科学基金,30万,2008,1-2010,12
4) 林国星等. 不可逆磁热泵参数设计及性能优化的研究,教育部博士点基金,6万,2010,1-2012,12
5) 林国星等. 辐射和对流传热对太阳能Braysson热机循环性能影响的研究 , 福建省自然科学基金,2007-2008
6) 林国星等. 传热, 传质及其耦合优化理论的研究, 973子课题,10万,2001,1-2005,12
7)林国星等. 室温磁制冷新材料循环性能的研究, 福建省自然科学基金, 2004-2006
8) 林国星等. 磁制冷新材料热力学性能的研究, 教育部外国专家引智重点项目, 2005,1-12 9)林国星等 若干室温磁制冷材料回热特性的研究 教育部基金 2009,1-2009,12
1 理论力学(本科省精品课程)
2 理论物理导论(本科必修)
3 高等工程热力学(硕士必修)
4 火用分析理论(硕士选修)
5 现代磁学理论(博士学位)
姓名 林国星 职称职务 教授
邮箱 gxlin@xmu.edu.cn 办公室
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 磁制冷,太阳能热利用,能量转换系统的优化,现代热力学
教育和工作经历 毕业于厦门大学物理系凝聚态物理专业,博士,教授,博士生导师,科技部“国际科技合作重点项目计划同行评议专家”,中国工程热物理学会理事,全国理论力学研究会理事,福建省闽江科学传播学者,福建省青少年科普专家团成员,厦门市鹭江讲坛主讲人,长期从事理论力学、热力学统计物理、现代磁学理论等课程教学及相关课题的研究。主要研究方向:磁制冷,太阳能热利用,能量转换系统的优化,现代热力学等;近几年重点研究室温磁制冷材料及其循环性能、太阳能热利用设备循环优化理论及其应用等。曾多次赴意大利、法国和捷克参加重要国际学术会议, 2003年在荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学van der Waals-Zeeman 研究所访问研究,开展室温磁制冷材料及其循环性能的研究工作;已主持并圆满完成了1项“973”子课题、3项国家自然科学基金及3项教育部基金项目的研究,目前正在主持1项国家自然科学基金项目的研究(2018,1-2021,12);已在近30种重要国际学术期刊、多种国内核心期刊及国内外重要学术会议上发表论文140多篇, 绝大部分被“SCI、EI”检索系统收录;曾获国家级优秀教学成果二等奖,福建省科技进步三等奖,福建省自然科学奖二等奖,厦门大学教学名师,厦门市优秀教师等奖励。 代表性文章或专著 近三年发表的JCR一区论文
1 Yang Z, Liao T, Zhou Y, Lin G, Chen J. Performance evaluation and parametric optimum design of a molten carbonate fuel cell -thermophotovoltaic cell hybrid system. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 128: 28-33.
2 Yanchao Zhang, Chuankun Huang, Junyi Wang, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Optimum energy conversion strategies of a nano-scaled three terminal quantum dot thermoelectric device. Energy 2015(6); 85: 200-207
3 Yanchao Zhang, Yuan Wang, Chuankun Huang, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Thermoelectric performance and optimization of three-terminal quantum dot nano-devices. Energy 2016; 95: 593-601
4 Zhimin Yang, Wanli Peng, Tianjun Liao, Yingru Zhao, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. An efficient method exploiting the waste heat from a direct carbon fuel cell by means of a thermophotovoltaiccell. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 149: 424-431
1 Z.C.Xu, G.X.Lin, J.C. Chen . A GdxHo1-x-based composite and its performance characteristics in a regenerative Ericsson refrigeration cycle, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015; 639: 520–525.
2 Zhichao Xu, Juncheng Guo, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Optimal thermoeconomic performance of an irreversible regenerative ferromagnetic Ericsson refrigeration cycle, Jounral of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2016; 409: 71-79
3 Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance characteristics of magnetic Brayton refrigeration cycle using Gd, Gd0.74Tb0.26 and (Gd3.5Tb1.5)Si4 as the working substance. Int. JRefrigeration, 2012; 35: 1035-1042
4 Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance characteristics of an irreversible regenerative magnetic Brayton refrigeration cycle using Gd0.74Tb0.26 as the working substance.Cryogenics, 2012, 52: 500-504
5 Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Effect of geometrical shape of the working substance Gadolinium on the performance of a regenerative magnetic Brayton refrigeration cycle. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2013, 326:103-107
6 Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance characteristics of a regeneration Ericsson refrigeration cycle using a magnetic composite as the working substance,Int. J. Refrigeration, 2013, 36(3): 958-964
7 Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance characteristics of a magnetic Ericsson refrigeration cycle using GdxDy1-x as the working substance. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2014, 350: 50–54
8 Gildas Diguet , Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Impact of the initial field on the thermodynamic performance of room-temperature magnetic refrigeration cycle,Int. J. Refrigeration, 2013;36:2395-2402
9 Zhengrong Xia, Yue Zhang, Jincan Chen, Guoxing Lin. Performance analysis and parametric optimum criteria of an irreversible magnetic Brayton refrigerator. Applied Energy, 2008, 85(2-3): 159-170
10 Z R Xia, X M Ye, G X Lin, E Brück. Optimization of the performance characteristics in an irreversible magnetic Ericsson refrigeration cycle, Physica B, 2006, 381(1-2):246-255
11 X Zhang, J Chen, G Lin, E Brück. Influence of irreversible losses on the performance of a two-stage magnetic Brayton refrigeration cycle. Physica B, 2010, 405: 1632-1637
12 X. M. Ye, G. X. Lin, J. C. Chen, E. Brück. Parametric optimization of an irreversible magnetic Ericsson refrigerator with finite heat reservoirs, Physica B, 2007, 391(2): 350-356
13 Fang Wei, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen, Ekkes Brück. Performance characteristic and parametric optimization of an irreversible magnetic Ericsson heat pump, Physica B, 2011, 406(3):633-639
14 Fang Wei , Ruizhe Wang, Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin. Performance optimization of irreversible ferromagnetic Stirling heat pumps. Int. J. Energy and Environmental Engineering, 2011; 2(2):77-83
15 Junyi Wang, Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance characteristics of a magnetic Ericsson refrigeration cycle using La(Fe0.88Si0.12)13H1 or Gd as the working substance. Advanced Materials Research 2013, 631-632 :322-325
16 Yuan Wang, Gildas Diguet, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Performance analysis of the regenerative Brayton refrigeration cycle using Gd0.94Er0.06 as the working substance Advanced Materials Research 2013, 631-632 :318-321
17 Shanhe Su, Zhichao Xu, Guoxing Lin, Gildas Diguet,Jincan Chen. Thermodynamic
performance characteristics of a regenerative Brayton refrigeration cycle using Gd0.45Tb0.55 and Gd as the working substance. Advanced Materials Research 2013, 750 -752: 1016 -1019
科研基金及项目 1)林国星等. 复合工质室温磁制冷机参数优化设计研究, 国家自然科学基金,60(直接费)+12万,2018,1-2021,12 (在研)
2)林国星等. 以钆基化合物为工质的磁制冷循环性能特性的研究, 国家自然科学基金,60万,2012,1-2015,12
3) 林国星等. 基于铁磁材料的不可逆回热制冷循环优化性能的研究,国家自然科学基金,30万,2008,1-2010,12
4) 林国星等. 不可逆磁热泵参数设计及性能优化的研究,教育部博士点基金,6万,2010,1-2012,12
5) 林国星等. 辐射和对流传热对太阳能Braysson热机循环性能影响的研究 , 福建省自然科学基金,2007-2008
6) 林国星等. 传热, 传质及其耦合优化理论的研究, 973子课题,10万,2001,1-2005,12
7)林国星等. 室温磁制冷新材料循环性能的研究, 福建省自然科学基金, 2004-2006
8) 林国星等. 磁制冷新材料热力学性能的研究, 教育部外国专家引智重点项目, 2005,1-12 9)林国星等 若干室温磁制冷材料回热特性的研究 教育部基金 2009,1-2009,12
任教课程 1 理论力学(本科省精品课程)
2 理论物理导论(本科必修)
3 高等工程热力学(硕士必修)
4 火用分析理论(硕士选修)
5 现代磁学理论(博士学位)
招生方向 荣誉奖励