
发布日期:2018-04-30     浏览次数:次   
邮   箱: yuanzhi_tan@xmu.edu.cn


2002/02 – 2006/06    厦门大学        化学化工学院     学士

2006/09 – 2011/06    厦门大学        化学化工学院     博士

                          导师:郑兰荪 院士 谢素原 教授

2011/11 – 2013/11    德国马克思普朗克聚合物研究所     博士后

                          合作导师:Klaus Müllen 教授

2013/11 – 2014/11    厦门大学        化学化工学院     副教授

2014/11 – 至今        厦门大学        化学化工学院     教授


主要从事富碳纳米分子(如石墨烯分子、巴基碗、碳纳米环等)的合成、功能化、超分子组装及其相关性能研究。以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Materials,Nature Chemistry,Nature Communications,Science Advances, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等发表多篇论文.。研究成果受到了国际重要期刊或网站如Nature Chemistry,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Chemistry World,Nature China,NPG Asia Materials等专文进行关注和点评。2012年获得教育部自然科学奖一等奖(第二完成人),2013年获得全国百篇优秀博士论文奖,2015年获得国家自然科学二等奖(第二完成人)。


  1. 1.Zhao, X.-J., Hou, H., Ding, P.-P., Deng, Z.-Y., Ju, Y.-Y., Liu, S.-H., Liu, Y.-M., Tang, C., Feng, L.-B. & Tan, Y.-Z.* Molecular defect-containing bilayer graphene exhibiting brightened luminescence. Sci. Adv. 6, eaay8541 (2020).

  2. 2. Qiu, Z.-L., Tang, C., Wang, X.-R., Ju, Y.-Y., Chu, K.-S., Deng, Z.-Y., Hou, H., Liu, Y.-M. & Tan, Y.-Z.* Tetra-benzothiadiazole-based [12]Cycloparaphenylene with Bright Emission and its Supramolecular Assembly. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2020).

  3. 3. Hou, H., Zhao, X.-J., Tang, C., Ju, Y.-Y., Deng, Z.-Y., Wang, X.-R., Feng, L.-B., Lin, D.-H., Hou, X., Narita, A., Mullen, K. & Tan, Y.-Z.* Synthesis and assembly of extended quintulene. Nature Communications 11, 3976-3976 (2020).

  4. 4. Zhao, X.-J., Hou, H., Fan, X.-T., Wang, Y., Liu, Y.-M., Tang, C., Liu, S.-H., Ding, P.-P., Cheng, J.*, Lin, D.-H., Wang, C., Yang, Y. & Tan, Y.-Z.* Molecular bilayer graphene. Nature Communications 10, 3057 (2019).

  5. 5. Liu, Y.-M., Huang, Y.-Q., Liu, S.-H., Chen, D., Tang, C., Qiu, Z.-L., Zhu, J.* & Tan, Y.-Z.* Bowl inversion in an exo-type supramolecule in the solid state. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58, 13276-13279 (2019).

  6. 6. Han, X.-B., Tang, X.-Y., Lin, Y., Gracia-Espino, E., Liu, S.-G., Liang, H.-W., Hu, G.-Z., Zhao, X.-J., Liao, H.-G., Tan, Y.-Z.*, Wagberg, T.*, Xie, S.-Y. & Zheng, L.-S. Ultrasmall Abundant Metal-Based Clusters as Oxygen-Evolving Catalysts. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 232-239 (2019).

  7. 7. Liu, Y.-M., Hou, H., Zhou, Y.-Z., Zhao, X.-J., Tang, C., Tan, Y.-Z.* & Müllen, K. Nanographenes as electron-deficient cores of donor-acceptor systems. Nature Communications 9, 1901 (2018).

  8. 8. Liu, Y.M., Xia, D., Li, B.W., Zhang, Q.Y., Sakurai, T., Tan, Y.-Z.*, Seki, S., Xie, S.Y.* & Zheng, L.S. Functional sulfur-doped buckybowls and their concave-convex supramolecular assembly with fullerenes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 13047-13051 (2016).

  9. 9. Cao, J., Liu, Y.-M., Jing, X., Yin, J., Li, J., Xu, B., Tan, Y.-Z.* & Zheng, N.* Well-Defined Thiolated Nanographene as Hole-Transporting Material for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 10914-10917 (2015).

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