学术讲座报告题目: Floquet engineering of many-body states by the Ponderomotive potential报告时间:2024-04-25 14:00报告人: 孙志远 助理教授清华大学物理系报告地点:能源材料大楼3号楼会议室2报告摘要: The ponderomotive force is an effective static force that a particle feels in an oscillating field, whose static potential may be called the ponderomotive potential. We generalize this notion to periodically driven quantum many-body systems, and propose it as a convenient tool to engineer their non-equilibrium steady states beyond the single particle level. Applied to materials driven by light, the ponderomotive potential is intimately related to the equilibrium optical conductivity, which is enhanced close to resonances. We show that the ponderomotive potential from the incident light may be used to induce exciton condensates in semiconductors, to generate attractive interactions leading to superconductivity in certain electron-phonon systems, and to create additional free energy minima in systems with charge/spin/excitonic orders. These effects are presented with experimentally relevant parameters. 报告人简介: 孙志远, 2012年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,2018年博士毕业于UC San Diego,2018年~2022年先后任Columbia University博士后及Harvard University HQI Fellow,2022年至今任清华大学物理系助理教授。孙志远研究凝聚态理论中的非平衡问题,集中在材料的光致非平衡现象。欢迎老师同学们积极参加!化学化工学院固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室