部门(DEPARTMENT):厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院城市规划系(Department of Urban Planning, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xiamen University)
姓名(NAME):何志超(Zhichao He)
职称(TITLE):助理教授(Assistant Professor)
办公室(ADDRESS):思明区大学路182号曾呈奎楼407室(Room 407, No.182, Daxue Road, Siming District, Xiamen City)
电子邮箱(EMAIL): zhichao.he@xmu.edu.cn
n 空间规划的实施评估/土地利用变化的政策驱动力: 空间规划实施评估的关键问题是:“假设没有空间规划,土地利用变化是否会有所不同?”回答这个问题是困难的,因为我们无法在现实世界进行“what-if”的控制实验。 我以中国的空间规划(如土地利用总体规划、主体功能区规划)为研究对象,对这个问题进行了一些建设性的探索。(Implementation Evaluation of Spatial Planning: Answering the question of how land use changes would have differed if there was not spatial planning is key for implementation evaluation of spatial planning. Yet, it is challenging because we are unable to conduct "what-if" control experiment in the real world. I focus on spatial planning in China and aim to explore the question.)
n 乡村城镇化/就地城镇化:乡村的未来是没落还是振兴?答案还在争论中。半农半城的乡村城镇化可以是一种不错答案。(Rural Urbanization: Where is the future of rural areas? declining? or revitalizing? The answers are still contentious. Rural urbanization, a settlement is neither urban nor rural, but demonstrates features of both, can be a good answer.)
n 空间分析:探索现实世界中事物之间的空间关系是一件令人着迷的事情。(Spatial Analysis: It is fascinating to explore spatial relationships in reality.)
n 因果推论:复杂系统的研究需要寻找事物之间的因果关系。土地系统和城市系统也不例外。基于“反事实”框架的因果推论可能为土地系统科学和城市科学提供一套有效的新方法。(Causal Inference: Capturing causal relationships is essential to better understanding of complex systems. Land system and urban system are the cases. Counterfactual causal inference may serve as an effective methodology for land system science and urban science.)
n 2018年3月-2023年5月,自然科学博士,德国哈勒-维腾贝格大学(Mar. 2018-May 2023, Doctoral Candidate in Department of Sustainable Landscape Development, Institute for Geosciences and Geography, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg)
n 2019年10月-2021年10月,客座博士生,瑞士联邦森林、雪与景观研究所(Oct. 2019- Oct. 2021,Guest Doctoral Student at Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL)
n 2014年9月-2017年6月,理学硕士,福建师范大学地理科学学院,城市与区域规划专业(Sep.2014-Jun. 2017, Master of Science in School of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Urban and Regional Planning)
n 2015年9月-2017年6月,客座硕士研究生,中国科学院城市环境研究所 (Sep. 2015-Jun. 2017, Guest Master Student at Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
n 2010年9月-2014年6月,理学学士,福建师范大学地理科学学院,资源环境与城乡规划管理专业(Sep.2010-Jun. 2014,Bachelor of Science in School of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Resource and Environment Management & Urban and Rural Planning)
n 2023年7月至今,助理教授,厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院城市规划系(Jul. 2023- , Assistant Professor in Department of Urban Planning, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xiamen University)
n 2017年9月-2018年2月,科研助理,中国科学院城市环境研究所(Sep. 2017-Feb. 2018, Research Assistant at Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
n CONCUR - From Plan to land change(瑞士国家科学科学基金:BSCGIO 157789)
n 城市绿地景观格局及生态系统服务与社会经济活动的交互影响机制研究——国家自然科学基金面上项目:31872688
n 南方海岸带小流域水污染防控与生态功能综合提升技术(国家十三五重点研发计划项目:017YFC0505803)
n 县域主体功能区划(国家发展改革委、生态环境部)
n 福建省城镇空间形态和产业聚集耦合过程研究(福建省自然科学基金面上项目:2015J01177)
n Zhichao He, Zhaowu Yu*, Christine Fürst, and Anna M. Hersperger. "Peer effects drive non-conformance between built-up land expansion and zoning: Evidence from Zhangzhou city, China " Applied Geography, 2023, 152, 102875.
n Zhichao He*, Yuheng Ling, Christine Fürst, and Anna M. Hersperger. "Does zoning contain built-up land expansion? Causal evidence from Zhangzhou City, China." Landscape and Urban Planning, 2022, 220: 104339.
n Zhichao He*, Chunhong Zhao, Christine Fürst, and Anna M. Hersperger. "Closer to causality: How effective is spatial planning in governing built-up land expansion in Fujian Province, China?" Land Use Policy, 2021, 108: 105562.
n Qinghai Guo, Zhichao He*, Dawei Li, and Marcin Spyra. "Analysis of spatial patterns and socioeconomic activities of urbanized rural areas in Fujian Province, China." Land, 2022, 11: 969.
n Zhichao He, Xiao Lishan, Guo Qinghai*, et al. Evidence of causality between economic growth and vegetation dynamics and implications for sustainability policy in Chinese cities[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 251: 119550.
n 何志超, 赵春红, 李国煜, 郭青海*. 从空间规划到土地利用变化——差异、现状、挑战和未来方向[J]. 城市规划, 2020, 44(10): 9-19. (Zhichao He, Chunhong Zhao, Guoyu Li, and Qinghai Guo*, From spatial planning to land use change: Difference, current situation, challenge, and future direction[J]. City Planning Review, 2020, 44(10): 9-19. in Chinese).
n 何志超, 郭青海*, 杨一夫, 肖黎姗. 基于POI数据的厦漳泉同城化进展评估[J]. 规划师, 2018, 34(4): 33-37. (Zhichao He, Qinghai Guo*, Yifu Yang, and Lishan Xiao. An evaluation of Xiamen-Zhangzhou-Quanzhou Integrate Development Plan based on POI[J]. Planner, 2018, (4): 33-37. in Chinese).