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讲座通知:Production Scheduling and Price Quotation with Uncertain Order Inquiries

作者: 编辑: 发布时间:2013-05-28

题 目:Production Scheduling and Price Quotation with Uncertain Order Inquiries


时 间:2013年6月3日(星期一)上午10:00-11:30

地 点:管理学院辅楼121室

Abstract: We study the coordination between pricing and production scheduling decisions of a manufacturer who quotes prices for a set of order inquiries. Each inquiry is either canceled or confirmed by its owner following a certain probability distribution that depends on the quoted price. The manufacturer then incurs a production scheduling cost for processing each firm order. Two types of price quotation schemes, simultaneous and sequential quotations, are investigated. A simultaneous quotation quotes all order inquiries simultaneously. We formulate the problem with a special form of price function as a quadratic program that can be solved efficiently. Properties of optimal quotations are provided. A sequential quotation quotes order inquiries one at a time. For the problem, we develop optimal algorithms using implicit enumeration, and design efficient heuristics. Through computational studies, we compare simultaneous and sequential quotations and provide several managerial insights. We also recognize conditions under which simultaneous quotation performs close to sequential quotation, and conditions under which  heuristic sequential quotation performs near optimal.







电邮:ieemqi@ust.hk      电话:(852)23588231












3.10篇被引用次数做多论文,International Journal of Production Economics (2007-2010),论文:Tiaojun Xiao, Xiangtong Qi, Gang Yu, Coordination of supply chain after demand disruptions when retailers compete, V.109, 162-179, 2007。

4.中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文(2008年),论文:Tiaojun Xiao, Xiangtong Qi, Price competition, cost and demand disruptions and coordination of a supply chain with one manufacturer and two competing retailers, Omega, V.36, 741-753, 2008。



1. 香港国际货柜码头(HIT)

2. 上海安吉汽车零部件物流有限公司

3. 美国邮政(US Postal Services)

4. 美国大陆航空(Continental Airlines)



1. 期刊副编辑(Associate Editor):

a. IIE Transactions

b. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

c. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research

2. 会议程序主席:

a. IIE亚洲会议(IIE Asian Conference),上海,2011年6月。

b. INFORMS服务科学国际会议(INFORMS International Conference on Service Science),香港,2009年8月。

3. 副会长:香港工业工程师学会,2008-2010。

4. 评委:香港运输物流学会(CILTHK)征文比赛,2009-2012。




1.Benjamin G. Thengvall, Xiangtong Qi, System and method for rapid generation of minimum length pilot training schedules, Patent No. 7240018.  



1. Gang Yu, Xiangtong Qi, Disruption Management: Framework, Models and Applications, World Scientific Publishing Co, Singapore, 2004.



1.Xiangtong Qi, Jian Yang, Gang Yu, Scheduling problems in the airline industry. In Handbook of Scheduling: Algorithms, Models, and Performance Analysis, Joseph Y-T. Leung (Ed.), Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Ratan, FL, 50:1-50:21, 2004.



Zhixin Liu, Liang Lu, Xiangtong Qi, Simultaneous and sequential price quotations for uncertain order inquiries with production scheduling cost, IIE Transactions, V.44, 820-833, 2012.

Xiangtong Qi, Dong-Ping Song, Minimizing fuel emissions by optimizing vessel schedules in liner shipping with uncertain port times, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, V.48, 863-880, 2012.

Liang Lu, Xiangtong Qi, Dynamic lot sizing for multiple products with a new joint replenishment model, European Journal of Operational Research, V.212, 74-80, 2011.

Chung-Yee Lee, Xiangtong Qi, Vehicle scheduling with combinable delivery and pickup operations, Operations Research Letters, V.37, 399-404, 2009.

Xiangtong Qi, Coordinated logistics scheduling for in-house production and outsourcing, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, V.5, 188-192, 2008.

Xiangtong Qi, A logistics scheduling model: Scheduling and transshipment for two processing centers, IIE Transactions, V.38, 609-618, 2006.

Xiangtong Qi, A logistics scheduling model: Inventory cost reduction by batching, Naval Research Logistics, V.52, 312-320, 2005.

Jian Yang, Xiangtong Qi, Yusen Xia, A production-inventory system with Markovian capacity and outsourcing option, Operations Research, V.53, 328-349, 2005.

Xiangtong Qi, Jonathan F. Bard, Gang Yu, Supply chain coordination with demand disruptions, Omega, V.32, 301-312, 2004.

Xiangtong Qi, Jonathan F. Bard, Gang Yu, Class scheduling for pilot training, Operations Research, V.52, 148-162, 2004.