Name:Yahong ZHANG
Current position:Professor
l Research Interests
We are working onthe test load design for the maneuverable flight aircraft with high accelerations and jerks, including rigid-flexible coupling dynamics model, simulation method, experimental technology on a three-axis centrifuge. Moreover, our research area includes structure vibration control and rigid-flexible coupling mechanics.
l Work experience
2019 - Now Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
2008–2018 AssociateProfessor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
2011 -2012 Visiting Scholar, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, UK
1998– 2008 Lecture,School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
1995 –1998 Teaching assistant, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
l Education
2004– 2008 Ph.D. Mechanics,Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
1998– 2011 M.S. Mechanics,Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
2004 – 2008 B.S. Mechanics,Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
l Representative Publications
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Yang Mei; Zhang Yahong;Zhang Shuai; Dong GUangxu; Zhang XInong.(2017).Kinematics model and acceleration simulation algorithm for a Three-axis CentrifugeJournal ofXi’an Jiaotong University,2017,51(09):159-164 |
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Wang Dan; Zhang Yahong; Bai Changqin; Dong Guangxu. (2017).Study on parameter identification and dynamic performance of a novel rubber isolatorChinesJournal ofApplied Mechanics,34(03):410-416+604. |
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Zhang Yahong, Zhang Meng, Zhang Shuai, Zhang Xinong(2017).Experimental Investigation on Bending and Torsional Vibration Control of Shallow ShellsJournal ofExperimentalMechanics, 32(03):333-341. |
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Zhang Yahong; Zhang Shuai; Chen Shenglai. &Zhang Xinong. (2016).GeneralKinematicsModel andCouplingMovementAnalysis for aThree-axisCentrifugeMotionSimulator Journal of MechanicalEngineering, 52(23):135-140. |
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Zhang Yahong; Zhang Meng;LuoYajun; Zhang Xinong(2016).Energy harvestingcharacteristics of PVDF layers on thin-walled structures with curved surface,Journal of VibroengineeringJournal of Vibroengineering, 18(8):5029-5047 |
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Zhang Yahong; Luo Yajun;Zhang Xinong(2016).Nonlinear vibration control of a piezoelectric beam witha fuzzy logic controllerInternational Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 52:251-260. |