刘 畅

职 称:



E-MAIL: chang.liu@xjtu.edu.cn











2023.02~至今    西安交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,教授;

2022.06~2023.01 西安交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,特聘研究员

2020.12~2022.5 “新型高效合金涂层研发” 项目 (获欧盟地平线2020资助): “使用机器学习及实验方法设计多组元合金” 子课题负责人,合作导师:Dierk Raabe教授(德国国家科学院院士);

2019.3~2022.5 德国马克斯普朗克钢铁研究所,博士后研究员。合作导师:Dierk Raabe教授(德国国家科学院院士);

2017.6~2019.2 香港城市大学,博士后研究员。合作导师:吕坚教授(法国国家技术科学院院士);


2012.9~2017.7     香港城市大学,博士;

2008.09~2012.07   东北大学,学士


长期致力于超强高塑性纳米结构多主元合金的研发及性能调控,在基于热力学理论的合金设计、高通量材料制备、原子尺度强塑性机制探索三个方面取得系列创新性成果。为纳米结构合金制备工艺、结构调控和可靠服役提供了重要的理论基础与实验指导,并为纳米结构合金作为涂层材料提升块体合金力学性能与使役性能的应用提供了可行方案。相关成果近5年以一作发表在国际顶级期刊,包括Nature Communications(2篇),Materials Today,Advanced Science等,以通讯作者发表在Scripta Materialia,在其他国际高水平期刊合作发表论文9篇。作为马普学会钢铁研究所 “新型高效合金涂层研发” 项目 (获欧盟地平线2020计划资助), “使用机器学习及实验方法设计多组元合金” 子课题负责人,参与项目申请书撰写并领导项目进度。担任期刊Crystals客座编辑。


1. C. Liu, W. Lu, W. Xia, C. Du, Z. Rao, J.P. Best, S. Brinckmann, J. Lu, B. Gault, G. Dehm, G. Wu*, Z. Li*, D. Raabe*, Massive interstitial solid solution alloys achieve near-theoretical strength, Nature Communications, 13, 1102 (2022).

2. C. Liu*, Z. Li, W. Lu, Y. Bao, W. Xia, X. Wu, H. Zhao, B. Gault, C. Liu, M. Herbig, A. Fischer, G. Dehm, G. Wu*, D. Raabe*, Reactive wear protection through strong and deformable oxide nanocomposite surfaces, Nature Communications, 12, 5518 (2021).

3. G. Wu#, C. Liu# (equal contribution), A. Brognara, M. Ghidelli*, Y. Bao, S. Liu, X. Wu, W. Xia, H. Zhao, J. Rao, D. Ponge, V. Devulapalli, W. Lu*, G. Dehm, D. Raabe*, Z. Li*, Symbiotic crystal-glass alloys via dynamic chemical partitioning, Materials Today, 51, 6-12 (2021).

4. C. Liu, Y. Liu, Q. Wang, X. Liu, Y. Bao, G. Wu*, J. Lu*, Nano-dual-phase metallic glass film enhances strength and ductility of a gradient nanograined magnesium alloy, Advanced Science 7, 202001480 (2020).

5. C. Liu, Q. Wang, B. Han, J. Luan, J.J. Kai, C.T. Liu, G. Wu*, J. Lu*, Second phase effect on corrosion of nanostructured Mg-Zn-Ca dual-phase metallic glasses, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 9, 1546-1555 (2021).

6. C. Liu*, Y. Lin, Z. Zhou, K.-Y. Li, Dual phase amorphous carbon ceramic achieves theoretical strength limit and large plasticity, Carbon 122, 276-280 (2017).

7. C. Liu*, Z.F. Zhou, K.-Y. Li, Improved corrosion resistance of CoCrMo alloy with self-passivation ability facilitated by carbon ion implantation, Electrochimica Acta 241, 331-340 (2017).

8. C. Liu*, Z.F. Zhou, P. Shum, K.-Y. Li, Surface gradient CoCrMo alloy generated by carbon ion implantation with enhanced tribocorrosion resistance, Surface and Coatings Technology 320, 590-594 (2017).

9. G. Wu, J. Zhang, C. Liu*, Q. Wang, J. Lu*, Ductility of an ultrastrong glass-crystal nano-dual-phase alloy in sub-micron, Scripta Materialia 183, 17-21 (2020). *: Corresponding author.

10. G. Wu, C. Liu, L. Sun, Q. Wang, B. Sun, B. Han, J.-J. Kai, J. Luan, C.T. Liu, K. Cao, Y. Lu, L. Cheng, J. Lu*, Hierarchical nanostructured aluminum alloy with ultrahigh strength and large plasticity, Nature Communications 10, 5099 (2019).

11. Z. Rao, B. Dutta, F. Körmann, W. Lu*, X. Zhou, C. Liu, A. Kwiatkowski da Silva, U. Wiedwald, M. Spasova, M, Farle, D. Ponge, B. Gault, J. Neugebauer, D. Raabe, Z. Li*, Beyond solid solution high‐entropy alloys: Tailoring magnetic properties via spinodal decomposition, Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2007668 (2021).

12. I. Moravcik*, N. S. Peighambardoust, A. Motallebzadeh, L. Moravcikova-Gouvea, C. Liu, J. M. Prabhakar, I. Dlouhy, Z. Li, Interstitial nitrogen enhances corrosion resistance of an equiatomic CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy in sulfuric acid solution, Materials Characterization 172, 110869 (2021).

13. X. Zhang, C. Silva, C. Liu, M. Prabhakar, M. Rohwerder*, Selective oxidation of ternary Fe-Mn-Si alloys during annealing process, Corrosion Science 174, 108859 (2020).

14. G. Wu, S. Balachandran, B. Gault, W. Xia, C. Liu, Z. Rao, Y. Wie, S. Liu, J. Lu, M. Herbig, W. Lu*, G. Dehm, Z. Li*. D. Raabe*, Crystal-Glass high-entropy nanocomposites with near theoretical compressive strength and large deformability, Advanced Materials 32, 2002619 (2020).

15. G. Wu, L, Sun, L, Zhu, C. Liu, Q. Wang, Y. Bao, J. Lu*, Near-ideal strength and large compressive deformability of a nano-dual-phase glass-crystal alloy in sub-micron, Scripta Materialia 188, 290-295 (2020).

16. T. Olugbade, C. Liu, J. Lu*, Enhanced passivation layer by Cr diffusion of 301 stainless steel facilitated by SMAT, Advanced Engineering Materials 21, 1900125 (2019).

17. Q. Li, L. Luo, F. Xu, G. Wu, C. Liu, Y. Jing, Y. Liu, J. Lu*, Mechanical properties and corrosion behaviors of AZ31 alloy with dual-phase glass-crystal coating, Materials Characterization 154, 200-211 (2019).

18. G. Wu, Y. Liu, C. Liu, Q.-H. Tang, X.-S. Miao, J. Lu*, Novel multilayer structure design of metallic glass film deposited Mg alloy with superior mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, Intermetallics 62, 22–26 (2015).