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专业方向: 材料学






长期致力于有金属材料力学行为与性能、固体界面摩擦行为等方面的研究,已在核心期刊上发表论文40余篇,包括Nature, Science, PNAS, Nano Lett, Acta Mater等,其中3篇入选ESI高被引论文。研究工作被Nature的News & Views,PNAS的Commentary等专栏报道。主持并参与多个科研项目。


[1] S. Li, Q. Li*, R. W. Carpick*, P. Gumbsch, X.-Z. Liu, X. Ding, J. Sun and J. Li*, “The evolving quality of frictional contact with graphene”, Nature, 539, 541-545 (2016).

[2] H. Li#, H. Zong#, S. Li#, S. Jin, Y. Chen, M. J. Cabral, B. Chen, Q. Huang, Y. Chen, Y. Ren, K. Yu, S. Han*, X. Ding*, G. Sha*, J. Lian, X. Liao*, E. Ma*, J. Sun, "Uniting tensile ductility with ultrahigh strength via composition undulation", Nature 604, 273-279 (2022)

[3] G. Dong#, S. Li#, M. Yao#, Z. Zhou*, Y.-Q. Zhang, X. Han, Z. Luo, J. Yao, B. Peng, Z. Hu, H. Huang, T. Jia, J. Li, W. Ren, Z.-G. Ye, X. Ding*, J. Sun, C.-W. Nan, L.-Q. Chen, J. Li, M. Liu*, “Super-elastic ferroelectric single-crystal membrane with continuous electric dipole rotation”, Science 366, 475-479 (2019).

[4] B. Chen, S. Li*, H. Zong, X. Ding, J. Sun, E. Ma*, “Unusual activated processes controlling dislocation motion in body-centered-cubic high-entropy alloys”, PNAS 117 16199-16206 (2020).

[5] S. Li, Y.G. Li, Y.C. Lo, T. Neeraj*, R. Srinivasan, X.D. Ding, J. Sun, L. Qi, P. Gumbsch, J. Li*,The interaction of dislocations and hydrogen-vacancy complexes and its importance for deformation-induced proto nano-voids formation in alpha-Fe, International Journal of Plasticity 74, 175-191 (2015)