
职 称:






   1. 热喷涂、冷喷涂技术的基础理论研究;
   2. 功能涂层、高性能耐磨陶瓷涂层、纳米结构涂层技术的开发;
   3. 热喷涂纤维增强复合材料制造技术研究;
   4. 固体氧化物燃料电池、染料敏化太阳电池制造技术研究。

1989.11-1992.9    日本近畿高能加工技术研究所博士后研究
1992.9-1992.12    西安交通大学 讲师  
1992.12-至今        西安交通大学 教授(1993.9:博导)
1996.7-1996.10    大阪大学接合科学研究所 客座教授
1997.1-1997.2      日本通产省名古屋工业技术研究所 客座研究员
1998.5-1998.6      法国贝尔福—蒙贝利亚德理工大学 客座教授
1998.9-1999.2      大阪大学接合科学研究所 客座教授
2001.5 _ 2001.6     新加坡南洋理工大学 客座教授
2001.9-2001.12    法国贝尔福—蒙贝利亚德理工大学 客座教授
2002.3-2002. 3    法国贝尔福—蒙贝利亚德理工大学 客座教授
2005.7 -- 2005. 9    法国贝尔福—蒙贝利亚德理工大学 客座教授

1. Y.Arata, A.Ohmori and C.-J. Li, 1986, Basic study on properties of plasma sprayed ceramic coatings, Trans. Jpn. Weld. Res. Inst., Vol.15, pp.339-348.
2. Y.Arata, A.Ohmori and C.-J. Li, 1987, Characteristics of metal electroplating to plasma sprayed ceramic coatings, Trans. Jpn. Weld. Res. Inst., Vol.16, pp.259-265.
3. Y.Arata, A.Ohmori and C.-J. Li, 1988, Electrochemical method to evaluate the connected porosity in ceramic coatings, Thin Solid Films, Vol.156, pp.315-325.
4. 荒田吉明,大森明,李长久, 1988, アルミナ溶射皮膜の物性と构造,日本高温学会志,Vol.14, pp.220-233, (In Japanese).
5. Y.Arata, A.Ohmori and C.-J. Li, 1988, Fracture Behavior of plasma sprayed ceramic coatings in scratch test, Trans. Jpn. Weld. Res. Inst., Vol.17, pp.311-315.
6. 大森明,李长久, 荒田吉明,井上敬胜,岩本信也,1990, アルミナ溶射皮膜の贯通气孔率の皮膜构造依存性,(日本)高温学会志,Vol.16, (Supplement), pp.332-340, (In Japanese).
7. A.Ohmori, C.-J. Li and Y.Arata, 1990, Influence of plasma spray conditions on the structure of Al2O3 coatings, Trans. Jpn. Weld. Res. Inst., Vol.19, pp.259-270.
8. A.Ohmori and C.-J. Li, 1991, Quantitative characterization of the structure of plasma sprayed Al2O3 coating by using copper electroplating, Thin Solid Films, Vol.201, pp.241-252.
9. 谷和美,原田良夫,李长久,1995, WC-Co系溶射皮膜形成における粒子扁平化とその积层构造,日本金属学会志,Vol.59(No.11), pp.1130-1135 (In Japanese).
10. C.-J. Li, A.Ohmori and Y.Harada, 1996, Effect of powder structure on the structure of thermally sprayed WC-Co coatings, Journal of Materials Science, Vol.31, pp.785-794.
11. C.-J. Li, A.Ohmori and Y.Harada, 1996, Formation of an amorphous phase in thermally sprayed WC-Co, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol.5, pp.69-73.
12. C.-J. Li, and A.Ohmori, 1996, The lamellar structure of a detonation gun sprayed Al2O3 coating, Surface and Coating Technology, Vol.82, pp.254-258.
13. C.-J. Li, A.Ohmori and R.McPherson, 1997, Vol.32, pp.997-1004.
14. A.Ohmori, K.Yoshida and C.-J. LI, 1997, Characterization of graded Ti silicide coatings formed by thermal diffusion treatment of low pressure plasma sprayed silicon coating on titanium substrate, Trans. of Joining and Welding Research Institute, Vol.26 (No.2) pp.35-41.
15. 园家启嗣,李长久,纪岗昌,王豫跃,1998, 高速ガスフレ-ム溶射によるCr3C2-NiCr皮膜の物性に及ぼす溶射条件の影响,溶接学会_文集,Vol.16 (No.1), pp. 25-34.
16. A.Ohmori, N.Ohnishi, C.-J. LI and H.Shoyama, 1998, Characterization of the structure of plasma-sprayed metallic silicide coatings, Trans. of Joining and Welding Research Institute, Vol.27 (No.2), pp.47-52.
17. C.-J. Li, K. Sonoya, G.-C. Ji and Y.-Y Wang, 1998, Effect of spray conditions on the properties of HVOF Cr3C2-NiCr coatings, Welding in the World, Vol.41 No.2, pp.77-87.
18. C.-J. Li, A.Ohmori and K.Tani, 1999, Effect of WC particle size on the abrasive wear of thermally sprayed WC-Co coatings, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol.14 (No.2), pp.175-184.
19. C.-J. Li, H.Yang and H.Li, 1999, Effect of gaseous conditions on the characteristics of HVOF flame and structure and property of WC-Co coatings, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol.14 (No.3), pp.383-395.
20. C.-J. Li, K.Sonoya and F.-H.Li, 2000,Study of influence of plasma spray conditions on the mechanical properties of Ni-50%Cr coatings, by orthogonal experimental design, Welding In the World, Vol.44, No.3, pp.22-28.
21. K. Sonoya, C.-J. Li and F.-H. Li, 2001, Study of relationships between microstructure and mechanical properties of plasma-sprayed Ni-50Cr coatings and spray parameters, Quarterly Journal of Japan Welding Society, Vol.19(1) 27-36 In Japanese)
22. C.-J. Li, Y.Y. Wang, T. Wu and G.C. Ji, Effect of types of ceramic materials in aggregated powder on the adhesive strength of HVOF cermet coating, Surface & Coating Technology, Volume: 145, Issue: 1-3, August 1, 2001, pp. 113-120
23. C.-J. Li and A. Ohmori, Relationship between the structure and properties of thermally sprayed coatings, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol.11, No.3 (2002)365-374.
24. C.-J. Li and Y.-Y. Wang, Effect of particle state on the adhesive strength of HVOF sprayed metallic coating, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol.11(4)(2002)523-529.
25. C.-J. Li, G.-C. Ji, Y.-Y. Dominant effect of carbide rebounding on the carbon loss during high velocity oxy-fuel spraying of Cr3C2-NiCr, Thin Solid Films, Vol.419 (2002)137-143.
26. C.-J. Li, W.-Y. Li, Effect of sprayed powder particle size on the oxidation behavior of MCrAlY materials during HVOF deposition, Surface & Coating Technology, V.162 (2003)21-41.
27. C.-J. Li, W.-Y. Li, Deposition Characteristics of Titanium Coating in Cold Spraying, Surface & Coating Technology, Vol.167 No.2-3(2003)pp.278 _ 283.
28. C.-J. Li, G.-J. Yang and Z. Wang, Formation of nano-structured TiO2 by flame spraying with liquid feedstock, Materials Letter, Vol.57(No.13-14), 2003, pp.2130-2134.
29. Keiji Sonoya, Chang-Jiu Li and Gang-Chang Ji, Relationship between the microstructure and properties of HVOF sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr coatings, Quarterly J. Japan Welding Society, 2003, Vol.21(No.1), 2003, pp.109-115 (In Japanese).
30. C.-J. Li, T. Wu and C.-X. Li, Effect of spray particle trajectories on the measurement signal of particle parameters based on thermal radiation, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol.12(1) ( 2003) 80-94.
31. C.-J. Li, W.-Z. Wang and Y. He, Measurement of fracture toughness of plasma-sprayed Al2O3 coatings using a tapered double beam method, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 2003, Vol.86 (8) 1437-39.
32. Chang-Jiu Li, Guan-Jun Yang and Akira Ohmori, Potential strengthening of erosion performance of plasma-sprayed Al2O3 coating by adhesives Impregnation, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol.22, 2003, 1499-1501.
33. Chang-Jiu Li and Bo Sun, Microstructure and Property of Al2O3 coating micro-plasma sprayed using a novel hollow cathode torch, Materials Letters, 2004,Vol 58/1-2 pp 179-183.
34.Chang-Jiu Li and Bo Sun, Effects of spray parameters on the microstructure and property of Al2O3 coatings sprayed by a low power plasma torch with a novel hollow cathode, Thin Solid Films, 2004, 450/2 pp. 282-289
35. Fuxing Ye, A Ohmori, Chang-Jiu Li, Formation of p-n junction by plasma spraying technique to enhance the photocatalytic activity of TiO2,Journal of Materials Science, Vol.39(2004) 353-355.
36. Chang-Jiu Li, Cheng-Xin Li and Xian-Jin Ning, Performance of YSZ Electrolyte Layer