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Zhou Yu-Mei
中文姓名 周玉美

Email: zhouyumei@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Webpage: /xjtu/mu_gr/web/zhouyumei

Research interests:

 Developing high damping martensitic alloys 

 New functional properties in strain glass alloys

 Phase transition behavior in high performance lead-free piezoelectrics


1/2015—now, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Associate Professor.

07/2011-12/2014, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University;  Assistant Professor

10/2014-10/2015, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), USA;

1year Postdoctoral funding from China Scholarship Council (CSC)

04/2010-03/2011, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japanjunior researcher

05/2008-04/2010, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan2 year graduate funding from China Scholarship Counci(CSC)

09/2005-04/2007, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japanjunior researcher   


03/2006-06/2011 Materials Science and TechnologyXi’an Jiaotong University, PhD

09/2004-03/2006 Materials Science and TechnologyXi’an Jiaotong University, Master

09/2000-07/2004  Materials Science and TechnologyXi’an Jiaotong University, Bachelor

Honor & Awards:

2010 “Kanno Changui Scholarship” by the association of science and technology

 exchanges between Japan and China (only 2-4 Chinese students are awarded per year)

2006 “Dow” Chemical Scholarship for graduate studies

2004 “Excellent Bachelor of Engineering Thesis”, Xi'an Jiaotong University

2003 Excellent undergraduate student, Xi'an Jiaotong University

2003 Academic Scholarship, Xi'an Jiaotong University

2003 "Ci Hui" Science and Technology Scholarship for undergraduate student

2002 National Scholarship for excellent students, the Education Ministry of China

2001 Academic Scholarship, Xi'an Jiaotong University

2000 Scholarship for the freshmen of Xi'an Jiaotong University

Representative Publications:


[1] D XueY Zhou*X DingK OtsukaT Lookman, J Sun, X Ren. Ambient-temperature high damping capacity in TiPd-based martensitic alloys. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 632:110-119

[2] D XueJ.Gao, Y Zhou*X DingK OtsukaJSun, T Lookman, X Ren. Phase transitions and phase diagram of Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3-x(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 Pb-free system by anelastic measurement. J. Appl. Phys. 117, 124107.


[3] Zhou Y, Xue D, Ding X, Otsuka K, Sun J and Ren X (Invited). High temperature strain glass transition in defect doped Ti-Pdmartensitic alloys. Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics, 1-7.

[4] Xue D, Zhou Y, Ding X, Wang Y, Zhang J, Sun J and Ren X. The transitions from glassy state to long-range ordered state in ferroic glasses. Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics, 1-8, 2014

[5] Zhou Y, Xue D, Tian Y, Ding X, Guo S, Otsuka K, Sun J, Ren X. Direct evidence for local symmetry breaking during a strain glass transition. Physical Review Letters, 2014; 112:025701.


[6] Zhou Y, Xue D, Ding X, Zhang L, Sun J, Ren X. Modeling the paraelectric aging effect in the acceptor doped perovskite ferroelectrics: role of oxygen vacancy. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2013; 25: 435901.

[7] Anna K, Xue D, Zhou Y, Ding X, Otsuka D, A. L’vov Victor, Sun J, Ren X. Impact of the volume change on the ageing effects in Cu–Al–Ni martensite: experiment and theory. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2013; 25 (33): 335402.

[8] Fan G, Zhou Y, Otsuka K, Ren X, Suzuki T, Yin F. On the internal friction due to the twin boundary-h interaction in martensite. In ICOMAT (pp. 435-444). John Wiley & Son.


[9] Xue D, Zhou Y, Ding X, Lookman T, Sun J, Ren X. Aging and deaging effects in shape memory alloys. Physical Review B, 2012; 86: 184109

[10] Xue D, Zhou Y, Gao J, Ding X, Ren X. A comparison between tetragonal-rhombohedral and tetragonal-orthorhombic phase boundaries on piezoelectricity enhancement. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2012; 100: 17010

[11] Vasseur R, Xue D, Zhou Y, Ettoumi W, Ding X, Ren X, Lookman T. Phase Diagram of Ferroelastic Systems in the Presence of Disorder: Analytical Model and Experimental Verification. Physical Review B, 2012; 86: 184103.

[12] Wu H, Xue D, Lv D, Gao J, Guo S, Zhou Y, Ding X, Zhou C, Yang S, Yang Y, Ren X. Microstructure at morphotropic phase boundary in PMN-PT ceramic: Coexistence of nano-scaled {110}-type rhombohedral twin and {110}-type tetragonal twin. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012; 112: 052004. (* Corresponding author)


[13] Xue D, Zhou Y,* Ren X, The Effect Of Aging On The B2-R Transformation Behaviors In Ti-51at%Ni Alloy, Intermetallics 2011, 19: 1752-1758. *corresponding author

[14] Xue D, Zhou Y, Ding X, Otsuka K, Sun J, Ren X. Martensite aging effects on the dynamic properties of Au–Cd shape memory alloys: Characteristics and modeling. Acta Materialia 2011;59:4999.

[15] Xue D, Zhou Y, Bao H, Zhou C, Gao J, Ren X. Elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric properties of Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-50(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 Pb-free ceramic at the morphotropic phase boundary. Journal of Applied Physics 2011;109:054110.

[16] Xue D, Zhou Y, Bao H, Gao J, Zhou C, Ren X. Large piezoelectric effect in Pb-free Ba (Ti,Sn)O3-x(Ba,Ca)TiO3 ceramics. Applied Physics Letters 2011;99:122901.

[17] Xue D, Gao J, Bao H, Zhou Y, Zhang L, Ren X. In situ observation of thermally activated domain memory and polarization memory in an aged K+-doped (Ba, Sr) TiO3 single crystal.  Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2011;23:275902.

[18] Zhang J, Wang Y, Ding X, Zhang Z, Zhou Y, Ren X, Otsuka K, Sun J, Song M.   Spontaneous strain glass to martensite transition in a Ti50Ni44.5Fe5.5 strain glass Physical Review B 2011; 84:  245433

[19] Zhang J, Wang Y, Ding X, Zhang Z, Zhou Y, Ren X, Wang D, Ji Y, Song M, Otsuka K, Sun J. Stress-induced strain glass to martensite (R) transition in a Ti50Ni44.5Fe5.5 alloy. Physical Review B 2011: 83: 174204.


[20] Zhou Y, Xue D, Ding X, Wang Y, Zhang J, Zhang Z, Wang D, Otsuka K, Sun J, Ren X.   Strain glass in doped Ti50(Ni50-xDx)(D= Co, Cr, Mn) alloys: Implication for the generality of strain glass in defect-containing ferroelastic systems. Acta Materialia 2010;58:5433.

[21] Wang Y, Zhou Y, Zhang J, Ding XD, Yang S, Song XP, Ren XB, Otsuka K.      Evolution of the relaxation spectrum during the strain glass transition of Ti48.5Ni51.5 alloy.       Acta Materialia 2010; 58: 4723

[22] Ren X, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Zhang Z, Wang D, Fan G, Otsuka K, Suzuki T, Ji Y, Zhang J, Tian Y, Hou S, Ding X, Strain glass in ferroelastic systems: Premartensitic tweed versus strain glass.       Philosophical Magazine 2010; 90: 141. (invited review paper)

[23] Wang D, Zhang Z, Zhang J, Zhou Y, Wang Y, Ding X, Wang YZ, Ren X, Strain Glass in Fe-Doped Ti-Ni. Acta Materialia 2010, 58: 6206.

[24] Zhang Z, Wang Y, Wang D, Zhou Y, Otsuka K, Ren X, A new phase diagram of Ti50-xNi50+x ---crossover from martensite to strain glass. Physical Review B, 2010, 81: 224102.


[25] Zhou Y, Xue D, Ding X, Otsuka K, Sun J, Ren X. High temperature strain glass in Ti(PdCr) alloy and the associated shape memory effect and superelasticity. Applied Physics Letters 2009;95:151906.

[26] Zhou Y, Fan G, Xue D, Ding X, Otsuka K, Sun J, Ren X. High damping capacity in a wide ambient-temperature range in hydrogen-doped and hydrogen-free Ti–45Pd–5Cr martensitic alloy.  Scripta Materialia 2009;61:805.

[27] Fan G, Zhou Y, Otsuka K, Ren X, Suzuki T, Yin F. Comparison of the two relaxation peaks in the Ti50Ni48Fe2 alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A 2009; 521-22: 178-181


[28] Ding X, Zhang J, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Suzuki T, Sun J, Otsuka K, Ren X, Experimental study of elastic constant softening prior to stress-induced martensitic transformation. Physical Review B, 2008; 77: 174103.


[29] Zhang J, Fan G, Zhou Y, Ding X, Otsuka K, Nakamura K, Sun J, Ren X, Does order-disorder transition exist in near-stoichiometric Ti-Ni shape memory alloys?. Acta Materialia 2007; 55: 2897-2905.


[30] Fan G, Zhou Y, Otsuka K, Ren X, Nakamura K, Ohba T, Suzuki T, Yoshida I, Yin F,      Effects of frequency, composition, hydrogen and twin boundary density on the damping behavior of Ti50Ni50-xCux shape memory alloys. Acta Materialia 2006, 54: 5221-5229. rialia 2006, 54: 5221-5229.

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