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Ma En
中文姓名 马恩

Email: maen@xjtu.edu.cn

Webpage: /xjtu/mu_caid/info/1021/1093.htm

Research interests:

1.         Metallic glasses;

2.         Chalcogenide phase-change alloys for memory applications;

3.         High entropy and medium entropy alloys;

4.         Nanostructured metals;

5.         Dislocations and twins in plastic deformation;

6.         Transmission electron microscopy of atomic-level structure and defects.


2020-present  Xi'an Jiaotong University, China   Professor

2002-2020   The Johns Hopkins University, USA   Professor  

1998-2002   The Johns Hopkins University, USA    Associate Professor     

1993-1998   Louisiana State University (LSU), USA    Assistant Professor 

1992-1993   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Visiting Assistant Professor

1990-1992   University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA   Research Fellow

1989-1990   Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA  Postdoctoral Research Associate 

                    IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (joint appointment)


1985 – 1989   Tsinghua University (thesis at Caltech),             Ph.D.

1982 –1985   Tsinghua University                                             M.S.

1978 –1982   Tsinghua University                                             B.S

Honor & Awards:

2009 Elected ASM Fellow

2010 Elected American Physical Society Fellow

2015 Elected Materials Research Society Fellow

2002-2012 2015-2016, 2018 Thomson Reuters / Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher

2011 Senior Scientist Prize, 18th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and

Nanocrystalline Materials (ISMANAM)

2004 Materials Science Research Silver Medal, ASM International

2003 HTS/CMES Visiting Lectureship Award

1997 Halliburton Faculty Development Award

1994 National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award

Representative Publications:

Full publications list (387) and Citations (50,000; h=115):


Selected Publications after 2009

1. Heng Li, Hongxiang Zong, Suzhi Li, Shenbao Jin, Yan Chen, Matthew J. Cabral, Bing Chen, Qianwei Huang, Yan Chen, Yang Ren, Kaiyuan Yu, Shuang Han, Xiangdong Ding, Gang Sha, Jianshe Lian, Xiaozhou Liao,En Ma, Uniting tensile ductility with ultrahigh strength via composition undulation, Nature,  Volume:604, Issue: 7905, Pages: 273-279, Published April 2022.

2. Xiaoqian Fu, Xudong Wang, Beikai Zhao, Qinghua Zhang, Suyang Sun, Jiangjing Wang, Wei Zhang, Lin Gu, Yangsheng Zhang, Wenzheng Zhang, Wen Wen, Ze Zhang, Long-qing Chen, Qian Yu, En Ma, Atomic-scale observation of non-classical nucleation-mediated phase transformation in a titanium alloy, Nature Materials, Volume: 21, Issue: 3, Pages: 290–296. Published 2022.

3. Yuecun Wang, Jun Ding, Zhao Fan, Lin Tian, Meng Li, H. Lu, Y. Zhang, E. Ma, J. Li, Z.W. Shan, Tension–compression asymmetry in amorphous silicon, Nature Materials, 20 (2021) 1371–1377. Published May 2021.

4. Xuefei Chen, Qi Wang, Zhiying Cheng, Mingliu Zhu, Hao Zhou, Ping Jiang, Lingling Zhou, Qiqi Xue, Fuping Yuan, Jing Zhu, Xiaolei Wu and En Ma, Direct observation of chemical short-range order in a medium-entropy alloy, Nature592 (2021) 712-716. Published April 28.

5. Keyuan Ding, Jiangjing Wang, Yuxing Zhou, He Tian, Lu Lu, Riccardo Mazzarello, Chunlin Jia, Wei Zhang, Feng Rao and Evan Ma, Phase-change heterostructure enables ultralow noise and drift for memory operation, Science366 (2019) 210-215. Published Oct. 11, 2019.

6. F. Rao, W. Zhang and E. Ma, Catching structural transition in liquids, Science 364 (2019) 1032-1033, Published June 13 2019.

7. Bo-Yu Liu, Fei Liu, Nan Yang, Xiao-Bo Zhai, Lei Zhang, Yang Yang, Bin Li, Ju Li, Evan Ma, Jian-Feng Nie, Zhi-Wei Shan, Large plasticity in magnesium mediated by pyramidal dislocations, Science 365 (2019) 73-75. Published July 5, 2019.

8. W. Zhang and E. Ma, Single element glass to record data, Nature Materials 17 (2018) 654-655.

9. F. Rao, K. Y. Ding, Y. X. Zhou, Y. H. Zheng, M. J. Xia, S. L. Lv, Z. T. Song, S. L. Feng, I. Ronneberger, R. Mazzarello, W. Zhang and E. Ma, Reducing the stochasticity of crystal nucleation to enable subnanosecond memory writing, Science (2017) Vol. 358, Issue 6369, pp. 1423-1427 Published: Nov 8 2017 doi:10.1126/science.aao3212

10. D. G. Xie, Z. J. Wang, J. Sun, J. Li, E. Ma and Z. W. Shan, In situ study of the initiation of hydrogen bubbles at the aluminium metal/oxide interface, Nature Materials, Volume:14 Issue:9 Pages:899-903  DOI:10.1038/NMAT4336  Published: SEP 2015.

11. Ma, E, Tuning order in disorder, Nature Materials, Volume:14 Issue:6 Pages: 547-552  DOI:10.1038/nmat4300  Published: JUN 2015.

12. Liu, G; Zhang, G. J.; Jiang, F.; Ding, XD; Sun, YJ ; Sun, J ; Ma, E; Nanostructured Molybdenum Alloys with Unprecedented Tensile Ductility, Nature Materials, Volume: 12   Issue: 4   Pages: 344-350 Published: APR 2013.

13. Ma, E; Zhang, Z, AMORPHOUS ALLOYS Reflections from the glass maze, Nature Materials Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 10-11 DOI: 10.1038/nmat2924 Published: JAN 2011.

14. Yu, Q; Shan, ZW; Li, J; Huang, XX; Xiao, L; Sun, J; Ma, E, Strong Crystal Size Effect on Deformation Twinning, Nature Volume: 463  Issue: 7279  Pages: 335-338  DOI: 10.1038/nature08692  Published: JAN 2010

15. Ma, E; Xu, J, Biodegradable Alloys: The glass window of opportunities, Nature Materials Volume: 8  Issue: 11  Pages: 855-857  DOI: 10.1038/nmat2550  Published: NOV 2009

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