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Liu Gang
中文姓名 刘刚

Email: lgsammer@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Webpage: /xjtu/mu_gr/web/lgsammer

Research interests:

The strengthening and toughing, deformation and fracture of heterogeneous metallic materials

The strengthening and toughing, microstructure adjusting of age Al-alloy

Mechanical properties characterizations of metallic film and multilayer film materials


 04/2003-03/2005 Post doctoral, Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.  

04/2005, Associate Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, XJTU, Shaanxi, China.

06/2008, Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, XJTU, Shaanxi, China.

02/2008-03/2009, Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers, IFW-Dresden, Germany.


 12/2002 Ph.D, School of Materials Science and Engineering, XJTU, Shaanxi, China 

Honor & Awards:

Changjiang Distinguished Scholar;  

National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund Award Winner;

Shaanxi Province Youth and Mid-aged Science and Technology Innovation Leading Talents.

Representative Publications:

(1) G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, F. Jiang, X. D. Ding, Y. J. Sun, J. Sun, E. Ma, Nanostructured high-strength molybdenum alloys with     unprecedented tensile ductility. Nature Materials 14 (2013) 344.

(2) B. A. Chen, G. Liu*, R. H. Wang, J. Y. Zhang, L. Jiang, J. J. Song, J. Sun*, Effect of interfacial solute segregation on the ductile fracture of Al-Cu-Sc alloys. Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 1676. (*: Corresponding author)

(3) J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu*, S. Y. Lei, J. J. Niu, J. Sun*. Transition from homogeneous-like to shear-band deformation in nanolayered crystalline Cu/amorphous Cu–Zr micropillars: Intrinsic vs. extrinsic size effect. Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 7183

(4) J. Y. Zhang, S.Y. Lei, J.J. Niu, Y. Liu, G*. Liu, X. Zhang, J. Sun*, Intrinsic and extrinsic size effects on deformation in nanolayered Cu/Zr micropillars: From bulk-like to small-volume materials behavior, Acta Materialia60 (2012) 4054.

(5) J.J. Niu, J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu*, P. Zhang, S. Y. Lei, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun*, Size-dependent deformation mechanisms and strain rate sensitivity in nanostructured Cu/X (X = Cr, Zr) multilayer films, Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 3677.

(6) Z. Q. Liu, R. Li, G. Liu, W. Su, H. Wang, Y. Li, M. Shi, X. Luo, T. Zhang, Microstructural tailoring and improvement of mechanical properties in CuZr-based bulk metallic glass composites, Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 3128.

(7) J. Y. Zhang, S. Lei, Y. Liu, J. J. Niu, Y. Chen, G. Liu*, X. Zhang, J. Sun*, Length scale-dependent deformation behaviors of nanolayered Cu/Zr micropillars, Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 1610.

(8) J. Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, R. H. Wang, S. Y. Lei, P. Zhang, J. J. Niu, G. Liu*, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun*, Length-scale-dependent deformation and fracture behavior of Cu/X (X=Nb, Zr) multilayers: The constraining effects of the ductile phase on the brittle phase, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 7368.

(9) S. Pauly, G. Liu, S. Gorantla, G. Wang, U. Kuhn, D. H. Kim, J. Eckert, Criteria for tensile plasticity in Cu-Zr-Al bulk metallic glasses, Acta Materialia 58 (2010) 4883.

(10) S. Pauly, G. Liu, G. Wang, U. Kuehn, N. Mattern, J. Eckert, Microstructural heterogeneities governing the deformation of Cu47.5Zr47.5Al5 bulk metallic glass composites, Acta Materialia 57 (2009) 5445.

(11) S. Scudino, G. Liu, M. Sakaliyska, K. B. Surreddi, J. Eckert, Powder metallurgy of Al-based metal matrix composites reinforced with β-Al3Mg2 intermetallic particles: Analysis and modeling of mechanical properties, Acta Materialia 57 (2009) 4529.

(12) S. Scudino, G. Liu, K. G. Prashanth, B. Bartusch, K. B. Surreddi, B. S. Murty, J. Eckert. Mechanical properties of Al-based metal matrix composites reinforced with Zr-based glassy particles produced by powder metallurgy, Acta Materialia 57 (2009) 2029.

(13) G. Liu, G. Zhang, R. H. Wang, W. Hu, J. Sun and K. H. Chen. Heat treatment-modulated coupling effect of multi-scale second-phase particles on the ductile fracture of aged aluminum alloys. Acta Materialia 55 (2007) 273.

(14) G. Liu, C. W. Nan, J. Sun, Coupling interaction in nanostructured piezoelectric/ magnetostrictive multiferroic complex films. Acta Materialia 54 (2006) 917-925.

(15) G. Liu, J. Sun, C. W. Nan, K. H. Chen, Experimental and multiscle modeling of the coupled influence of constituents and precipitates on the ductile fracture of heat-treatable aluminum alloys. Acta Materialia 53 (2005) 3453-3468.

(16) N. N. Guo, J. Y. Zhang, P. M. Cheng, G. Liu*, J. Sun*, Room temperature creep behavior of free-standing Cu films with bimodal grain distributions, Scripta Materialia 68 (2013) 849.

(17) J. Y. Zhang, J. C. Cui, G. Liu*, J. Sun*, Deformation crossover in nanocrystalline Zr micropillars: the strongest external size.Scripta Materialia 68 (2013) 639.

(18) S. Y. Lei, J. Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. J. Niu, G. Liu*, X. H. Zhang, J. Sun*, Intrinsic size-controlled strain hardening behavior of nanolayered Cu/Zr micropillars. Scripta Materialia 66 (2012) 706.

(19) K. T. Kim, J. Eckert, G. Liu, J. M. Park, B. K. Lim, S. H. Hong, Influence of embedded-carbon nanotubes on the thermal properties of copper matrix nanocomposites processed by molecular-level mixing, Scripta Materialia 64 (2011) 181.

(20) J. Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, G. Liu*, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun*, Scaling of the ductility with yield strength in nanostructured Cu/Cr multilayer films, Scripta Materialia 63 (2010) 101.

(21) J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu, X. Zhang, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun, E. Ma, A maximum in ductility and fracture toughness in nanostructured Cu/Cr multilayer filmsScripta Materialia 61 (2010) 333.

(22) S. P. Yuan, G. Liu, R.H. Wang, G. J. Zhang, X. Pu, J. Sun, Effect of precipitate morphology evolution on the strength–toughness relationship in Al–Mg–Si alloys, Scripta Materialia 60 (2009) 1109.

(23) J. ZhangJ.Y. Zhang, G. Liu, Y. Zhao, X. D. Ding, G. P. Zhang, J. Sun, Unusual thermal fatigue behaviors in 60 nm thick Cu interconnectsScripta Materialia 60 (2009) 228.

(24) S. P. Yuan, G. Liu, R. H. Wang, X. Pu, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun and K. H. Chen, Coupling effect of multiple precipitates on the ductile fracture of Al-Mg-Si alloys. Scripta Materialia 57 (2007) 865.

(25) G. Liu, R. H. Wang and J. Sun, Competitive interactions between the surface effect and the depolarization field effect on the critical size of ferroelectric perovskite ultrathin films. Scripta Materialia 56 (2007) 337.

(26) C. W. Nan, G. Liu, Y. H. Lin, H. Chen, Magnetic-field-induced electrical polarization in multiferroic nanostructures. Physical Review Letters94 (2005) 197203.

(27) S. Pauly, G. Liu, G. Wang, J. Das, K. B. Kim, U. Kuhn, D. H. Kim, J. Eckert, Modeling deformation behavior of Cu-Zr-Al bulk metallic glass matrix composites, Applied Physics Letters 95 (2009) 101906.

(28) J. P. Zhou, L. Meng, Z. Xia, P. Liu, G. Liu, Inhomogeneous magnetoelectric coupling in Pb(Zr,Ti)O3/Terfenol-D laminate composite, Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 062903.

(29) J. P. Zhou, Y. Y. Gao, Z. Z. Xi, P. Liu, S. Y. Lin, G. Liu, H. W. Zhang, Giant electric-filed- induced magnetization in a magnetoelectric composite at high frequency, Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 152501.

(30) R. M. Niu, G. Liu, Wang C, G.J. Zhang, X..D. Ding and J. Sun Thickness dependent critical strain in submicron Cu films adherent to polymer substrate. Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 161907.

(31) C. W. Nan, G. Liu, Y. H. Lin, M. Li, Interface effect on thermal conductivity of carbon nanotube composites. Applied Physics Letters 85 (2004) 3549.

(32) C. W. Nan, G. Liu, Y. H. Lin, Influence of interfacial bonding on giant magnetoelectric response of multiferroic laminated composites of Tb1-xDyxFe2 and PbZrxTi1-xO3. Applied Physics Letters 83 (2003) 4366.

(33) J. Y. Zhang, P. Zhang, R. H. Wang, G. Liu*, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun*, Grain-size-dependent zero-strain mechanism for twinning in copper, Physical Review B 86 (2012) 064110.

(34) J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu*, R. H. Wang, J. Li, J. Sun*, E. Ma, Double-inverse grain size dependence of deformation twinning in nanocrystalline Cu, Physical Review B 81 (2010) 172104.

(35) Y. H. Lin, N. Cai, J. Y. Zhai, G. Liu, C. W. Nan, Giant magnetoelectric effect in multiferroic laminated composites, Physical Review B 72 (2005) 012405.

(36) C. W. Nan, N. Cai, Z. Shi, J. Zhai, G. Liu, Y. H. Lin, Large magnetoelectric response in multiferroic polymer-based composites,Physical Review B 71 (2005) 014102.

(37) J. Y. Zhang, K. Wu, P. Zhang, R. H. Wang, G. Liu*, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun*, An easy way to prepare layered nanoplatelets: Fragment of nanostructured multilayers, Journal of Applied Physics 111 (2012) 113519.

(38) J. P. Zhou, H. C. He, Z. Shi, G. Liu, C. W. Nan, Dielectric, magnetic, and magnetoelectric properties of laminated PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3/CoFe2O4 composite ceramics, Journal of Applied Physics 100 (2006) 094106.

(39) G. Liu, X. H. Wang, Y. Lin, L. T. Li, C. W. Nan, Growth kinetics of core-shell-structured grains and dielectric constant in rare-earth-doped BaTiO3 ceramics, Journal of Applied Physics 98 (2005) 044105.

(40) G. Liu, C. W. Nan, L. Cai, Y. H. Lin, Dependence of giant magnetoelectric effect on interfacial bonding for multiferroic laminated composites of rare-earth-iron alloys and lead-zirconate-titanate, Journal of Applied Physics 95 (2004) 2660.

(41) X. J. Sun, C. C. Wang, J. Zhang, G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, X. D. Ding, J. Sun, Thickness dependent fatigue lifetime at microcrack nucleation for metal thin films adherent to flexible substrate. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (2008) 195404.

(42) G. Liu, C. W. Nan, Thickness dependent polarization in ferroelectric perovskite thin films, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 (2005) 584.

(43) G. Liu, C. W. Nan, Z. K. Xu, H. Chen, Coupling interaction in multiferroic BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 nanostructures, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 (2005) 2321.

(44) Y. H. Lin, L. Jiang, R. J. Zhao, G. Liu, C. W. Nan, Preparation of core-shell structured NiO-based ceramics and their dielectric properties, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 (2005) 1615.

(45) Z. Q. Liu, R. Li, G. Liu, K. K. Song, S. Pauly, T. Zhang, J. Eckert, Pronounced ductility in CuZrAl ternary bulk metallic glass composites with optimized microstructure through melt adjustment. AIP ADVANCES 2 (2012) 032176.

(46) J. Y. Zhang, P. Zhang, R. H. Wang, G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun, Enhanced mechanical properties of columnar grained-nanotwinned Cu films on compliant substrate via multilayer scheme, Materials Science and Engineering A554 (2012) 116.

(47) J. Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Chen, Y. Chen, G. Liu, X. Zhang, J. Sun, Mechanical properties of crystalline Cu/Zr and crystal-amorphous Cu/Cu-Zr multilayers, Materials Science and Engineering A552 (2012) 392.

(48) J. Y. Zhang, P. Zhang, X. Zhang, R. H. Wang, G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun, Mechanical properties of fcc/fcc Cu/Nb nanostructured multilayers,Materials Science and Engineering A545 (2012) 118.

(49) J. Y. Zhang, J. J. Niu, P. Zhang, X. Zhang, G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun, Tailoring nanostructured Cu/Cr multilayer films with enhanced hardness and tunable modulus,Materials Science and Engineering A 543 (2012) 139.

(50) J. J. Niu, P. Zhang, R. H. Wang, J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun, Formation of multiple twins and their strengthening effect in nanocrystalline Cu/Zr multilayer films,Materials Science and Engineering A539 (2012) 68.

(51) B. A. Chen, L. Pan, R. H. Wang, G. Liu, L. Xiao, J. Sun, Effect of solution treatment on precipitation behaviors and age hardening response of Al-Cu alloys with Sc addition, Materials Science and Engineering A530 (2011) 607.

(52) J. Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, G. Liu, R. H. Wang, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun, Length scale dependent yield strength and fatigue behavior of nanocrystalline Cu thin films, Materials Science and Engineering A 528 (2011) 7774.

(53) J. Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun, Dominant factor controlling the fracture mode in nanostructured Cu/Cr multilayer films, Materials Science and Engineering A 528 (2011) 2982.

(54) S. P. Yuan, R. H. Wang, G. Liu, R. Li, K. M. Park, J. Sun, and K.-H. ChenEffects of precipitate morphology on the notch sensitivity of ductile fracture in heat-treatable aluminum alloysMaterials Science and Engineering A 527 (2010) 7369.

(55) G. J. Zhang, R.H. Wang, S.P. Yuan, G. Liu, S. Scudinoc, J. Sun, K.H. Chen, Influence of constituents on the ductile fracture of Al–Cu–Mg alloys: Modulated by the aging treatment, Materials Science and Engineering A 526 (2009) 171.

(56) S. P. Yuan, G. Liu, R. H. Wang, G. J. Zhang, X. Pu, J. Sun, K.-H. ChenAging-dependent coupling effect of multiple fracture of heat-treatable aluminum alloysMaterials Science and Engineering A499 (2009) 387.

(57) K. H. Chen, H. C. Fang, Z. Zhang, X. Chen, G. Liu, Effect of Yb, Cr, and Zr additions on crystallization and corrosion resistance of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A497 (2008) 426.

(58) G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, X. D. Ding, J. Sun and K. H. Chen, Modeling the strengthening response to aging processing of heat-treatable aluminum alloys containing plate/disc or rod/needle-shaped precipitates. Materials Science and Engineering A 344 (2003) 113.

(59) R. Li, M. Stoica, G. Liu, J. Eckert, Evolution of Constitution, Structure, and Morphology in FeCo-Based Multicomponent Alloys,Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 41 (2010) 1640.

(60) G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, X. D. Ding, J. Sun and K. H. Chen, Influence of multiscale-sized second phase particles on ductility of aged aluminum alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 35 (2004) 1725.

(61) G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, X. D. Ding, J. Sun and K. H. Chen, Dependence of fracture toughness on multiscale second phase particles in high strength aluminum alloys. Materials Science and Technology, 19 (2003) 887.

(62) B. Li, G. J. Zhang, P. Zhang, G. Liu, J. Sun, Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of Ti(C, N)/a-C gradient composite films,Thin Solid Films519 (2011) 6246.

(63) J. Zhang, J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu, Y. Zhao, J. Sun, Competition between dislocation nucleation and void formation as the stress relaxation mechanism in passivated Cu interconnects, Thin Solid Films 517 (2009) 2936.

(64) G. J. Zhang, X. H. Lin, R. H. Wang, G. Liu, J. Sun, Tensile properties and strengthening mechanisms of Mo-Si alloy,International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials29 (2011) 608.

(65) G. J. Zhang, X. H. Lin, G. Liu, J. Sun, The influence of silicon content on microstructure and hardness of Mo-Si alloys,International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 29 (2011) 96.

(66) S. P. Yang, H. Kou, G. J. Zhang, G. Liu, F. Jiang, J. Sun, Microstructural characterization of Mo-12Si-8.5B alloy subjected to diffusion annealing treatment, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 28 (2010) 377.

(67) G. J. Zhang, G. Liu, Y. J. Sun, F. Jiang, L. Wang, R. H. Wang, J. Sun, Microstructure and strengthening mechanisms of molybdenum alloy wires doped with lanthanum oxide particles,International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials27 (2009) 173.

(68) G. Liu, S. Scudino, R. Li, K. U. Kuhn, J. Sun, J. Eckert. Coupling effect of primary voids and secondary voids on the ductile fracture of heat-treatable aluminum alloys. Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 556.

(69) F. Ali, S. Scudino, G. Liu, V. C. Srivastava, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, M. Samadi Khoshkhoo, K.G. Prashanth, V. Uhlenwinkel, M. Calin, J. Eckert, Modeling the strengthening effect of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystalline particles in Al-based metal matrix composites,Journal of Alloys and Compounds536 (2012) S130.

(70) J. M. Park, K. B. Kim, D. H. Kim, N. Mattern, R. Li, G. Liu, J. Eckert, Multi-phase Al-based ultrafine composite with multi-scale microstructure,Intermetallics18 (2010) 1829.

(71) R. Li, G. Liu, M. Stoica, J. Eckert, FeCo-based multiphase composites with high strength and large plastic deformation,Intermetallics18 (2010) 134.

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