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Huang Ping
中文姓名 黄平

office phone: +86-29-82663869

Email: huangping@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Webpage: /xjtu/mu_gr/web/huangping/3

Research interests:

1) Preparation and microstructure characterization of nanomaterials.

2) Strengthening and toughing mechanisms, creep mechanics of metallic materials.

3) Micromechanics and nanomechanics of homogeneous/heterogeneous materials.

4) Surface modification and coating of metallic materials.

5) Mechanical behavior characterization of amorphous alloy.


06/2004—06/2007 Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. Lecturer.

06/2007—12/2011 Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. Associate Professor.

12/2011—now    Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. Professor.

09/2001—02/2002 Eindhoven University of Technology, Holland. Academic Visitor.

07/2010—10/2010 City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Visiting Professor.


09/1995—07/1999 Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. Bachelor.

09/1999—02/2001 Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. Master.

02/2001—06/2004 Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. Ph.D.

Honor & Awards:

New Century Excellent Talents 2007

Second prize of science and technology in Shaanxi Province, China

Representative Publications:

1.       Cui Y, Abad O T, Wang F, et al. Plastic Deformation Modes of CuZr/Cu Multilayers. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 23306.

2.       F. Xue , F.Wang, P.Huang , T.J.Lu , K.W.Xu, Structural inhomogeneityand strain rate dependent indentationsize  effect inZr-based metallic glass, Materials Science & Engineering A, 655: 373-378.

3.       Y. Cui, P. Huang, F. Wangb, T.J. Lub, K.W. Xu. The hardness and related deformation mechanisms in nanoscale crystalline–amorphous multilayers. Thin Solid Film, 584:270-276.

4.       Q. Zhou, J.J. Li , F. Wang, P. Huang, K.W. Xu , T.J. Lu. Strain rate sensitivity of Cu/Ta multilayered films: Comparison betweengrain boundary and heterophase interface. Scripta Materialia, 2015.

5.       C. Gu, F.Wang, P.Huang, T.J.Lu, K.W.Xu. Altering strength and plastic deformation behavior via alloying and laminated structure innanocrystalline metals. Materials Science & Engineering A, 640(2015)24-32.

6.       C. Gu, F.Wang, P.Huang, T.J.Lu, K.W.Xu. Effects of Cu layers on the deformation behavior of CuTa/Cu multilayer thin films. Materials Science & Engineering A, 649(2016)9-17.

7.       C.F. Ma, F.Wangb, P. Huang, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu. Hillock growth in CuZr metallic glass. Thin Solid Films, 589 681-685.

8.       Q. Zhou, J. Y. Xie, F. Wang, P. Huang, K. W. Xu, T. J. Lu. The mechanical behavior of nanoscale metallic multilayers: A survey. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2015, 31: 319-337.

9.       Grain size dependent strain rate sensitivity in nanocrystalline body-centered cubic metal thin films. Zhou Q, Zhao J, Xie JY, Huang P, Lu TJ, Xu KW, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014, 608: 184-189.

10.    Zhao J, Wang F,Huang P, Lu TJ, Xu KW, Depth dependent strain rate sensitivity and inverse indentation size effect of hardness in bode-centered cubic nanocrystalline metals, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014, 615: 87-91.

11.    Gao HT,Zhang M,Yang X, Huang P,Xu KW. Effect of Na2SiO3 solution concentration of micro-arc oxidation process on lap-shear strength of adhesive-bonded magnesium alloys, Applied Surface Science, 2014,314:447-452.

12.    Zhou Q, Wang F, Huang P, Xu KW, Strain rate sensitivity and related plastic deformation mechanism transition in nanoscale Ag/W multilayers, Thin Solid Films, 2014, 571:253-259.

13.    Wang F,Li JM, Huang P, Wang WL, Lu TJ, Xu KW, Nanoscale creep deformation in Zr-based metallic glass, Intermetallics, 2013, 38: 156-160.

14.    Xie JY, Huang P, Wang F, Li Y and Xu KW, Shear banding behavior in nanoscale Al/W multilayers, Surface Coating & Technology, 2013, 228: S593-596.

15.    Wang F,,Zhang LF, Huang P, Xie JY, Lu TJ, Xu KW, Microstructure and flow stress of nanoscale Cu/Nb multilayers, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013.

16.    Chen ZQ, Wang F, Huang P, Lu TJ, Xu KW, Low-temperature annealing induced amorphization in nanocrystalline NiW Alloy Films, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013.

17.    Xie JY, Wang F, Huang P, Lu TJ, Zhang LF, Xu KW, Structure transformation and coherent interface in large lattice-mismatched nanoscale multilayers, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013.

18.    Wang F,, Zhao J, Huang P, Schneider AS, Lu TJ, Xu KW, Effects of free surface and heterogeneous residual internal stress on stress-driven grain growth in nanocrystalline metals, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013.

19.    Gao HT,Zhang M,Yang X,Huang P,Xu KW. Enhancement mechanism of super fine machining pattern on mechanical property of adhesion interface of Al alloy, Physics Procedia, 2013.

20.    Xie JY, Huang P, Wang F,Li Y, Zhang LF and Xu KW, Strain rate dependent shear banding deformation in Al/W nanomultilayers, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2013, 146: 168-176.

21.    Wang, F., Li, B., Gao, T.T., Huang, P., Xu, K.W., Lu, T.J. Activation volume and strain rate sensitivity in plastic deformation of nanocrystalline Ti. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2012.

22.      Wang, F., Huang, P., Xu, M., Xu, K.W. and Lu, T.J. Shear banding deformation in Cu/Ta nano-multilayers. Materials Science and Engineering A 582, 5908-5913.

23.     Huang, P., Wang, F., Xu, M., Xu, K.W. and Lu, T.J. Strain rate sensitivity of unequal grained nano-multilayers. Materials Science and Engineering A 582, 5908-5913.

24.     Huang, P., Wang, F., Xu, M., Xu, K.W. and Lu, T.J. Dependence of strain rate sensitivity upon deformed microstructure in nanocrystalline Cu. Acta Materialia 58, 5196-5205.

25.      Xu, W., Lu, T.J. and Wang, F. Effects of interfacial properties on the ductility of polymer-supported metal films for flexible electronics. International Journal of Solids and Structures 47, 1830-1837.

26.     Yang, J.S., Xu, W., Wang, F. and Lu, T.J. Ductility of copper films on sandblasting polyimide substrates. Science China – Technological Sciences 53, 2215-2221.

27.     Huang, P., Dai, G.Q., Wang, F. Xu, M. and Xu, K.W. Fivefold annealing twin in nanocrystalline Cu. Applied Physics Letters 95, 203101.

28.     Wang, F., Huang, P. and Lu, T.J. Surface-effect territory in small volume creep deformation. Journal of Materials Research 24, 3277-3285.

29.     Hou, G.L., Wang, F. and Xu, K.W. Extracting yield strength and strain-hardening exponent of metals with a double-angle indenter. Journal of Materials Research 24, 1647-1682.

30.     Liu, W., Lu, T.J., Yang, G.J., Wang, F., Lu, Y.F., Mao, X.N., Du, Y. and Xi, Z.P. Correlation between processing and mechanical properties of CT20 cryogenic titanium alloy tubes. Titanium Industry Progress 26, 15-18.

31.    Wang, F., Huang, P. and Xu, K.W. Time dependent plasticity at real nanoscale deformation. Applied Physics Letters 90, 161921.

32.    Wang, F., Huang, P. and Xu, K.W. Strain rate sensitivity of nanoindentation creep in polycrystalline Al film on silicon substrate. Surface & Coatings Technology 201, 5216-5218.

33.     Wang, F., Huang, P. and Xu, K.W. The mechanisms of nanoindentation creep in Al thin metal films, Journal of Advanced Materials, 38-42.

34.     Huang, P., Wang, F., Xu, K.W. and Han, Y. Mechanical properties of titania prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation at different voltages. Surface & Coatings Technology 201, 5168-5171.

35.     Li, Y.H., Wang, F., Lu, J. and Xu, K.W. Single-ball and multi-ball shot peening modals by finite element method: Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University 41, 348-352.

36.     He, B.P.B., Xu, K.W., Wang, F. and Huang, P. Two-dimensional X-ray diffraction for structure and stress analysis. Material Science Forum 490-491.

37.    Huang P, Zhang Y, Xu KW, et al. Surface modification of titanium implant by microarc oxidation and hydrothermal treatment. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2004, 70B: 187-190.

38.    Huang P, Xu KW, He BP, et al. An investigation of residual stress of porous titania layer by micro-arc oxidation under different voltages. Materials Science Forum, 2005, 490-491: 552-557.  

39.    Huang P, Xu KW, Han Y. Preparation and apatite layer formation of plasma electrolytic oxidation film on titanium for biomedical application. Materials Letters, 2005, 59: 185-189. 

40.    Huang P, Xu KW, Han Y. Hybrid process of microarc oxidation and hydrothermal treatment of titanium implant. Journal of Porous Materials, 2004, 11: 41-45.

41.    Huang P, Xu KW, Han Y. Formation mechanism of biomedical apatite coatings on porous titania layer. Journal of materials science: materials in medicine.

42.    Huang P, Xu KW, Han Y. Study of the elastic modulus of the Micro-arc oxidation layer in different electrolyte. Journal of Advanced Material, 2006.

43.    Huang P, Xu KW, Han Y. Mechanical properties of Titania prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation at different voltage. Surface coatings & Engineering.

44.    Ping Huang, Kewei Xu, Bob Baoping He,Yong Han. An investigation of residual stress of porous titania layer by micro-arc oxidation under different voltages. 7th International conference on residual stresses, 2004, Xi’an.

45.    Kewei Xu, Ping Huang. Advances of titanium alloys and its biological surface modification. The 4th International Conference on Surface Engineering,245-271.

46.     Bob Baoping He, Kewei Xu, Fei Wang, Ping Huang. Two-dimensional x-ray diffraction for structure and stress analysis. Material Science Forum,2005, 490-491

47.     YM Zhang, P Batailion-linez, P Huang, YM Zhao, Y Han, M Traisnel, KW Xu, HF Hildebrand. Surface analyses and biological behavior of micro-arc oxidation and hydrothermally treated titanium. Jounal of biomedical materials research. 2004.

48.     Tao Fu, Ping Huang, Yong Zhang, Yong Han, Kewei Xu. Preparation of microarc oxidation layer containing hydroxyapatite crystals on Ti6Al4V by hydrothermal synthesis. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 2002, 21: 257-258. 


1、 一种测试金属薄膜室温压入蠕变性能方法,ZL2005 1 0124587.8黄平,王飞,徐可为  2009.7.8;

2、 具有精力尺寸差异的Cu/Ta纳米多层膜的制备方法,ZL 2009 1 0219558.8,黄平,许明,王飞,徐可为  2011.11.16;

3、 一种同质纳米金属薄膜材料的制备方法,ZL 2009 1 0219553.5 黄平,戴广乾,王飞,徐可为2012.7.4;

4、 一种共格/半共格结构的Al/W多层薄膜制备方法,ZL 2011.1 0340169.8 黄平,谢继阳,王飞,乐薇,徐可为2013.7.10

5、 ///磁多长耦合下测试金属薄膜失效行为装置, ZL2010 1 0572438.9王飞,黄平,卢雪,徐可为  2013.2.6;

6、 一种采用共溅射法制备非晶=纳米晶复合膜的方法,ZL 2013.1 012619.6 黄平,王飞,李家梅,2015.8.26

7、 一种制备非晶/纳米晶多层结构薄膜的方法,ZL2012 1 0419017.1王飞,黄平,王文龙  2015.1.7



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