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Sun Jun
中文姓名 孙军


office phone:  +86-29-82667143

Email:  junsun@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Webpage: /xjtu/mu_gr/web/junsun

  • Research interests: 

  • His research interests are the deformation and phase transformation of metal materials,  including strengthening and toughening of metallic materials, currently focusing on the mechanical behavior of materials at small length scale, especially in micro-nano-sized effect on the deformation and phase transformation of materials.

  • Experience:

  • 2002.07-now Director of State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China

    1995.12-now Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China

    2001.09-2001.12 Max-Planck Visiting Professorship, Max-Planck Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart, Germany

    1995.02-1995.12 Associate Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China

    1992.09-1995.02 An International Research Fellow of NSERC Canada, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

    1989.10-1992.09 Lecturer, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China

  • Education:

  • 1986.09-1989.10       Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China

    1983.09-1986.06       M.S., Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China

    1978.09-1982.07       B.S., Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin Polytechnical University, (now Jilin University) Changchun 130012, China.

  • Honor & Awards:

  • (1)   2013 The Second-Class State Technological Invention Award, the State Council of P. R. China); Jun Sun is rank 1st.

  • (2)   The First-Class Technological Invention Award, Ministry of Education of China (2012);

    (3)   The Royal Academy of Engineering Distinguished Visiting Fellowship, UK (2012);

    (4)   Cheung Kong Chair Professor of Materials Science, Ministry of Education of China (1999);

    (5)   Awardee of National Outstanding Young Investigator Grant of China (1999).

    (6)  2010 Top 10 Great Scientific and Technological Achievements of Universities in China                                           

  • Representative Publications:

  • (1)   Q. Yu, Z. W. Shan, J. Li, X. J. Sun Huang, L. Xiao, J. Sun, E. Ma, Strong crystal size effect on deformation twinning, Nature 463 (2010) 335-338.

    (2)   G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, F. Jiang, X. D. Ding, Y. J. Sun, E. Ma, Nanostructured high-strength molybdenum alloys with unprecedented tensile ductility, Nature Materials, 12(2013)344-350

    (3)   L. Liu, X. Ding, J. Li, T. Lookman, J. Sun, Direct observation of hierarchical nucleation of martensite and size-dependent superelasticity in shape memory alloys, Nanoscale 6 (2014) 2076.

    (4)   J. Y. Zhang, J. Li, X. Q. Liang, G. Liu, J. Sun, Achieving optimum mechanical performance in metallic nanolayered Cu/X (X = Zr, Cr) micropillars, Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 4205-4210.

    (5)   L. Jiang, J. K. Li, P. M. Cheng, G. Liu, R. H. Wang, B. A. Chen, J. Y. Zhang, J. Sun, M. X. Yang, G. Yang, Microalloying Ultrafine Grained Al Alloys with Enhanced Ductility, Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 3605-3610.

    (6)   J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu, J. Sun, Crystallization-aided extraordinary plastic deformation in nanolayered crystalline Cu/amorphous Cu-Zr micropillars, Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 2324-2332.

    (7)   P. Zhang, J. Y. Zhang, J. Li, G. Liu, K. Wu, Y. Q. Wang, J. Sun, Microstructural evolution, mechanical proerpties, and deformation mechanisms of nanocrystalline Cu thin films alloyed with Zr, Acta Materialia, 76 (2014)221-237.

    (8)   J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu, J. Sun, Self-toughening crystal Cu/amorphous Cu-Zr nanolaminates: deformation-induced devitrification, Acta Materialia, 66 (2014)22-31.

    (9)   J. Y. Zhang, X. Q. Liang, P. Zhang, K. Wu, G. Liu, J. Sun, Emergence of external size effects in the bulk-scale polycrystal to small-scale single-crystal transition: A maximum in the strength and strain-rate sensitivity of multicrystalline Cu micropillars, Acta Materialia, 66 (2014)302-316.

    (10) K. Wu, J.Y. Zhang, G. Liu, P. Zhang, P.M. Cheng, J. Li, G.J. Zhang, J. Sun, Buckling behaviors and adhesion energy of nanostructured Cu/X (X=Nb, Zr) multilayer films on a compliant substrate, Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) 7889-7903.

    (11)  J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu, J. Sun, Comparisons between homogeneous boundaries and heterophase interfaces in plastic deformation: Nanostructured Cu micropillars vs. nanolayered Cu-based micropillars, Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) 6868-6881.

    (12) B. A. Chen, G. Liu, R.H. Wang, J.Y. Zhang, L. Jiang, J.J. Song, J. Sun, Effect of interfacial solute segregation on ductile fracture of Al–Cu–Sc alloys, Acta Materialia, 61 (2013)1676-1690.

    (13) J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu, S. Lei, J. Niu, J. Sun, Transition from homogeneous-like to shear-band deformation in nanolayered crystalline Cu/amorphous Cu–Zr micropillars: Intrinsic vs. extrinsic size effect, Acta Materialia, 60 (2012)7183–7196.

    (14) J. Y. Zhang, S. Lei, J. Niu, Y. Liu, G. Liu, X. Zhang, J. Sun, Intrinsic and extrinsic size effects on deformation in nanolayered Cu/Zr micropillars: From bulk-like to small-volume materials behavior, Acta Materialia, 60 (2012)4054-4064

    (15) J. Y. Zhang, S. Lei, J. Niu, Y. Liu, G. Liu, X. Zhang, J. Sun, Intrinsic and extrinsic size effects on deformation in nanolayered Cu/Zr micropillars: From bulk-like to small-volume materials behavior, Acta Materialia, 60 (2012)4054-4064

    (16) J. J. Niu, J.Y. Zhang, G. Liu, P. Zhang, S.Y. Lei, G.J. Zhang, J. Sun, Size-dependent deformation mechanisms and strain-rate sensitivity in nanostructured Cu/X (X = Cr, Zr) multilayer films, Acta Materialia, 60 (2012)3677-3689

    (17) J. Y. Zhang, S. Lei, Y. Liu, J. J. Niu, Y. Chen, G. Liu, X. Zhang, J. Sun, Length scale-dependent deformation behaviors of nanolayered Cu/Zr micropillars, Acta Materialia, 60 (2012) 1610.

    (18) J. Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, R. H. Wang, S. Y. Lei, P. Zhang, J. J. Niu, G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun, Length-scale-dependent deformation and fracture behavior of Cu/X (X=Nb, Zr) multilayers: The constraining effects of the ductile phase on the brittle phase, Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 7368.

    (19) F. Jiang, M.Q. Jiang, H.F. Wang, Y.L. Zhao, L. He, J. Sun, Shear transformation zone volume determining ductile–brittle transition of bulk metallic glasses, Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 2057.

    (20) G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, R. H. Wang, W. Hu, J. Sun and K. H. Chen, Heat treatment-modulated coupling effect of the multiscale second phase particles on the ductile fracture of aged aluminum alloys, Acta Materialia, 55 (2007) 273–284.

    (21) G. Liu, C. W. Nan, J. Sun, Coupling interaction in nanostructured piezoelectric/ magnetostrictive multiferroic complex films, Acta Materialia, 54 (2006) 917–925.

    (22) G. Liu, J. Sun, C. W. Nan, K. H. Chen, Experimental and multiscale modeling of the coupled influence of constituents and precipitates on the ductile fracture of heat-treatable aluminum alloys, Acta Materialia, 53(2005), 3459-3468

    (23) G. Li, M. Q. Jiang, F. Jiang, L. He, J. Sun, Temperature-induced ductile-to-brittle transition of bulk metallic glasses, Applied Physics Letters, 102(2013)171901 (2013)

    (24) Q. Yu, S. Z. Li, A. M. Minor, J. Sun, E. Ma, High-strength titanium alloy nanopillars with stacking faults and enhanced plastic flow, Applied Physics Letters, 100(2012)063109.

    (25) R. M. Niu, G. Liu, C. Wang, G. Zhang, X. D. Ding, J. Sun, Thickness dependent critical strain in sub-micron Cu films adherent to polymer substrate, Applied Physics Letters, 90 (2007)161907

    (26) H. L. Zhang, P. Z. Huang J. Sun, H. Gao, Morphological Healing Evolution of Penny-Shaped Fatigue Microcracks in Iron at Elevated Temperature, Applied Physics Letters, 85(2004) 1143-1145

    (27) J. Y. Zhang, P. Zhang, R. H. Wang, G. Liu, G. J. Zhang, J. Sun, Grain-size- dependent zero-strain mechanism for twinning in copper, Physical Review B, 86(2012) 064110

    (28) X. D. Ding, J. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. M. Zhou, T. Suzuki, J. Sun, K. Otsuka, X. B. Ren, Experimental study of elastic constant softening prior to stress-induced martensitic transformation, Physical Review B, 77(2008) 174103.

    (29) X. D. Ding, T. Suzuki, X. Ren, J. Sun, and K. Otsuka, Precursors to stress-induced martensitic transformations and associated superelasticity: Molecular dynamics simulations, Physical Review B, 74(2006)104111.

    (30) J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu, R. H. Wang, J. Li, J. Sun, and E. Ma, Double-inverse grain size dependence of deformation twinning in nanocrystalline Cu, Physical Review B, 81 (2010)172104

    (31) J. Y. Zhang, G. Liu, J. Sun, Strain rate effects on the mechanical response in multi- and single-crystalline Cu micropillars: Grain boundary effects, International Journal of Plasticity, 50(2013)1-17

  • Patents:

  • (1)   J. Sun, G. J. Zhang, Y. J. Sun, G. Liu, F. Jiang, X. D. Ding, A method to prepare high-performance Mo alloy wires doped with nanosized rare earth oxides, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 201110327874.4;

    (2)   J. Sun, F. Jiang, K. T. Zhou, G. J. Zhang, G. Liu, Y. J. Sun, X. M. Chen, A method to prepare Mo alloy electrode materials doped with nanosized rare earth oxides, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 201110187158.0;

    (3)   J. Sun, F. Jiang, K. T. Zhou, G. J. Zhang, G. Liu, Y. J. Sun, X. M. Chen, A method to prepare high-performance Mo-Si-P alloy electrode materials doped with nanosized La2O3 particles, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 201110189258.7;

    (4)   J. Sun, G. J. Zhang, Y. Zhao, G. Liu, F. Jiang, Y. J. Sun, A new kind of Mo alloys reinforced by multiple strengthening mechanisms and their preparing method, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 201010286528.1;

    (5)   J. Sun, G. J. Zhang, Y. J. Sun, G. Liu, F. Jiang, X. D. Ding, A method to prepare Mo powders containing nanosized rare earth oxides, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200810150462.6;

    (6)   J. Sun, G. J. Zhang, S. P. Yang, Y. J. Sun, G. Liu, F. Jiang, A method to prepare Mo-Si-P alloys, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200810231975.X;

    (7)   J. Sun, G. J. Zhang, Y. J. Sun, G. Liu, F. Jiang, X. D. Ding, A method to prepare Mo alloys doped with nanosized rare earth oxides, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200810150463.0;

    (8)   J. Sun, G. J. Zhang, S. P. Yang, Y. J. Sun, F. Jiang, G. Liu, A method to prepare Mo-Si-B alloys doped with rare earth oxides, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200810231976.4;

    (9)   J. Sun, J. Zhang, G. Liu, X. J. Sun, C. C. Wang, F. Jiang, X. D. Ding, A method to measure the fatigue lifetime of metal films adherent to flexible substrate, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200810017372.X;

    (10) J. Sun, Z. J. Wang, G. Liu, B. Sun, F. Jiang, X. D. Ding, New apparatus and method to detect the stress evolution in metal films under electrical loading, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200810017429.6;

    (11) J. Sun, W. Chen, Q. Y. Sun, Z. Y. Song, L. Xiao, Q. Yu, X. Yao, D. H. Zhang, A method to prepare micro/submicro-sized metal single crystal samples, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200810017630.4;

    (12) Q. Y. Sun, Z. Y. Song, J. Sun, L. Xiao, L. Liu, W. Chen, A heat treatment technique to improve the post-aged ductility of cold formed -type Ti alloys, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200810232780.7;

    (13) J. Sun, G. Liu, R. M. Niu, F. Jiang, X. D. Ding, Z. X. Song, K. W. Xu, A method to measure the yield strength of metal films under electric loading, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200610104578.7;

    (14) J. Sun, G. Liu, R. M. Niu, X. D. Ding, F. Jiang, G. J. Zhang, Z. X. Song, K. W. Xu, A method to measure some critical strains of metal films under electrical loading, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200610104579.1;

    (15) J. Sun, G. Liu, R. M. Niu, X. D. Ding, F. Jiang, Z. X. Song, K. W. Xu, A method to measure the critical strain of metal films adherent to flexible substrate, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200610104580.4;

    (16) J. Sun, G. Liu, R. M. Niu, Z. X. Song, K. W. Xu, A method to measure the fatigue lifetime of metal films under mechanical/electrical coupling field, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200510096133.4;

    (17) J. Sun, G. Liu, W. Hu, Z. X. Song, K. W. Xu, A method to measure the fatigue properties of metal film/substrate interface by using Ampere force, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200510096108.6;

    (18) J. Sun, G. J. Zhang, Y. J. Sun, X. D. Ding, G. Liu, F. Jiang, A new kind of fine-grained Mo alloys doped with rare earth oxides and their preparing method, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200510096245.X;

    (19) J. Sun, Y. J. Sun, J. H. Luo, G. J. Zhang, L. X. Tang, L. Wang, A new method to prepare Ammonium Dimolybdate containing rare earth, Chinese Invention Patent, Cert. No. ZL 200410073414.3.                 

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