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Qin Yuan-Bin
中文姓名 秦元斌

Email: qinobin@gmail.com

Webpage: /xjtu/mu_nano/web/en/people/Technical_gr


2012.1 - 2013.1 Post-doctoral research Fellow, Faculty of Physics, Barcelona University, Barcelona, Spain


2006.9 - 2011.9 PhD Candidate in Condensed Matter Physics
Beijing Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
P. R. China

2002.9 - 2006.6 B. S. in Physics, Department of Physics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, P. R. China

Representative Publications:

1.  L. Wang, Y. G. Shi, Z. Chen, Y. B. Qin, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, H. X. Yang, A. A. Belik, Synthesis, structural and physical properties of ScMn2O4. Solid State Commun. 153, 71 (2013).

2.  C. Ma, Y. B. Qin, H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, J. Q. Li, K. Sardar, R. I. Walton, D. Su, L. J. Wu, and Y. M. Zhu, Microstructure and oxidation states in multiferroic Lu2(Fe,Mn)3O7. J. Appl. Phys. 112, 094105 (2012).

3.  H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, Z. Wang, Y. B. Qin, C. Ma, J. Q. Li, Z. Y. Cheng, R. Yu, and J. Zhu, Effect of oxygen stoichiometry in LuFe2O4-δ. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 435901 (2012).

4.  M. Zeng, J. Liu, Y. B. Qin, H. X. Yang, J. Q. Li, J. Y. Dai, Dielectric tunability and magnetoelectric coupling in LuFe2O4 epitaxial thin film deposited by pulsed-laser deposition. Thin Solid Films 520, 6446 (2012).

5.  S. Cao, J. Li, Z. Wang, H. F. Tian, Y. B. Qin, L. J. Zeng, C. Ma, H. X. Yang, and J. Q. Li, Extreme chemical sensitivity of nonlinear conductivity in charge-ordered LuFe2O4. Scientific Reports 2, 330 (2012).

6.  Y. Chen, J. Y. Dai, K. Au, K. H. Lam, Y. B. Qin, H.X. Yang, Temperature-dependent piezoelectric and dielectric properties of charge-ordered Lu2Fe2.1Mn0.9O7. Materials Letters 68, 54 (2012).

7.  S. Cao, J. Li, H. F. Tian, Y. B. Qin, L. J. Zeng, H. X. Yang, and J. Q. Li, Nonlinear transport properties and Joule heating effect in charge ordered LuFe2O4. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 102102 (2011).

8.  H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, Y. J. Song, Y. B. Qin, Y.G. Zhao, C. Ma, and J. Q. Li, Polar nanodomains and giant converse magnetoelectric effect in charge-ordered Fe2OBO3. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 016406 (2011).

9.  H. L. Shi, H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, J. B. Lu, Z. W. Wang, Y. B. Qin, Y. J. Song, and J. Q. Li, Structural and physical properties of CaFe2As2. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72, 420 (2011).

10.  Z. W. Wang, H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, H. L. Shi, J. B. Lu, Y. B. Qin, Z. Wang, and J. Q. Li, Structural and physical properties of SrMn2As2. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72, 457 (2011).

11.  R. Wang, H. X. Yang, Y. B. Qin, B. Dong, J. Q. Li, and J. M. Zhao, Photoluminescence in electronic ferroelectric Er1−xYbxFe2O4. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 073507 (2010).

12.  H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, Y. Zhang, Y. B. Qin, L. J. Zeng, C. Ma, H. L. Shi, and J. B. Lu, Phase separation and ferroelectric ordering in charge-frustrated LuFe2O4-δ. Solid State Commun. 150, 1467 (2010).

13.  Y. J. Song, H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, Y. B. Qin, L. J. Zeng, H. L. Shi, J. B. Lu, and J. Q. Li, Charge-ordering transition and incommensurate antiphase structure of Fe2BO4 as seen via transmission electron microscopy. Phys. Rev. B 81, 020101(R) (2010).

14.  H. L. Shi, H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, J. B. Lu, Z. W. Wang, Y. B. Qin, Y. J. Song, and J. Q. Li, Structural properties and superconductivity of SrFe2As2−xPx(0.0x1.0) and CaFe2As2−yPy(0.0y0.3). J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 125702 (2010).

15.  Y. B. Qin, H. X. Yang, L. Wang. H. F. Tian, C. Ma, Y. Li, H. L. Shi, and J. Q. Li, Structure, charge ordering and physical properties of Yb2Fe3O7. Eur. Phys. J. B 75, 231 (2010).

16.  H. X. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y. B. Qin, C. Ma, H. F. Tian, and J.Q. Li, Electronic ferroelectricity, charge ordering and structural phase transitions in LuFe2O4(LuFeO3)n (n=0 and 1). Phys. Status Solidi B 247, 870 (2010) Feature article.

17.  Y. B. Qin, H. X. Yang, Y. Zhang, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, L. J. Zeng, and J. Q. Li, Suppression of the current leakage in charge ordered Lu2Fe2Fe1−xMnxO7 (00.86). Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 072901 (2009).

18.  C. Ma, H. X. Yang, L. J. Zeng, Z. A. Li, Y. Zhang, Y. B. Qin, and J. Q. Li, Effects of layered structural features on charge/orbital ordering in (La, Sr)n+1MnnO3n+1 (n = 1 and 2). J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 045601 (2009).

19.  Y. B. Qin, H. X. Yang, Y. Zhang, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, Y. G. Zhao, R. I. Walton, and J. Q. Li, The effect of Mg doping on the structural and physical properties of LuFe2O4 and Lu2Fe3O7. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 015401 (2009).

20.  L. J. Zeng, H. X. Yang, Y. Zhang, H. F. Tian, C. Ma, Y. B. Qin, Y. G. Zhao and J. Q. Li, Nonlinear current-voltage behavior and electrically driven phase transition in charge-frustrated LuFe2O4. Europhys. Lett. 84, 57011 (2008).

21.  C. Ma, L. J. Zeng, H. X. Yang, H. L Shi, R. C. Che, C. Y. Liang, Y. B. Qin, G. F. Chen, Z. A. Ren, and J. Q. Li, Structural properties and phase transition of RFeMO(R = La, Nd;M= As, P) materials. Europhys. Lett. 84, 47002 (2008).

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