Speaker: Prof. Masahiro Yamashita, Tohoku University Title of Talk: F……......
Title: Interfacial Influence on Surface Plasmon Resonances in Quantum-……......
Title of Talk: 科学道德和学风建设宣讲系列报告——漫谈学术诚信 Time: 10:00am, Dece……......
Title: 催化研究新视野:从纳米到介观 Time: 9:00-11:00am, 11/14/2014 Place: A306, 1 We……......
Title of Talk: The potential application of Quenching-Partitioning-Tem……......
Time: 3:00pm, 11/14/2014 Place: A306, 1 West Building, Qujiang Campus ……......
Time: 9:30am, 11/14/2014 Place: 207, Kexueguan, Main Campus Speaker: P……......
Time: 9:30am-11:30am, 10/15/2014Place: A306, 1 West BuildingSpeaker: P……......
Time: 10:00am, 8/25/2014 Place: A306, 1 West Building, Qujiang Campus ……......
Time:9:30am, 8/4/2014Place:A306, 1 West BuildingSpeaker:Dr. Qingmiao H……......
Address: 99 Yanxiang Road, Xi 'an, Shaanxi province, Qujiang Campus, Xi 'an Jiaotong University
Zip code: 710054
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