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发布时间:2014-12-07 16:30:00 点击量:





被動式概念的應用幾乎是從1980年代初被美國能源部推動,於Sodium Advanced Fast Reactor (SAFR, Rockwell International)及Power Reactor Inherent Safety Module (PRISM, General Electric)兩種型態的快中子核子反應堆的設計開始。經由自然界重力場、材料特性、物化性的差等因素作為驅動力,加上幾何或某些人為的設計,造成溫度場、壓力場、濃度場等的分布,在盡可能不需要外加動力驅動的原則下達成應用上或安全上的目的。

本主題將經由人們最關心的核子災害事故切入,介紹我們研究團隊如何針對數種反應堆之衰變熱(Decay heat)以被動式傳熱的方式,將熱移除並且讓反應堆自動恢復到安全狀態。另外也將這樣的觀念應用到核能以外的領域,諸如電子冷卻、船舶省能等領域。

报告二:Numerical study of a novel fin configuration of a high temperature ceramic plate fin heat exchanger

报告人:Prof.Yitung Chen, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada Las Vegas


High temperature heat exchanger (HTHE) is one of the most important components to transfer energy from one loop to the other loop in many highly efficient power and propulsion systems, such as the very high temperature gas-cooled reactor, the hydrogen production system with thermo-chemical cycle and the externally fired combined cycle. In the very high temperature gas-cooled reactor (VHTR) systems, it is an intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) that transfers the reactor core heat to the electricity generation system or hydrogen production system. In the hydrogen production system with thermochemical cycle, it is an integrated multi-step reactor that combines the functions of preheating, concentrating and decomposing of the sulfuric acid. In the externally fired gas turbine (EFGT) cycle and externally fired combined cycle (EFCC), it is a recuperator that preheats the clean compressed air for gas turbine by utilizing the energy of exhausted fuel gas. Many different concepts of HTHEs have been proposed and investigated by researchers, such as shell-and-tube heat exchanger, shell-and-plate microHTHE, printed circuit heat exchangers (PCHEs), ‘‘Offset-strip-fin’’ plate-fin heat exchangers and bayonet tube heat exchangers. Although the HTHEs in these systems have to comply with specific requirements, they are developing towards the direction of higher operating temperature. The flowing fluid is helium with operating pressure of being 7 MPa. As the fluid is heated from 850 K to 1250 K, the local velocity is increased by nearly 50% while the local Reynolds number is reduced by nearly 25% due to the variation of gas physical properties. It is different from the traditional low temperature heat exchanger because the heat transfer and fluid flow become periodical after a few entrance length. A set of different fin configurations applied on high temperature ceramic plate fin heat exchanger have been numerically studied and investigated to obtain the design information on heat transfer performance, pressure drop, and structural reliability. Results and discussions will be presented in the graduate seminar.


l 學歷

n 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)機械工程博士、碩士

n 清華大學核子工程碩士、學士

l 經歷

n 臺北科技大學機電學院副院長

n 義守大學機械與自動化工程學系系主任

n 美國Argonne國家實驗室研究工程師

l 研究專長領域

n 能源工程-有機朗肯循環

n 核子工程

n 應用計算流體力學

n 被動式熱傳設計

Prof. Yitung Chen简历:

Dr. Yitung Chen is Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) and an ASME Fellow. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Utah in 1991. He has received more than $12.8M research funding from the U.S. DOE, NSF, DOD, EPA, NASA, NOAA, and private sectors. He has published two books, 6 book chapters, and more than 80 journal articles and 200 peer-review professional conference proceedings related to thermal-fluid, nuclear, solar and wind energy, and corrosion modeling areas. He has received many outstanding teaching and research awards and the best scholar award during his tenure at UNLV. He is also Co-Director of Center for Energy Research at UNLV.

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