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来源:       时间:2024-06-17

l 个人简介

王浥尘,副教授(特聘研究员)、博士生导师,入选交大“青年拔尖人才”称号。曾在瑞士联邦理工大学/保罗谢勒研究所开展研究工作,在国内外学术期刊发表论文40余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文36篇,总被引1600余次,其中引用过100次的论文两篇(均为ESI高被引论文),H-index为21。近五年以来申请人以第一作者发表SCI/SSCI论文10篇,其中JCR-Q1论文8篇,包括ESI高被引论文1篇。该篇高被引论文自2020年8月发表以来已在Web of Science核心合集中总被引用评价共计153次,Google Scholar总被引用评价234次;荣获陕西省第十五次哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(第一完成人),2021年度陕西省高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖一等奖(第一完成人);担任SCI期刊《Frontiers in Environmental Science》编辑、JCR-Q1期刊《Frontiers in Public Health》客座主编以及多个中英文期刊的匿名审稿人。

l 研究方向


l 科研项目



2018/11-2019/9, 中国博士后基金一等资助(2018M640809)(理论经济学),气十条政策评估:以三大经济区为例。

2022/03-2023/02, 陕西省软科学研究计划(2022KRM071),碳中和愿景下陕西省温室气体与大气污染物的协同控制研究。

l 代表著作



Qiyuan Wang, Rujin Huang, Suixin Liu, Miriam Elser, Yichen Wang., et al. Real-time characterization of aerosol particle composition during winter high pollution events in China. In Air pollution in Asia: An Integrated Perspective, Springer, pp. 221-244, 2017.


l 代表论文

Wang, Y.C., Wang, Q.Y., et al., 2023. Aerosol composition, sources, and secondary processing during autumn at a regional site in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region. Particuology, 2023, 75: 177–184.

Wang, Y.C., Wu, R., et al., 2022a. Differential health and economic impacts from the COVID-19 lockdown between the developed and developing countries: Perspective on air pollution. Environmental Pollution, 293, 118544. (SCI/SSCI双检索, JCR-Q1, IF: 10.0)

Wang, Y.C., Li, X., Wang, Q.Y., et al. 2022b. Response of aerosol composition to the clean air actions in Baoji city of Fen-Wei River Basin. Environmental Research, 112936. (JCR-Q1, IF: 8.4)

Wang, Y.C., Liu, C.G., Wang, Q.Y., et al., 2021. Impacts of natural and socioeconomic factors on PM2.5 from 2014 to 2017. Journal of Environmental Management, 284, 112071. (SCI/SSCI双检索, ABS rating 3, JCR-Q1, IF: 8.9)

Wang, Y.C., Wang, Q.Y., Ye, J.H, et al., 2020a. Chemical composition and sources of submicron aerosols in winter at a regional site in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: implications for the joint action plan. Science of the Total Environment, 719, 137547. (JCR-Q1, IF: 10.8)

Wang, Y.C., Yuan, Y., Wang, Q.Y., 2020b. Changes in air quality related to the control of coronavirus in China: implications for traffic and industrial emissions. Science of the Total Environment, 731, 139133. (JCR-Q1, IF: 10.8)

Wang, Y.C., Wang, Q.Y., Ye, J.H., et al., 2019a. A review of characteristics of aerosol chemical composition and sources in representative regions of China during wintertime. Atmosphere, 10 (5), 277. (约稿,JCR-Q3)

Wang, Y.C., Chen, J., Wang, Q.Y., et al., 2019b. Increased secondary aerosol contribution and possible processing on polluted winter days in China. Environment International, 127, 78–84. (JCR-Q1, IF: 13.4)

Wang, Y.C., Huang, R.J., Ni, H.Y., et al., 2017. Chemical composition, sources and secondary processes of aerosols in Baoji city of northwest China. Atmospheric Environment, 58, 128–137. (JCR-Q1, IF: 5.8)

Huang, R.J., Wang Y.C., Cao J.J., et al. 2019. Primary emissions versus secondary formation of fine particulate matter in the most polluted city (Shijiazhuang) in North China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 2283-2298, 2019. (JCR-Q1, IF: 7.2)

Niu, X.Y., Wang, Y.C., Ho, S.S.H., et al., 2021. Characterization of organic aerosols in PM1 and their cytotoxicity in an urban roadside area in Hong Kong. Chemosphere, 263 (2021), 128239. (共同第一作者, JCR-Q1, IF: 8.9)

Niu, X.Y., Wang, Y.C., Chuang, H.C., et al. 2022. Real-time chemical composition of ambient fine aerosols and related cytotoxic effects in human lung epithelial cells in an urban area. Environmental Research, 209: 112792. (共同第一作者, JCR-Q1, IF: 8.4)

l 荣誉获奖



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