






2019.01-至今:西安交通大学 基础医学院 教授

2018.06-至今:西安交通大学 基础医学院 博士生导师

2017.09-2018.09: 美国UTHealth生物医学信息学院 访问学者

2013.06----至今:西安交通大学 医学院 硕士生导师

2013.01-2018.12: 西安交通大学 医学院 副教授

2008.07-2012.12:西安交通大学 医学院 讲师





1. Xiong X, Zhang L, Fan M, Han L, Wu Q, Liu S, Miao J, Liu L, Wang X, Guo B, Tong D, Ni L,Yang J*, Huang C*.β-Endorphin Induction by Psychological Stress Promotes Leydig Cell Apoptosis through p38 MAPK Pathway in Male Rats.Cells. 2019 Oct 16;8(10). pii: E1265. doi: 10.3390/cells8101265.

2. Duan B, Hu X, Fan M, Xiong X, Han L, Wang Z, Tong D, Liu L, Wang X, Li W,Yang J*, Huang C*.RNA-Binding Motif Protein 6 is a Candidate Serum Biomarker for Pancreatic Cancer.Proteomics Clin Appl. 2019 Sep;13(5):e1900048. doi: 10.1002/prca.201900048.

3.Liu L,Luo M,Xiong X,Zhao L,Wang X,Ni L,Yang J*,Huang C*.Peptidome profiles in melamine diet-induced bladder stones in C57BL/6 mice.Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.2019 Oct 23:114786. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2019.114786.

4.Duan B,Bai J,Qiu J,Wang J,Tong C,Wang X,Miao J,Li Z,Li W,Yang J*,Huang C*. Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SETD7 is a potential serum biomarker for colorectal cancer patients.EBioMedicine.2018 Oct 22. pii: S2352-3964(18)30454-7. doi: 10.1016 / j.ebiom.2018.10.036.

5.Xiong X,Han L,Liu S,Miao J,Luo M,Xue M,Wang X,Ni L,Yang J*,Huang C*. Music intervention improves spatial learning and memory and alters serum proteomics profiling in rats.J Neurosci Res.2018 Oct; 96(10):1727-1736. doi: 10.1002/jnr.24275

6.Yang J, Chen Y, Xiong X, Zhou X, Han L, Ni L, Wang W, Wang X, Zhao L, Shao D, Huang C. Peptidome Analysis Reveals Novel Serum Biomarkers for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in China. Proteomics Clin Appl. 2018 Sep;12 (5):e1700164. doi: 10.1002 / prca.201700164.

7.Yang J, Li W, Liu S, Yuan D, Guo Y, Jia C, Song T, Huang C, Identification of novel serum peptides biomarkers for high-altitude adaptation: A comparative approach. Scientific Reports. 2016. 6: 25489

8.Yang J, Xiong X, Liu S, Zhu J, Luo M,Liu L,Zhao L, Qin Y,Song TS,Huang C, Identification of novel serum peptides biomarkers for female breast cancer patients in Western China. Proteomics, 2016.16(6): 925-34.

9.Yang J, Xiong X, Wang X, Guo B, He K, Huang C. Identification of peptide regions of SERPINA1 and ENOSF1and their protein expression as potential serum biomarkers for gastric cancer. Tumor Biology. 2015.36: 5109-18.

10.Yang J, Zhu J, He K, Zhao LY, Song TS, Huang C. Proteomic Profiling of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) using Magnetic Beads-based Serum Fractionation and MALDI-TOF MS. J Clin Lab Anal. 2015. 29:321-7.

11.Yang J,Hu L,Wu Q,Liu L,Zhao LY,Zhao X,Song TS,Huang C, A terrified-sound stress induced proteomic changes in adult male rat hippocampus,Physiol Behav, 2014. 128: 32-38.

12.Yang J, Yang J, Gao Y, Zhao L, Liu L, Qin Y, Wang X, Song T, Huang C. Identification of potential serum proteomic biomarkers for clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Plos One. 2014. 9 :e111364.

13.Yang J,Hu LL,Song TS,Liu Y,Wu Q,Zhao LY,Liu L,Zhao X,Zhang D,Huang C*, Proteomic Changes in Female Rat Hippocampus Following exposure to a Terrified Sound Stress,J Mol Neurosci, 2014.53:158-165.


1. 黄辰,杨娟,宋土生。一种胃癌血清多肽分子及应用,专利号:201210087910.9.

2. 杨娟,黄辰,宋土生,倪磊。一种新的胃癌标志物检测方法和应用,专利号2013101260209.

3. 杨娟,黄辰, 宋土生, 陈艳妮。一种孤独症血清多肽标志物SERPINA5-A及其应用,专利号201610096309.4

4. 黄辰,杨娟, 宋土生。一种孤独症儿童的血清多肽标志物APOC1-A及其应用,专利号201610096458.0

5. 杨娟,黄辰, 宋土生, 陈艳妮。一种孤独症血清多肽标志物FABP1-A及其应用,专利号201610095160.8

6. 黄辰,杨娟, 宋土生。一种孤独症血清多肽标志物PF4-A及其应用,专利号 201610097011.5



