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日期: 2023-02-28 点击:

Speaker Bio

Dr. Dingyi Wang is a research scientist at the University of New Brunswick in Canada. He is also an overseas teaching master of the Ministry of Education, China (Xian Jiaotong University, 2010-2015), a scientific advisor of the Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2015-2021), and the chief scientist of Xi'an Zhongke Tianta Technology Co., Ltd. (since 2021). Dr. Wang obtained his Bachelor's degree in Geophysics from Peking University in 1969, his Master's degree in Atmospheric Physics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1981, and his PhD in Physics from the University of Cincinnati in 1987. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Mawson Institute, University of Adelaide, Australia, and the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, USA. His research interests include geophysics, atmospheric optical remote sensing, information processing and inversion. He has published over 100 high-quality research papers and has conducted collaborative research in many research centers in Germany, Canada, the United States, Australia and China. He has led or participated in several major national and provincial research projects, including the WINDII (Wind Interferometer Imager) project of NASA, CSA (Canadian Space Agency), and CNS (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) and the MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding) project supported by the European Space Agency. Since 2010, Dr. Wang has been in charge of the high-resolution satellite project of the China National Defense Science and Technology Bureau and has completed the CO2 high-spectral vector radiative transfer model and remote sensing inversion software system. He has led the preparation of the technical reports and other related technical documents for the project and has developed the CO2 product inversion system for the high-spectral observation satellite greenhouse gas detection payload, which has been submitted to the National Satellite Meteorological Center for integration and quasi-business applications. He has co-authored the book "Introduction to Carbon Audit System," and served as the chief umpire of two other books, "Introduction to Resource and Environmental Information Systems" and "Passive Detection of High-Altitude Atmospheric Wind Fields by Satellite Remote Sensing." He has collaborated with the Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and contributed to the preparation of the "Integrated Monitoring System Sub-report of the Three Gorges Project Comprehensive Management Capability Building Implementation Plan (2014-2017)" of the State Council Three Gorges Office. Dr. Wang has received the Innovation Team Award of the Fifth (2014) and Sixth (2016) New Qiao Innovation Achievement Awards of the China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese for his contribution to the Three Gorges ecological environment hyperspectral remote sensing monitoring innovation team, as well as the 2014 Fuling District Science and Technology Cooperation Contribution Award.

王鼎益 研究员 加拿大纽布朗什维克大学研究员,教育部海外教学名师(西安交通大学2010-2015),中科院重庆绿色智能技术研究院科学顾问(2015-2021),西安中科天塔科技有限公司首席科学家(2021至今)。北京大学地球物理专业学士(1969)、中国科技大学大气物理学硕士(1981),美国辛辛那提大学物理学博士(1987),澳大利亚阿德雷德大学墨森研究所、美国阿拉斯加大学地球物理所博士后。主要研究领域:地球物理、大气光学遥感、信息处理与反演等。发表高水平学术研究论文百余篇。先后在德国、加拿大、美国、澳大利亚及中国等多家研究中心开展合作研究。主持、参加了美国NASA、加拿大CSA、法国CNS等多国合作的WINDII (Wind Interferometer Imager) 项目、欧洲空间署ESA支持的 MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding) 等国际著名大气物理研究项目。自2010年在华工作以来,主持或作为技术负责人参与完成国家及省部级重大科研项目7项,在国家重大专项中作出重要贡献。负责国防科工局高分卫星攻关项目,完成了CO2高光谱矢量辐射传输模式和遥感反演软件系统主持编写了项目技术报告以及其它相关的技术文件, 高光谱观测卫星温室气体探测载荷二氧化碳产品反演系统,已提交国家卫星气象中心集成及准业务化应用,参与编写专著:《碳核查体系导论》,主审两本专著:《资源环境信息系统导论》和《卫星遥感被动探测高层大气风场》。与中科院重庆绿色智能技术研究院合作,执笔编写国务院三峡办《三峡工程综合管理能力建设实施规划(2014年~2017年)综合监测体系分报告》。获得中国侨联第五届(2014年)和第六届(2016年)新侨创新成果“创新团队奖”(三峡生态环境高光谱遥感监测创新团队),以及2014年涪陵区科技合作贡献奖励。