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The Academyof Physical Science and Technology (APST) was founded in May 2019, and islocated in Hongli Building in Western China Science and Technology InnovationHarbour. APST consists of three specific institutes and one research center,including the Institute of Science and Technology for Optics and Particle Beam,Institute of Material Structure and Function Modulation, Institute for Studiesin Frontier Theoretical Physics, and Western China Center for Optical Resourceand Earth Environment Research.




By “gatheringoutstanding researchers for frontier research”, oriented on the major issues instrategic, fundamental and prospective scientific research in physics, andguided by the national major demands in energy, information, biomedicine,material, and space development, APST focuses on investigating material structures,interactions, precision synthesis and function modulation on multiple microscales (atom, molecule and nanometer) so as to reveal new effects and laws,thus providing sources for technological revolutions and innovation-drivendevelopments, and finally accelerating the industrialization of scientific researchresults to promote the development of emerging disciplines.


物理科学与技术研究院设有教育部物质非平衡合成与调控重点实验室、科技部新材料国际研发中心、陕西省先进功能材料及介观物理重点实验室和陕西省量子信息与光电量子器件重点实验室等省部级和国家级科研基地。近年来,主持承担了包括 973 课题项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金优青项目等在内的国家级项目、省部级项目数十项,获得国家自然科学二等奖、国家科技进步二等奖、教育部自然科学一等奖、陕西省科学技术一等奖等多项,发表包括ESI高被引在内的SCI 论文一千余篇。


APSThouses several national and provincial key bases for scientific research,including MOE Key Laboratory for Non-equilibrium Synthesis and Modulation ofCondensed Matter, MOST InternationalJoint Research Center for New Materials, ShaanxiKey Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials and Meso-Physics, Shaanxi KeyLaboratory for Quantum Information and Quantum Optoelectronic Devices. Faculties in APST have gained support by NationalProgram on Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Program), the Key Program ofNSFC, NSFC for Excellent Young Scholars and many other funds. For their extraordinaryachievements, faculties in APST have published more than one thousand SCI-indexedjournal papers, and have won 2nd prize of National Natural ScienceAward, 2nd prize of National Science and Technology AdvancementAward, 1st prize of MOE Natural Science Award, 1st prizeof Shanxi Science and Technology Award.




APST willfocus on the worldwide frontiers of science and technology, as well as nationaldemands in economy and major strategic development. The institute plans to setup research centers for studies in atomic physics and plasma physics based onion beam and ultrafast laser, dynamic structure and function of soft matter, spaceoptics of ultra-high resolution imaging and advanced optical remote sensingdetection. APST has extensive collaborations with international universities,such as Yale University, UC Berkley, University of Munich and Kyoto University,and explores to set up joint research centers with CAS and world top 500 enterprises.With continuous efforts of all staff and students, faculty and staff of APST areworking to develop it into the world-class highlands in scientific research ofits fields.




