【主要著作】 1. Wenhua Shan, Sheng Zhang, Jinyuan Su (eds.), China and International Dispute Resolution in the Context of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, Cambridge University Press, 2021。 2. 彼特·范登布殊、单文华:《世界贸易组织法原理》(上、下册),法律出版社,2020。 3. Wenhua Shan,Kimmo Nuotio, Kangle Zhang(eds.), Normative Readings of the Belt and Road Initiative: Road to New Paradigms, Springer, 2018. (2019年获首届斯普林格·自然中国新发展奖) 4. Александр Молотников, Шань Вэньхуа(单文华),Правовые основы бизнеса в Китае (《中国商法》,俄文版), Ответственные редакторы, 2018. 5. 《单文华国际法与比较法论集》(上、中、下卷),法律出版社,2016。 6. Wenhua Shan, Peng Wang, Report on the Compatibility of the Chinese Laws and Regulations with Provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty, Energy Charter Secretariat, 2015. (2022年获钱端升法学研究成果奖) 7. Qiao Liu, Wenhua Shan (ed.), China and International Commercial Dispute Resolution, BRILL/NIJHOFF, 2015. 8. Wenhua Shan, Jinyua Su (ed.), China and International Investment Law: Twenty Years of ICSID Membership, BRILL/NIJHOFF, 2014. 9. Wenhua Shan (ed), Legal Protection of Foreign Investment: A Comparative Study, Hart Publishing, 2012. (2014年获陕西省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖) 10. Wenhua Shan, Norah Gallagher, Chinese Investment Treaties: Policies and Practice,Oxford University Press, 2009, 603 pages. 11. Wenhua Shan, et al (ed.), Redefining Sovereignty in International Economic Law, Hart Publishing, 2008, 438 pages. 12. Wenhua Shan, The Legal Framework of EU-China Investment Relations: A Critical Appraisal, Hart Publishing (Oxford), October 2005, 377 pages excluding preliminaries. (2014年获钱端升法学研究成果奖) 13. 《“丝绸之路经济带”贸易投资便利化法律框架研究》,法律出版社,2018。 14. 《中国对外能源投资的国际法保护》,清华大学出版社,2014。 15. 《危机与欧洲法律变革》,法律出版社,2014。 16. 《欧盟对华投资的法律框架:解构与建构》,北京大学出版社,2007。 17. 《国际贸易法学》(上下册,84万字,陈安教授主编“国际经济法系列专著”之一),主编,北京大学出版社,2000年版。 【主要译作】 1. 单文华、赵宏、吴双全译;单文华校:《无法无天的世界》,人民出版社,2011。(2012年获中国新闻出版研究院2011年度引进版社科类优秀图书奖) 2. 单文华、蔡从燕译:《欧盟商法》,北京大学出版社,2007。 3. 钟兴国、林忠、单文华译:《世界贸易组织:国际贸易新体制》,北京大学出版社,1997。 【主要英文论文】 1. Lu Wang, Wenhua Shan (corresponding author), Force Majeure and Investment Arbitration, ICSID Review (2022) 37 (1-2) 138-159 (SSCI). 2. Wenhua Shan, Yunya Feng, China International Commercial Court: Towards an Integrated Dispute Resolution System, Asia Pacific Law Review (SSCI), Spring 2021. 3. Wenhua Shan, Lu Wang, The Concept of “Investment”: Treaty Practices and Arbitration Interpretations, in Julien Chaisse, Leïla Choukroune, Sufian Jusoh (eds.), Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy, Springer, 2020. 4. Wenhua Shan, Peng Wang, Divergent Views on State Immunity in the International Community, in Tom Guys & Nicolas Angelet (eds.), Cambridge Handbook on Immunity and International Law, Cambridge University Press, June 2019. 5. Wenhua Shan, Lu Wang, The Definition of “Investment”: Recent Developments and Lingering Issues, in Jean Kalicki and Mohamed Abdel Raouf (General Editors), ICCA Congress Series No. 20, “Evolution and Adaptation: The Future of International Arbitration” (Wolters Kluwer, 2019) 6. Wenhua Shan, Peng Wang, The International Legal Framework for Belt and Road Energy Cooperation-Progress and Prospect, The Journal of World Investment and Trade, Vol.20 (2), 2019. 7. Wenhua Shan, Yunya Feng, A Trinity Analytical Framework for ISDS Reform, American Journal of International Law, Vol 112, September 2018. 8. Wenhua Shan, Peng Wang, A Matrix Analytical Framework for Investment Disputes and their Settlement, ICSID Review (OUP) (SSCI), Vol.33 (3), 2018. 9. Wenhua Shan (with comments by Gary Hufbauer and Tyler Moran), Toward a Multilateral or Plurilateral Framework for Investment. E15 Initiative. Geneva: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and World Economic Forum, 2015. 10. Wenhua Shan, Hongrui Chen, The China-US BIT Negotiations and the Emerging Chinese BIT 4.0, in Chin Leng Lim (ed.), Alternative Visions in the International Law on Foreign Investment: Essays in Honour of M. Sornarajah, Cambridge University Press, 2015. 11. Wenhua Shan, Lu Wang, The China–EU BIT and the Emerging “Global BIT 2.0”, ICSID Review (OUP) (SSCI), Vol.30 (1), 2015. 12. Wenhua Shan, Feldman Mark, Introduction-“The Pacific Rim and International Economic Law: Opportunities and Risks of the Pacific Century”, Transnational Dispute Management 1, 2015. 13. Wenhua Shan, Lu Wang, The China-EU BIT: The Emerging Global BIT 2.0? Columbia FDI Perspectives (Columbia University), No 128, 18 August 2014. 14. Wenhua Shan, Sheng Zhang, Market Access Provisions in the Potential EU Model BIT: Towards a “Global BIT 2.0”? The Journal of World Investment and Trade, Vol.15 (3), 2014. 15. Wenhua Shan, Legal Education in China: The New “Outstanding Legal Personnel Education Scheme” and Its Implications, Legal Information Management (Cambridge University Press), Vol.13 (1), 2013. 16. Wenhua Shan, China and International Investment Law, in Leon Trakman and Nicola Ranieri (eds.), Regionalism in International Investment Law, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2013. 17. Wenhua Shan, Norah Gallagher, Chinese Model BITs, in Chester Brown et al (eds), Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2013. 18. Wenhua Shan, Sheng Zhang, The Potential EU-China BIT: Issues and Implications, in Marc Bungengerg et al (eds.), European Union and Investment Agreements: Open Questions and Remaining Challenges, OMOS, 2013. 19. Wenhua Shan, Commentary on Maffezini v. Spain, Decision on objections to jurisdiction, ICSID Case No. ARB/97/7(2001) 16 ICSID Rev-FILJ (SSCI) 212, Nov.2013. 20. Wenhua Shan et al, Commentary on Tza Yap Shum v Peru: Jurisdiction, Oxford University Press (OUP) Investmentcliams.com (on-line publication), Sep.2012. 21. Wenhua Shan, Norah Gallagher, Sheng Zhang, National Treatment and Foreign Investment in China: A Changing Landscape, ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal (SSCI), Spring 2012. 22. Wenhua Shan, Sheng Zhang, FDI in China and the Role of Law: An Empirical Approach, The Journal of World Investment and Trade, Vol.12(4), August 2011, pp. 457-486. 23. Wenhua Shan, Towards a Balanced Liberal Investment Regime: General Report on the Protection of Investment for the International Congress of Comparative Law 2010 Washington DC, ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal (SSCI), Fall 2010. 24. Wenhua Shan, Sheng Zhang, The Treaty of Lisbon: Halfway toward a Common Investment Policy, European Journal of International Law (SSCI), No.4, 2010.(2013年获陕西省哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖) 25. Wenhua Shan, Umbrella Clause and Investment Contracts under Chinese BITs: Are the Later Covered by the Former? Journal of World Investment and Trade, No.2. 2010. 26. Wenhua Shan, “Redefining the Chinese Concept of Sovereignty”, in Wang Gungwu and Zheng Yongnian (eds.), China and the New International Order, Routledge, 2008. 27. Wenhua Shan, Commentary on Metalclad Corp v Mexico, Award, Ad hoc—ICSID Additional Facility Rules; ICSID Case No ARB(AF)/97/1; Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford Reports on International Law- IIC 161 (2000); Investment Claims- IIC 161 (2000), 2008. 28. Wenhua Shan, Commentary on Metalclad Corp v Mexico, Review by the supreme court of British Columbia, ICSID Case No ARB(AF)/97/1; Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford Reports on International Law- IIC 162 (2001); Investment Claims- IIC 162 (2001), 2008. 29. Wenhua Shan, Commentary on Metalclad Corp v Mexico, Supplementary reasons for judgment, 2001 BCSC 1529; Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford Reports on International Law- IIC 163 (2001); Investment Claims- IIC 163 (2001), 2008. 30. Wenhua Shan, N Gallagher and S Zhang, Bilateral Investment Overview: China (including over 100 Commentaries on each BIT), Oxford University Press (OUP) Investment Claims: IC-OV 6 CN (2008), 2008. 31. Wenhua Shan, Is Calvo Dead? American Journal of Comparative Law (SSCI), June-August Issue, 2007.(2009年获陕西省哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖) 32. Wenhua Shan, From “North-South Divide” to “Private-Public Debate”: The Revival of Calvo and the Changing Landscape in International Investment Law, 27 Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business (SSCI), No.3, Spring 2007. 33. Wenhua Shan, Law and Foreign Investment in China: Effectiveness of the Legal System, Manchester Journal of International Economic Law (University of Manchester), Vol.3(1), 2006, pp. 51-67. 34. Wenhua Shan, Law and Foreign Investment in China: General Role of Law and Substantive Issues, Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.2 (3), 2005. pp. 1-41. 35. Wenhua Shan, EU Enlargement and the Legal Framework of EU-China Investment Relations, 6 The Journal of World Investment & Trade (formerly known as The Journal of World Investment, Geneva) 2, April 2005, pp. 237-262. 36. Wenhua Shan, The International Law of EU Investment in China, Chinese Journal of International Law (an OUP journal in association with the Chinese Society of International Law, Oxford), Vol.1(2), 2002, pp. 555-614. 37. Wenhua Shan, Towards a Level Playing Field of Foreign Investment in China, 3 The Journal of World Investment (Geneva) 2, April 2002, pp. 327-344. 38. Wenhua Shan, Towards a Common European Community Policy on Investment Issues, 2 The Journal of World Investment (Geneva) 3, September 2001, pp. 603-625. 39. Wenhua Shan, Towards a New Legal Framework for EU-China Investment Relations, 34 Journal of World Trade (SSCI), 5, October 2000, pp. 137-179. 【主要中文论文】 1. 单文华:外资国民待遇及其实施条件,《中国社会科学》,1998年第5期。(2000年获福建省第四届社会科学优秀成果三等奖) 2. 曾华群、单文华:中国国际经济法学的创立与发展,《中国法学》, 1998年第5期。 3. 单文华:中国有关国际惯例的立法评析,《中国法学》,1997年第3期。(1999年获福建省法学会1997年度优秀论文一等奖) 4. 单文华:世界贸易组织协定中的国际投资规范评析,《法学研究》,1996年第2期。(1998年获福建省法学会1996年度青年法学、法律工作者优秀论文一等奖) 5. 单文华:我国外资国民待遇制度的发展与完善,《法学研究》,1995年第6期。(1997年获福建省法学会1995年度优秀论文一等奖,1998年获福建省第三届社会科学优秀成果三等奖) 6. 单文华:市场经济与外商投资企业的国民待遇研究,《中国法学》,1994年第5期。(1996年获福建省法学会1994年度优秀论文二等奖) 【科研获奖及荣誉称号】 教育部讲座教授、国务院政府特殊津贴专家 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果(人文社会科学)一等奖,教育部,2020 陕西省哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖,陕西省人民政府,2019 斯普林格·自然中国新发展奖,Springer-Nature,2019 首届中国智库创新人才先锋人物奖,2018 钱端升法学研究成果三等奖,2014&2022 (另有其他省部级奖项若干) |