

Population and Development Studies
Jing Ma
Date: 2022-03-02   Source:Clicks:

Jing Ma


School of Public Policy and Administration, Xian Jiaotong University

28 Xianning Road West, Xian, Shaanxi, P.R. China 710049



Dr. Jing Ma received her M.A.Sc degree in Systems Design Engineering (University of Waterloo) and Ph.D. degree in Environmental Science(University of Manitoba), respectively. Her research interests are natural resources management and environmental policy analysis; decision support systems and methods; environmental impact assessment and risk governance; city planning and regional development; and environmental Internet of Things (IoT).

Selected Publications:

Ma, J.*, Yin, Z.Y.*, Hipel, K.W., Li, M., He, J.T. Exploring factors influencing the application accuracy of the theory of planned behavior in explaining recycling behavior. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (2021) https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2021.2001318 (SSCI)

Ma, J.*, Yin, Z.Y., Guo, Z.B. Meta-Evaluation for the Evaluation of Environmental Management: Standards and Practices. Sustainability 13(5), 2567 (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/su13052567(SSCI/SCI)

Ma, J.*,Hipel, K.W., Hanson, M.L. An evaluation of the social dimensions in public participation in rural domestic waste source-separated collection in Guilin, China.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment190: 35 (2018). (SCI)

Ma, J.*,Hipel, K.W., Hanson, M.L., Cai, X., Liu, Y. An analysis of influencing factors on municipal solid waste source-separated collection behavior in China by using the theory of planned behavior.Sustainable Cities and Society37, 336-343 (2018). (SSCI & SCI)

Ma, J.*,Hipel, K.W., Hanson, M.L. Public participation in municipal solid waste source- separated collection in Guilin, China: status and influencing factors.Journal of Environmental Planning and Management60(12), 2174-2191 (2017). (SSCI)

Ma, J.*,Hipel, K.W. Exploring social dimensions of municipal solid waste management around the globe - a systematic literature review.Waste Management56, 3-12 (2016).

Ma, J.*,Hipel, K.W., McLachlan, S.M. Cross-border conflict resolution: sediment contamination dispute in Lake Roosevelt.Canadian Water Resources Journal38(1), 73-82 (2013). (SCI)

Ma, J.,Hipel, K.W.*, De, M. Devils Lake Emergency Outlet Diversion conflict.Journal of Environmental Management92(3), 427-447 (2011). (SSCI & SCI)

Ma, J.,Hipel, K.W.*, De, M. Transboundary water policies: assessment, comparison and enhancement.Water Resources Management22(8), 1069-1087 (2008). (SCI)

Ma, J.,Hipel, K.W.*, De, M. Strategic analysis of the James Bay hydroelectric dispute in Canada.Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering32(5), 868-880 (2005). (SCI)

Open positions for Postdoctoral researchers, PhD, and Master's students:

If you have great passion to solve interdisciplinary problems that lie at the interface of society, technology and environment, you are welcome to email me your CV and transcripts atjing.ma@xjtu.edu.cn. Thank you for your interest in my research program and good luck!


Copyright: Xi'an Jiaotong University_school of Public Policy and Administration E-mail:xjtusppa@yahoo.com.cn

Address: Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province Post Code No. 28:710049 Website: Yi Yang Technology