3.教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(22YJA630059):基层慢性病“医防融合”共同体建设路径研究:基于信任管理的视角, 022.07-2025.12,主持
1. The relationship between public risk preference and the underuse or overuse of preventive health services in the information age[J]. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2024, 41:102727. (一作/通讯)
2.Research on the spatial and temporal patterns and formation mechanisms of intergenerational health mobility in China[J]. Social Indicators Research, 2024, 173 (3): 709-740.(一作)
3. Has China's hierarchical medical system improved doctor-patient relationships?[J]. Health Economics Review, 2024,14(1):54. (通讯)
4. The effect of “offline-to-online” trust transfer on the utilization of online medical consultation among Chinese rural residents: Experimental study[J]. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023, 25: 1-19. (一作/通讯)
5. Can digital finance mitigate trust issues for chronically ill patients because of relative deprivation of income?[J]. Digital Health, 2023, 9(0): 1-18. (一作)
6. Interaction between self-perceived disease control and self-management behaviours among Chinese middle-aged and older hypertensive patients: the role of subjective life expectancy[J]. BMC Public Health, 2022,22(1):733. (一作)
7. Social engagement and urban–rural disparity in self-management behaviors: Study of middle-aged and older Chinese hypertension patients[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022,9:801307. (一作)
8. Impacts of Internet Use on Chinese Patients’ Trust-Related Primary Healthcare Utilization. Healthcare, 2022, 10(10), 2114. (一作)
9. Multimorbidity patterns in old adults and their associated multi-layered factors: a cross-sectional study[J]. BMC Geriatrics,2021,21: 372. (一作)
10. Quality of life among different types of Chinese lonely elderly: A social isolation-based analysis[J]. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 2021, 2: 1-9. (一作/通讯)
11. The relationship between socioeconomic status and depression among the older adults: The mediating role of health promoting lifestyle[J]. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021, 285: 22-28. (共一)
12. The evolutionary stage of cognitive frailty and its changing characteristics in old adults[J]. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, 2020, 12: 1-12. (一作/通讯)
13. How social isolation and loneliness effect medication adherence among elderly with chronic diseases: An integrated theory and validated cross-sectional study[J]. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2020, 90: 104-154. (一作/通讯)
14.Traceability information and willingness to pay: the case of pork[J]. Singapore Economic Review, 2020, 65(3): 737-754. (一作)
15. Best-Worst scaling in health economics in China: past, present and future (Abstract). Value in Health, 2020, PNS20, S287. (通讯)
16. Using instant messenger to recruit research participants in medical decision making: Does WeChat provide an alternative solution? (Abstract). Value in Health, 2020, PNS151, S312. (通讯)
17.Preferences of older patients with chronic diseases for medication review services in Shanxi, China: Results from a discrete choice experiment (Abstract). Value in Health Regional Issues, 2020, PNS41, S88. (一作/通讯)
18. Moderating effect of social support on depression and health promoting lifestyle for Chinese empty nesters: A cross-sectional study[J]. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2019, 0165-0327. (一作/通讯)
19. Consumer Preference and Demand for Traceable Food Attributes [J]. British Food Journal, 2016, 118(9): 2140-2156. (一作)
20. k-modes聚类方法的改进与在可追溯猪肉消费偏好研究中的应用[J]. 系统管理学报,2019,28(4): 765-775. (一作)
21.家庭食品处理风险行为特征与食源性疾病间相关性研究[J].中国人口•资源与环境, 2017, 27(8): 98 -105. (一作)
22.慢性病疾病组合模式识别方法的应用与比较[J]. 中国卫生统计,2022,39(03): 477-480. (一作/通讯)