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新加坡国立大学Thian Eng San副教授来访医学部公共卫生学院

发布时间:2017-05-31 16:09:36  浏览次数: 次  来源:本站

2017年5月24日-29日,“丝路大学联盟”之一的新加坡国立大学(University of Singapore) Thian Eng San副教授受医学部公共卫生学院韩晶副教授邀请,赴我校公共卫生学院和材料科学与工程学院访问,进行了为期6天的学术讲座与交流。

Thian Eng San副教授做了题为“Solving Musculoskeletal Issues using Engineering Approaches”和“Green Composite Packaging Film for Food Security”的讲座,分享了国际骨与软骨生物材料及组织工程修复技术、绿色环境友好食品包装材料的研究进展和研究成果。公共卫生学院、材料科学与工程学院的教师、研究生和留学生参加了讲座。

来访期间,Thian Eng San副教授与公共卫生学院庄贵华院长、郭雄教授、易建华主任、韩晶副教授等,就“一带一路”背景下的人才交流与培养、学术研究、联合实验室建立等方面的合作进行了深入交流,并达成了初步合作意向;与材料科学与工程学院憨勇教授、张兰副教授、李博讲师等就骨与软骨生物材料及组织工程修复技术的研究进展和课题设计等与课题组教师和学生进行了讨论和分享,达成初步合作意向。通过此次交流活动,Thian Eng San副教授与我校公共卫生学院、材料科学与工程学院加强了相互了解,拟定了进一步的合作计划,明确了后续合作的方向。

Thian Eng San 副教授个人简介:

Dr Thian Eng San is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and a Principal Investigator in the Centre for Biomedical Materials Applications & Technology (BIOMAT) at National University of Singapore (NUS). He is also a fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), and the Royal Microscopical Society (FRMS). Prior to joining NUS, he worked as a Faraday Research Associate in the Cambridge Centre for Medical Materials, UK under Professor William Bonfield. Trained as a biomaterial scientist, he gained a broad knowledge at the interface of materials science and biotechnology, relating to biomedical and food applications. Areas of his research work include (but not limited to) nanobiomedical materials, chemically-modified apatites, composites for biomedical engineering, surface modification, tissue engineering, and food security.

Dr Thian has received several awards including the Bechtel Gold Medal, Armourers & Brasiers’ Company Award, and Institution of Mechanical Engineering Best PhD Thesis in Bioengineering Award. Dr Thian is engaged in internationally leading research addressing some of the global healthcare challenges, with a total research income of over S$7 million from various sources. He has made major contributions to the biomaterials field and in particular, for musculoskeletal repair, having authored more than 140 journal papers, conference papers and book chapters; and also a member of the reviewer board of several major biomaterials journals.

上一篇:尼泊尔前驻华大使Mahesh Kumar Maskey博士访问公共卫生学院并作学术报告


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