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作者: 编辑: 发布时间:2019-12-09

题目:The Role of High-Skilled Foreign Labor in Startup Performance: Evidence from Two Natural Experiments









张枫博士,西安交通大学管理学院会计学学士、会计学硕士,UBC金融学博士,现为美国犹他大学商学院金融学副教授(with tenure),研究领域为M&A、行为金融、鼓励政策、公司治理机制研究等,已在Journal of Financial Economics、Review of Financial Studies、Management Science等顶级学术期刊发表学术论文。

[1]      “Characteristic-based benchmark returns and corporate events,” 2019, with Hank Bessembinder and Mike Cooper. Review of Financial Studies 32, 75-125. The characteristic-based expected returns used in this paper are uploaded to WRDS, Contributed Data.

[2]      “Do insiders time management buyouts and freezeouts to buy undervalued targets?,” 2019, with Jar-rad Harford and Jared Stanfield, Journal of Financial Economics 131, 206-231.

[3]      “Long run stock returns after corporate events revisited,” 2017, with Hank Bessembinder, Critical Finance Review, forthcoming.

[4]      “Predictable corporate distributions and stock returns,” 2015, with Hank Bessembinder, Review of Financial Studies 28, 1199-1241.

[5]      “Director gender and mergers and acquisitions,” 2014, with Maurice Levi and Kai Li, Journal of Corporate Finance 28, 185-200 (A Special Issue on Inside the Board Room). Winner of the Best Doctoral Student Paper in Behavioral Finance Award at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics.

[6]      “Firm characteristics and long-run stock returns after corporate events,” 2013, with Hank Bessem-binder, Journal of Financial Economics 109, 83-102.

[7]      “Information precision and IPO pricing,” 2012, Journal of Corporate Finance 18, 331-348.

[8]      “Deal or no deal: Hormones and the mergers and acquisitions game,” 2010, with Maurice Levi and Kai Li, Management Science 56, 1462-1483.