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作者: 编辑: 发布时间:2013-10-22

题    目:How Can I Trust You? Trust Ambivalence and Governance Complexity in Interorganizational Relationships

报 告 人:苏晨汀教授,香港城市大学市场营销系主任

时    间:2013年10月28日(星期一)下午2:30-4:30

地    点:西安交通大学管理学院313会议室


地    点:西安交通大学管理学院324会议室

苏晨汀教授 简介:

苏晨汀教授, 1999年毕业于Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,获营销方向的博士学位,主要研究兴趣是Channels governance with emphasis on social network and role theory,group decision theory with emphasis on household purchase decision behavior, China marketing with emphasis on guanxi management and Chinese business circles和business ethics with emphasis on consumer ethics。他的学术论文发表在Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research,Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of International Business Studies,MIS Quarterly,Journal of Business Ethics,Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Strategic Management Journal等期刊上。