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香港城市大学Prof. Kin Keung Lai学术讲座

作者: 编辑: 发布时间:2014-04-14

题  目:Robust Optimization with applications in Health Care

报告人:香港城市大学 Prof. Kin Keung Lai

时  间:4月22日(周二)下午 14:30-16:00

地  点:管理学院313教室

【Bio of Prof. Kin Keung Lai】:

Professor Laiis currently the Chair Professor of Management Science at the City University of Hong Kong. Professor Lai received his Ph.D. at

 Michigan State University, USA. Prior to his current post, he was a Senior Operational Research Analyst at Cathay Pacific Airways, and an Area 

Manager for Marketing Information Systems at Union Carbide Eastern.  

Professor Lai’s main areas of research interests are operations and supply chain management,financial engineering and business intelligence

 modeling. He has extensively published in international refereed journals in the above areas. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Operations Research and the International Journal of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Systems. 

He is also on the editorial board of over 10 international journals.  Professor Lai is a member of the International Advisory Committee of the 

Journal of Operational Research Society of UK, Council of International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Council of Association 

of Asia Pacific Operations Research Societies, Council of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society, Council of Chinese 

Society of Systems Engineering, and Council of Chinese Society of Decision Sciences. He was the Founding Chairman of the Hong Kong 

Operational Research Society and also the President of the Asia Association on Risk and Crisis Management. 

Professor Lai had been the Dean of the College of Business Administration, Hunan University, China.  He is currently Adjunct Professor at the 

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Universityof Science and Technology, Hefei andShannxi Normal University, Xian. Professor Lai 

is the recipient of the 2009 Joon S. Moon Distinguished International Alumni Award of the MichiganStateUniversity. He is the Chang Jiang 

Scholar Chair Professor named by the Ministry of Education, China from 2009. He is alsothe recipient of the 2014 Civil and Environmental 

Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award of Michigan State University. He is the Fellow of the Asia Pacific Association of IndustrialEngineering 

and Management Systems. .

Professor Lai has published over 700 papers and 40 books. Selected publications can be found in
