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林 颖

2017年10月10日 11:46  点击:[]

  林   颖   副 教 授


  邮    箱:linying@xjtu.edu.cn


2014.8-2017.5  美国奥本大学,应用经济学,博士

2011.9-2013.7  西北农林科技大学,区域经济学,硕士

2007.9-2011.6  西北农林科技大学,农林经济管理,学士


2021.1-至今    西安交通大学,经济与金融学院,副教授

2017.9-2020.12 西安交通大学,经济与金融学院,讲师

2017.7-2018.5  美国奥本大学,博士后

2014.8-2017.5  美国奥本大学,科研助理




1.  Lin Y., X. Yang, Y. Wang., S.B. Yao, 2020. The Effect of Forest on PM2.5 Concentrations: A Spatial Panel Approach. Forest Policy and Economics 118, 102261.

2.  Lin Y., H. Kinnucan, 2020. The Optimal Export Tax for A Primary Commodity in A Vertical Market. Agricultural Economics 51, 909-922.

3.  Lin Y., M. Qu, C. Liu, S. Yao, 2020. Land Tenure, Property Rights, and Tree Plantation: Empirical Evidence from Smallholders in China. China Economic Review 60, 101215.

4.  Kim H., Y. Lin, H. Thompson, 2020. Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Consumer Prices:

   The Increasing Role of Energy Prices. Open Economies Review, DOI 10.1007/s11079-020-09601-7

5.  Qu, M., Y. Lin, P. Halder, 2019. Analysis of Chinese pupils’ intents in using bioenergy through the application of structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 10: 386-394.

6.  Liu Y., S. Yao, Y. Lin, 2018. Effect of Key Priority Forestry Programs on off-farm employment: Evidence from Chinese rural households. Forest Policy and Economics 88: 24-37.

7.  Lin, Y., D. Zhang, 2017. Incidence of Russian log export tax: A vertical log-lumber model. Journal of Forest Economics 29: 69-77.

8.  Zhang D.W., Y. Lin, J.P. Prestemon. 2017. From Deficit to Surplus: An Econometric Analysis of U.S. Trade Balance in Forest Products. Forest Science 63: 209-217.

9.  Zhang D.W., Y. Lin, D. Sasatani. 2017. Dealing with the Housing Crisis: A Study on Softwood Sawmills in the Southern U.S. Forest Products Journal 67: 190-195.

10. Zhang H., J. Kuuluvainen, Y. Lin, P.H. Gao. 2017. Cointegration in China’s Log Import Demand: Price Endogeneity and Structural Change. Journal of Forest Economics 27: 99-109.

11. Qu, M., G. Liu, Y. Lin, E. Driedger, Z. Peter, X. Xu, Y. Cao, 2017. Experts’ perceptions of the Sloping Land Conversion Program in the Loess Plateau, China. Land Use Policy 69: 204-210.

12. Qu M., Y. Lin, C. Liu, S.B. Yao, Y. Cao. 2016. Farmers' Perceptions of Developing Forest Based Bioenergy in China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 58: 581-589.

13. Lin Y., S.B. Yao. 2014. Impact of the Sloping Land Conversion Program on Rural Household Income: An Integrated Estimation. Land Use Policy 40: 56-63.


1.  国家社会科学基金青年项目,20CGL030,2020-2023,主持

1.  教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金,19YJC790075,2019-2021,主持

2.  中国博士后科学基金一等资助,2017M620462,2017-2019,主持

3.  陕西省软科学,2018KRLY11,2019.1-6,主持


2017  美国奥本大学,Outstanding International Student

2017  美国奥本大学,Drummond Award

2016  美国奥本大学,Lyle Tom Fellowship

2014  教育部,国家奖学金



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