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发布时间:2022-07-19  浏览次数: 次  来源:   作者:



王戌梅,博士,教授,博士生导师。现为陕西省天然药物学会常务理事、陕西省植物学会理事、陕西省药学会中药及天然药物专业委员会委员、《药学研究》编委、国家自然科学基金委同行评议专家。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、陕西省自然科学基金重点项目及其他科研项目10余项;主持校级教学改革项目2项目。主编《中草药识别手册——西北地区分册》,参编《药用植物学》《中药资源学》《中国药典中药材DNA条形码标准序列》《药用植物鉴别与开发利用》《陕西化龙山国家级自然保护区植物资源及保护》等多部教材及著作。发表学术论文40余篇,其中在Molecular EcologyFrontiers in GeneticsAnnals of BotanyAoB PlantsScientific ReportsJournal of Systematics and EvolutionMitochondrial DNAPLoS ONEInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences等刊物发表SCI论文30余篇。研究成果获陕西省科学技术二等奖。

2019/01 ~至今,西安交通大学,药学院,教授

2015/06 ~至今,西安交通大学,药学院,博士生导师

2014/09 ~ 2015/08,英国爱丁堡皇家植物园,科学部,访问学者

2011/12 ~ 2018/12,西安交通大学,药学院,副教授

2011/07 ~至今,西安交通大学,药学院,硕士生导师

2004/08 ~ 2011/11,西安交通大学,医学院药学系,讲师

2002/07 ~ 2004/07,西安交通大学,药学院,助教

2005/09 ~ 2009/07,沈阳药科大学,中药学院中药资源学专业,博士

1999/09 ~ 2002/07,西北大学,生命科学学院植物学专业,硕士

1995/09 ~ 1999/07,西北大学,生命科学学院药用植物学专业,学士



2.国家自然科学基金委面上项目,“基于种内分化的中药大黄道地性形成的遗传学机制研究”,(31470401;85万元;2015. 01-2018. 12),主持人。

3.国家自然科学基金委青年项目,“中药大黄原植物的形态变异、遗传变异与地理分布格局间的相关性研究”,(81001602;20万元;2011. 01-2013. 12),主持人。

4.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,“药用植物分布格局对未来气候变化响应的预测研究”,(xjj2014142;10万元;2014. 01-2016. 12),主持人。

5.陕西省林业厅项目,“陕西第二次全国重点保护植物资源调查”,(201301;3万元;2013. 12-2015. 12),主持人。

6.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,“陕西省大黄的遗传资源研究”,(xjj20100038;4万元;2010. 05-2013. 05),主持人。




1. Feng L., Ruhsam M., Wang Y.H., Li Z.H.,Wang X.M.*. Using demographic model selection to untangle allopatric divergence and diversification mechanisms in theRheum palmatumcomplex in the Eastern Asiatic Region. Molecular Ecology, 2020, 29(10): 1791-1805

2.ZhouT.,ZhuH.H.,WangJ.,XuY.C., XuF.S,Wang X.M.*. Complete chloroplast genome sequence determination ofRheumspecies and comparative chloroplast genomics for the members of Rumiceae. Plant Cell Reports, 2020, 39(6): 811-824.

3. ZhouT., RuhsamM., WangJ., ZhuH.H., LiW.L., ZhangX., XuY.C., XuF.S.,Wang X.M.*. The complete chloroplast genome ofEuphrasia regelii, pseudogenization of ndh genes and the phylogenetic relationships within Orobanchaceae.Frontiers in Genetics, 2019, 10: 444.

4.Wang X.M.*, Feng L., Zhou T.,RuhsamM.*, HuangL, HouX.Q., SunX.J, FanK, HuangM., ZhouY., SongJ.2018. Genetic and chemical diferentiation characterizes top-geoherb and non-top-geoherb areas in the TCM herb rhubarb.Scientific Reports8: 9424.

5.Wang X.M., Gussarova G., Ruhsam M.,de VereN., MetherellC., HollingsworthP.M., TwyfordA.D.* 2018. DNA barcoding a taxonomically complex hemiparasitic genus reveals deep divergence between ploidy levels but lack of species-level resolution.AoB Plants10: ply026.

6.Wang X.M.*, Zhou T., Bai G.Q.,ZhaoY.M. 2018. Complete chloroplast genome sequence ofFagopyrum dibotrys: genome features, comparative analysis and phylogenetic relationships.Scientific Reports8: 12379.

7. Zhou T., Zhao Y.M., Bai G.Q.,Wang X.M.*2018. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome sequence ofSinowilsonia henryi(Hamamelidaceae).Conservation Genetic Resources10 (3): 495-498.

8. Zhou T., Wang J., Jia Y., Li W.L., Xu F.S.,Wang X.M.*2018. Comparative chloroplast genome analyses of species inGentianasectionCruciata(Gentianaceae) and the development of authentication markers.International Journal of Molecular Sciences19 (7), 1962-1976.

9. Zhou Y., Du X.L., Zheng X., Huang M., Li Y.,Wang X.M.*2017. ITS2 barcode for identifying the officinal rhubarb source plants from its adulterants.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology70: 177-185.

10. Fan K., Sun X.J., Huang M.,Wang X.M.*2016. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of the medicinal plant ofRheum palmatumL. (Polygonaceae).Mitochondrial DNA27(4): 2935-2936.

11. Huang M., Sun X.J., Zhou Y.,Wang X.M.*2016. Comparison of methods to preserveRheum palmatum(Polygonaceae) for efficient DNA extraction and PCR amplification.Genetics and Molecular Research15 (3): gmr.15038019.

12.Wang X.M.*, Hou X.Q., Zhang Y.Q., Li Y. 2014. Morphological variation in leaf dissection ofRheum palmatumcomplex (Polygonaceae).PLoS ONE9(10): e110760.

13. ZhangY.Q.,WangX.M., WuA.L., RenY. 2014. MergingFargesia dracocephalaintoFargesia decurvata(Bambusoideae, Poaceae): implications from morphological and ITS sequence analyses.PLoS ONE, 9(7): e101362.

14. Ye J.Q., Jia Y.Y., Fan K., Sun X.J.,Wang X.M.*2014. Karyotype analysis of Rheum palmatum.Genetics and Molecular Research13 (4): 9056-9061.

15. Zhou Y., Guo Z.J., Han L., Li Y.,Wang X.M.*2014. Optimization of chloroplast microsatellite PCR condition and primer screening for endangeredRheum officinale,Rheum palmatumandRheum tanguticum.Genetics and Molecular Research13 (3): 5787-5794.

16.Wang X.M.*, Yang R., Feng S.F.,HouX.Q., Zhang Y.Q., Li Y., Ren Y. 2012. Genetic variation inRheum palmatumandRheum tanguticum(Polygonaceae), Two medicinally and endemic species in China using ISSR markers.PLoS ONE7(12): e51667.

17.Wang X.M.*, Hou X.Q., Zhang Y.Q., Yang R., Feng S.F., Li Y., Ren Y. 2012. Genetic diversity of the endemic and medicinally important plantRheum officinaleas revealed by inter-simpe sequence repeat (ISSR) markers.International Journal of Molecular Sciences13(3): 3900-3915.

18.Wang X.M., Zhang P., Du Q.G., He H.X., Zhao L., Ren Y.*, Endress P.K. 2012. Heterodichogamy inKingdonia(Circaeasteraceae, Ranunculales).Annals of Botany109(6): 1125-1132.

19.Wang X.M. 2011. Inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) molecular fingerprinting markers for authenticating the genuine species of rhubarb.Journal of Medicinal Plants Research5(5): 758-764.

20.Wang X.M.*,Hou X.Q., Zhang Y.Q., Li Y. 2010. Distribution pattern of genuine species of rhubarb as traditional Chinese medicine.Journal of Medicinal Plants Research4(18): 1865-1876.

21.Wang X.M., YangD.Y., TianY.Z., TP.F., SunQ.S., Li X.B*. 2009. Genetic diversity and population structure ofHaloxylon ammodendronin Alxa Desert.Journal of Systematics and Evolution47(3): 255-262.

22.王戌梅. 2018.秦岭大黄属一新分布种—河套大黄.陕西林业科技,46(3):48~49.

23.周云,李延,王戌梅*. 2015.气候变化背景下中药大黄原植物的适生区分布预测.中药材,38(3):467~472.





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