吴 戈

职 称:














2021.11~至今    西安交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,教授;

2019.6~2021.9   德国马克斯普朗克钢铁研究所,博士后。合作导师:Dierk Raabe教授(德国国家科学院院士);

2015.7~2019.5   香港城市大学,博士后。合作导师:吕坚教授(法国国家技术科学院院士);

2012.11~2015.10 香港城市大学,联合培养博士生。导师:吕坚教授(法国国家技术科学院院士);

2010.09~2012.11 华中科技大学,博士生。导师:缪向水教授(长江学者);

2006.09~2010.07 中国人民解放军战略支援部队信息工程大学,本科生


吴戈教授在金属材料强韧化的研究中,提出一种创新材料设计理念——“晶体-非晶纳米双相结构”。这种理念使用纳米尺寸非晶相取代传统晶态合金中的晶界,可有效克服晶界软化效应。代表性成果包括:1)开发出结构特征尺寸小于10纳米的晶体-非晶纳米双相结构镁基合金,提高材料的强度至接近理论极限;2)通过晶态固溶体替换金属间化合物晶体相,激活晶体相的应变硬化与纳米级非晶相的均匀塑性流变,解决脆性问题,设计并制备出了兼具超高强度和高塑性的高熵合金及铝合金;3)物理气相沉积纳米双相非晶合金以及晶体-非晶纳米双相合金的实用化可行研究:大幅提升基体合金和3D打印结构的力学性能或使役性能。相关研究为新型超强、高韧合金的研发提供了纳米结构基础、理论和实验依据。相关成果以第一作者在Nature(封面文章)、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、Materials Today等期刊发表,获“非晶杰出青年科学家奖”(当年全国5人)等。担任期刊Materials Research Letters青年编委。


1. Wu, G., Chan, K., Zhu, L., Sun, L. & Lu, J. Dual-phase nanostructuring as a route to high-strength magnesium alloys. Nature 545, 80 (2017). 封面论文.

2. Wu, G., Liu, C., Sun, L., Wang, Q., Sun, B., Han B., Kai, J.-J., Luan J., Liu, C.T., Cao, K., Lu, Y., Cheng, L., Lu, J. Hierarchical nanostructured aluminum alloy with ultrahigh strength and large plasticity. Nature Communications 10, 5099 (2019).

3. Wu, G., Balachandran, S., Gault, B., Xia, W., Liu, C., Rao, Z., Wei, Y., Liu, S., Lu, J., Herbig, M., Lu, W., Dehm, G., Li, Z., Raabe, D. Crystal-Glass High-Entropy Nanocomposites with Near Theoretical Compressive Strength and Large Deformability. Advanced Materials 32, 2002619 (2020).

4. Wu, G.†, Liu, C.†, Brognara, A., Ghidelli, M., Bao, Y., Liu, S., Wu, X., Xia, W., Zhao, H., Rao, J., Ponge, D., Devulapalli, V., Lu, W., Dehm, G., Raabe, D., Li, Z. Symbiotic crystal-glass alloys via dynamic chemical partitioning. Materials Today 51, 6 (2021). †: 共同第一作者.

5. Liu, C., Lu, W., Xia, W., Du, C., Rao, Z., Best, J. P., Brinckmann, S., Lu, J., Gault, B., Dehm, G., Wu, G.*, Li, Z.*, Raabe, D.* Massive interstitial solid solution alloys achieve near-theoretical strength. Nature Communications 13, 1102 (2022). *: 共同通讯作者

6. Liu, C.*, Li, Z., Lu, W., Bao, Y., Xia, W., Wu, X., Zhao, H., Gault, B., Liu, C., Herbig, M., Fischer, A., Dehm, G., Wu, G.*, Raabe, D.* Reactive wear protection through strong and deformable oxide nanocomposite surfaces. Nature Communications 12, 5518 (2021). *: 共同通讯作者

7. Sun, L. †, Wu, G. †, Wang, Q. †, Lu, J. Nanostructural metallic materials: structures and mechanical properties. Materials Today 38, 114 (2020). †: 共同第一作者. 内封面论文.

8. Liu, C., Liu, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, X., Bao, Y., Wu, G.*, Lu, J.* Nano-dual-phase Metallic Glass Film Enhances Strength and Ductility of a Gradient Nanograined Magnesium Alloy. Advanced Science 7, 2001480 (2020) *: 共同通讯作者

9. Liu, C., Wang, Q., Han, B., Luan, J., Kai, J.-J., Liu, C.-T., Wu, G.*, Lu, J.* Second phase effect on corrosion of nanostructured Mg-Zn-Ca dual-phase metallic glasses. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 9, 1546 (2021) *: 共同通讯作者

10. Wu, G., Zhang, J., Liu, C., Wang, Q. & Lu, J. Ductility of an ultrastrong glass-crystal nano-dual-phase alloy in sub-micron. Scripta Materialia 183, 17-21 (2020).

11. Wu, G., Sun, L., Zhu, L., Liu, C., Wang Q., Bao, Y., Lu, J. Near-ideal strength and large compressive deformability of a nano-dual-phase glass-crystal alloy in sub-micron. Scripta Materialia 188 (2020).

12. Wu, G., Liu, Y., Liu C., Tang, Q.-H., Miao, X.-S. & Lu, J., Novel multilayer structure design of metallic glass film deposited Mg alloy with superior mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Intermetallics 62, 22-26 (2015).

13. Wu, G., Tang, Q., Yu, N. & Miao, X. Phase separation and nanocrystallization behavior above crystallization temperature in Mg–Cu–Y metallic glass thin film. Thin Solid Films 545, 38-43 (2013).

14. Han, L., Rao, Z., Filho, I., Maccari, F., Wei, Y., Wu, G., Ahmadian, A., Zhou, X., Gutfleisch, O., Ponge, D., Raabe, D., Li, Z. Ultrastrong and Ductile Soft Magnetic High-Entropy Alloys via Coherent Ordered Nanoprecipitates. Advanced Materials 33, 2102139 (2021).

15. Wang, J., Xu, J., Wang, X., Sheng, L., Zheng, L., Song, B., Wu, G., Zhang, R., Yao, H., Zheng, N., Ong, M.T.Y., Yung, P.S.-H., Qin, L. Magnesium-pretreated periosteum for promoting bone-tendon healing after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Biomaterials 268, 120576 (2021).

16. Cheng, L., Tang, T., Yang, H., Hao, F., Wu, G., Lyu, F., Bu, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhao, Y., Liu, G., Cheng, X., Lu, J. The Twisting of Dome-Like Metamaterial from Brittle to Ductile. Advanced Science 8, 2002701 (2021).

17. Katnagallu, S., Wu, G., Singh, S.P., Nandam, S.H., Xia, W., Stephenson, L.T., Gleiter, H., Schwaiger, R., Hahn, H., Herbig, M., Raabe, D., Gault, B., Balachandran, S. Nanoglass–nanocrystal composite – a novel material class for enhanced strength –plasticity synergy. Small 16, 2004400 (2020) .

18. Bu, Y., Bu, X., Lyu, F., Liu, G., Wu, G., Pan, L., Cheng, L., Ho, J.C., Lu, J. Full‐Color Reflective Filters in a Large Area with a Wide‐Band Tunable Absorber Deposited by One‐Step Magnetron Sputtering. Advanced Optical Materials 8, 1901626 (2020).

19. Liu, G., Zhao, Y., Wu, G. & Lu, J. Origami and 4D printing of elastomer-derived ceramic structures. Science Advances 4, eaat0641 (2018).

20. Jia, Z., Wang, Q., Sun L., Wang, Q., Zhang, L.-C., Wu, G., Luan, J.-H., et. al., Attractive In Situ Self-Reconstructed Hierarchical Gradient Structure of Metallic Glass for High Efficient and Remarkable Stability in Catalytic Performance. Advanced Functional Materials 1807857 (2019).

21. Li, Q., Yan, X., Luo, L., Xu, F., Wu, G., Liu, C., Jing, Y., Liu, Y., Lu, J. Mechanical properties and corrosion behaviors of AZ31 alloy with dual-phase glass-crystal coating. Materials Characterization 154, 200-211 (2019).

22. Li, Y., Wu, G., Liu, L., Lu, J. A New Inner Surface Attrition Treatment for Strengthening Metallic Tubular Structures. Advanced Engineering Materials 1801125 (2019).

23. Cao, S.C., Zhu, L., Liu, J., Wu, G., Huang, W., Lu, J. Light-weight isometric-phase steels with superior strength-hardness-ductility combination. Scripta Materialia 154, 230-235 (2018).

24. Liu, X., Wu, K., Wu, G., Gao, Y., Zhu, L., Lu, Y. & Lu, J. High strength and high ductility copper obtained by topologically controlled planar heterogeneous structures. Scripta Materialia 124, 103-107 (2016).

25. Yau, H.M., Xi, Z., Chen, X., Wen, Z., Wu, G., Dai, J.Y., Dynamic strain-induced giant electroresistance and erasing effect in ultrathin ferroelectric tunnel-junction memory. Physical Review B 95, 214304 (2017).