






张银萍  博士、教授/博导,19718月生,国家级精品课程主讲教师、王宽诚育才奖获得者、西安交大首届后备教学名师,医学部名师。主持国家自然科学基金、省基金等16项。主编及参编国家级规划教材等18余部。负责西安交大金课建设3门,在线MOOC一门。获陕西高等学校科技奖一等奖(第1),人文社科二等奖(第1),西安交大优秀教学团队(第1)、省级及校级优秀教材二等奖、省级优秀教学团队(第2)、陕西省教学成果一等奖(第3)、西安交大教学成果特等奖(第3)等。承担国际及国内多家期刊编委及审稿人工作。发表中文学术论文80余篇,SCI论文27篇。

教育经历19909月至19957月在西安交通大学医学部(原西安医科大学)获医学学士学位。19999月至20025月在西安交通大学医学院护理学专业学习,获医学硕士学位。20049月至20099月在西安交通大学医学院流行病学与卫生统计专业学习,获医学博士学位。2001年、2007年、2019年分别在 The Chinese University of Hong Kon,美国 University of Missouri-Kansas Cit,新加坡南洋理工大学和新加坡国立大学访问学习。。




[1]   Wang M, Zhang YP*. Development of A Cadre of Evidence-Based Practice Mentors for Nurses That Facilitate Healthcare Quality and Patient Outcomes: What Works.Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 2020 Oct 9:163278718801436. (SCI, IF: 2.50)  通讯作者(一作为所带研究生)

[2]   Zhang YP*, Liu WH, Yan YT, ZhangY, Wei HH, Porr C. Developing Student Evidence-Based PracticeQuestionnaire (S-EBPQ) for undergraduate nursing students: Reliability and validity of a Chinese adaptation. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2019 Aug;25(4):536-542. doi: 10.1111/jep.12897. (SCI, IF: 1.250)  第一/通讯作者

[3]   Zhang YP*, Liu WH, Yan YT, Porr C, Zhang Y, Wei HH. Psychometric Testing of the Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Leadership Scale and the Work Environment Scale After Cross-Cultural Adaptation in Mainland China. Eval Health Prof. 2018 Oct 9:163278718801439.

[4]   Zhang YP*, Zhang Y, Liu WH, Yan YT, Wei HH. Comprehensive unmet needs and correlations with quality of life in Chinese cancer patients. Eur J Cancer Care.2018;e12813.(SCI, IF:2.104)  第一/通讯作者

[5]   Zhang YP*Wei HH ,Wang W, Xia RY, Zhou XL, Porr C, Lammi M.Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the osteoporosis assessment questionnaire short version (OPAQ-SV) for Chinese osteoporotic fracture females. Clinical Rheumatology. 2016 Apr;35(4):1003-1010. (SCI, IF:2.042)  第一/通讯作者    

[6]   Zhang YP*, Zhang LL ,Wei HH, Zhang Y, Zhang CL,Porr C.Post partum depression and the psychosocial predictors in first-time fathers from northwestern China. Midwifery. 2016 Apr;35:47-52. ( SCI, IF: 1.861) 第一/通讯作者  

[7]   Zou XJZhang YP*. Rates of Nursing Errors and Handoffs-related Errors in a Medical Unit Following Implementation of a Standardized Nursing Handoff Form. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 2016 Jan-Mar;31(1):61-7. ( SCI, IF:1.389) 通讯作者 (一作为研究生)

[8]   Zhang YP*, Zhao XS, Zhang BZhang LL, NiCP, Hao N, Shi CB, Porr C.Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric assessment of the Chinese version of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment Tool for Cancer Caregivers (CNAT-C) . Quality of Life Research. 2015;24(7):1607-1614.SCI, IF: 2.429第一/通讯作者  

[9]   Zhang YP*, Xia RY, Zhang B, Zhang F, Zhao XS, Zhang LL, Li H. Gender Differences on Osteoporosis Health Beliefs and Related behaviors in Non-academic Community Chinese. Journal of Community Health . 2014 ;39(3):545-51. (SCI, IF: 1.716) 第一/通讯作者  

[10]             Zhang YP*, Li XM, Wang DL, Guo XY, Guo X. Awareness and prevention of Osteoporosis in Chinese Nursing Students. Nursing and Health Sciences. 2012; 14:74–80. SCI, IF:0.82第一/通讯作者    

[11]             ZhangYP *, Deng FY , YangTL , ZhangF, ChenXD, ShenH, ZhuXZ, TianQ, DengHW*.

Genome-wide association study identified CNP12587 region underlying height variation in Chinese females. Plos ONE. 2012;7(9):e44292. (SCI, IF:4.351)  

[12]             Zhang YP*, Liu YZ, Guo Y, Liu XG, Xu XH, Guo YF, Chen Y, Zhang F, Pan F, Zhu XZ, Deng HW*. Pathway-based association analyses identified TRAIL pathway for osteoporotic fractures. Plos ONE. 2011; 6(7):e21835. SCIIF:4.411

[13]             Zhang YP *, Deng FY ,Chen Y ,Pei YF ,Fang Y, Guo YF, Guo X, Liu XG, Zhou Q, Liu YJ, Deng HW*. Replication Study of Candidate Genes/Loci Associated with Osteoporosis Based on Genome-Wide Screening. Osteoporos Int. 2010 May;21(5):785-95. ( SCI, IF:4.997)  

[14]             Zhang, YP*, Liu YZ; Liu, XG, etal. A Pathway-based Association Study on Osteoporotic Fractures. BONE. (SCI, IF:4.089) 第一/通讯作者

[15]             Sheng BW, Zhang YPWei HHMa Mao,Nan XY.Primary adenomatoid tumor of the testis: report of a case and review of literature. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2015 May 1;8(5):5914-8. (SCI, IF: 2.7)  

[16]             Zhang F,  Guo X, Zhang YP , Wen Y, Wang W, Wang S, Yang T, Shen H, Chen X, Tian Q, Tan L, Deng HW.Genome-wide copy number variation study and gene expression analysis identify ABI3BP as a susceptibility gene for Kashin-Beck disease. Hum Genet. 2014 ;133(6):793-9, SCI, IF: 4.522.    

[17]             Zhang L, Hyung Jin...Zhang YP etal. Multi-stage genome-wide association meta- analyses identified two new loci for bone mineral density. Hum Mol Genet. 2014;23(7):1923-33. (SCI, IF: 7.692)  



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