Title: High efficiency, Quantum dot enhanced Photonic Crystal LEDs for monolithic micro-display applications
Lecturer:ProfessorMARTIN D.B. CHARLTON of University of Southampton
Time: Wednesday9:30am, April 3, 2019
Location:Meeting room A420, West Building 5, Qujiang Campus
This talk will present a groundbreaking work on quantum dot enhanced photonic crystal LEDs and solar cells. By modifying the device configuration of an LED,the energy conversion process has been changed which generates light, and engineer conventional loss mechanisms out of the device. Colour conversion efficiency has been increased from the benchmark of around 35% provided by a regular LED to an equivalent of 110%. This is achieved not by breaking the rules of physics but by harnessing two additional energy conversion processes (photonic quasi-crystallight extraction, and Resonant Energy transfer) as opposed to just luminescent colour conversion to give phenominal performance improvement. Demonstrator LED devices, and describe work towards creating a super-high efficiency micro-LED display for 3D virtual reality applications and projection systems such as head up displays will be presented in this presentation. Efficiency of Silicon Solar Cells has been boosted by 18% through applying RET technology.
Lecturer Introduction:Martin D.B. Charlton, is chair Professor of nano-photonics and microfabrication at Southampton University, was awarded the “Rank thesis prize” for his PhD on Photonic Crystals in 1999 and founded Mesophotonics Ltd in 2001 to commercialize photonic crystal technology. Products included Klarite SERS bio-sensing platform, and Photonic Quasi-Crystal enhanced LEDs. The company continues as a sub-division of IQE. Martin’s research spans plastic optoelectronics, solid state Lasers, Optical Bio-sensors, LEDs, Hybrid optoelectronics. Martin holds 33 granted patents, has over 200 journal and conference publications with around 2500 citations, (including Nature). Martin holds visiting Professor positions at Xian Jiaotong University (China) and JAIST (Japan).