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Head first C# = 深入浅出C#(影印版)
发布日期:2014-12-23  浏览


     施特尔曼、格林编著的这本《深入浅出C#(影印版第3版)》对于使用C#,XAML,.NET Framework和 Visual Studio的编程者来说是一个全面的学习体验。它为你贴身打造,从第一章起就让你参与其中,你将构建一个具有完整功能的视频游戏。之后,你将学习关于类和面向对象编程、绘制图形和动画、使用 LINQ查询你的数据以及将数据序列化到文件方面的知识。而你将通过创建游戏、解决难题和亲自动手完成项目来达到这一目的。等你完成这一切之后,你就会成为一名合格的C#程序员,而且你可以享受整个过程! 


1 Start building with C#: Building something cool, fast!
2 It's All Just Code: Under the hood
3 Objects: Get Oriented: Making code make sense
4 Types and References: It's 10:00. Doyou know whereyour data is? C# Lab 1 : A Day at the races
5 Encapsulation: Keep your privates...private
6 Inheritance: Your object's family tree
7 Interfaces and abstract classes: Making classes keep their promises
8 Enums and collections: Storing lots of data
9 Reading and Writing Files: Save the last byte for met C# Lab 2: The Quest
10 Designing Windows Store Apps with XAML:Takingyour apps to the next level
11 XAML, File, I/O, and Data Contract Serialization: Writing files right
12 Exception Handling: Putting out fires gets old
13 Captain Amazing: The Death of the Object
14 Querying Data and Building Apps with LINQ:Get control of your data
15 Events and Delegates: What your code does when you're not looking
16 Architecting Apps with the MVVM Pattern:Great apps on the inside and outside C# Lab 3: Invaders
17 Bonus Project! Build a Windows Phone app
i Leftovers: The top 11 things we wanted to include in this book


版权所有:西安交通大学图书馆      设计与制作:西安交通大学数据与信息中心  
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