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The Browser Hacker's Handbook
发布日期:2015-05-26  浏览

The Browser Hacker's Handbook


Hackers exploit browser vulnerabilities to attack deep within networks The Browser Hacker's Handbook gives a practical understanding of hacking the everyday web browser and using it as a beachhead to launch further attacks deep into corporate networks. Written by a team of highly experienced computer security experts, the handbook provides hands-on tutorials exploring a range of current attack methods. The web browser has become the most popular and widely used computer "program" in the world. As the gateway to the Internet, it is part of the storefront to any business that operates online, but it is also one of the most vulnerable entry points of any system. With attacks on the rise, companies are increasingly employing browser-hardening techniques to protect the unique vulnerabilities inherent in all currently used browsers. The Browser Hacker's Handbook thoroughly covers complex security issues and explores relevant topics such as: * Bypassing the Same Origin Policy * ARP spoofing, social engineering, and phishing to access browsers * DNS tunneling, attacking web applications, and proxying all from the browser * Exploiting the browser and its ecosystem (plugins and extensions) * Cross-origin attacks, including Inter-protocol Communication and Exploitation The Browser Hacker's Handbook is written with a professional security engagement in mind. Leveraging browsers as pivot points into a target's network should form an integral component into any social engineering or red-team security assessment. This handbook provides a complete methodology to understand and structure your next browser penetration test.


- Introduction

- Chapter 1 Web Browser Security

- A Principal Principle

- Exploring the Browser

- Symbiosis with the Web Application

- Same Origin Policy

- HTTP Headers

- Markup Languages

- Cascading Style Sheets

- Scripting

- Document Object Model

- Rendering Engines

- Geolocation

- Web Storage

- Cross-origin Resource Sharing


- Vulnerabilities

- Evolutionary Pressures

- HTTP Headers

- Reflected XSS Filtering

- Sandboxing

- Anti-phishing and Anti-malware

- Mixed Content

- Core Security Problems

- Attack Surface

- Surrendering Control

- TCP Protocol Control

- Encrypted Communication

- Same Origin Policy

- Fallacies

- Browser Hacking Methodology

- Summary

- Questions

- Notes

- Chapter 2 Initiating Control

- Understanding Control Initiation

- Control Initiation Techniques

- Using Cross-site Scripting Attacks

- Using Compromised Web Applications

- Using Advertising Networks

- Using Social Engineering Attacks

- Using Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

- Summary

- Questions

- Notes

- Chapter 3 Retaining Control

- Understanding Control Retention

- Exploring Communication Techniques

- Using XMLHttpRequest Polling

- Using Cross-origin Resource Sharing

- Using WebSocket Communication

- Using Messaging Communication

- Using DNS Tunnel Communication

- Exploring Persistence Techniques

- Using IFrames

- Using Browser Events

- Using Pop-Under Windows

- Using Man-in-the-Browser Attacks

- Evading Detection

- Evasion using Encoding

- Evasion using Obfuscation

- Summary

- Questions

- Notes

- Chapter 4 Bypassing the Same Origin Policy

- Understanding the Same Origin Policy

- Understanding the SOP with the DOM

- Understanding the SOP with CORS

- Understanding the SOP with Plugins

- Understanding the SOP with UI Redressing

- Understanding the SOP with Browser History

- Exploring SOP Bypasses

- Bypassing SOP in Java

- Bypassing SOP in Adobe Reader

- Bypassing SOP in Adobe Flash

- Bypassing SOP in Silverlight

- Bypassing SOP in Internet Explorer

- Bypassing SOP in Safari

- Bypassing SOP in Firefox

- Bypassing SOP in Opera

- Bypassing SOP in Cloud Storage

- Bypassing SOP in CORS

- Exploiting SOP Bypasses

- Proxying Requests

- Exploiting UI Redressing Attacks

- Exploiting Browser History

- Summary

- Questions

- Notes

- Chapter 5 Attacking Users

- Defacing Content

- Capturing User Input

- Using Focus Events

- Using Keyboard Events

- Using Mouse and Pointer Events

- Using Form Events

- Using IFrame Key Logging

- Social Engineering

- Using TabNabbing

- Using the Fullscreen

- Abusing UI Expectations

- Using Signed Java Applets

- Privacy Attacks

- Non-cookie Session Tracking

- Bypassing Anonymization

- Attacking Password Managers

- Controlling the Webcam and Microphone

- Summary

- Questions

- Notes

- Chapter 6 Attacking Browsers

- Fingerprinting Browsers

- Fingerprinting using HTTP Headers

- Fingerprinting using DOM Properties

- Fingerprinting using Software Bugs

- Fingerprinting using Quirks

- Bypassing Cookie Protections

- Understanding the Structure

- Understanding Attributes

- Bypassing Path Attribute Restrictions

- Overflowing the Cookie Jar

- Using Cookies for Tracking

- Sidejacking Attacks

- Bypassing HTTPS

- Downgrading HTTPS to HTTP

- Attacking Certificates

- Attacking the SSL/TLS Layer

- Abusing Schemes

- Abusing iOS

- Abusing the Samsung Galaxy

- Attacking JavaScript

- Attacking Encryption in JavaScript

- JavaScript and Heap Exploitation

- Getting Shells using Metasploit

- Getting Started with Metasploit

- Choosing the Exploit

- Executing a Single Exploit

- Using Browser Autopwn

- Using BeEF with Metasploit

- Summary

- Questions

- Notes

- Chapter 7 Attacking Extensions

- Understanding Extension Anatomy

- How Extensions Differ from Plugins

- How Extensions Differ from Add-ons

- Exploring Privileges

- Understanding Firefox Extensions

- Understanding Chrome Extensions

- Discussing Internet Explorer Extensions

- Fingerprinting Extensions

- Fingerprinting using HTTP Headers

- Fingerprinting using the DOM

- Fingerprinting using the Manifest

- Attacking Extensions

- Impersonating Extensions

- Cross-context Scripting

- Achieving OS Command Execution

- Achieving OS Command Injection

- Summary

- Questions

- Notes

- Chapter 8 Attacking Plugins

- Understanding Plugin Anatomy

- How Plugins Differ from Extensions

- How Plugins Differ from Standard Programs

- Calling Plugins

- How Plugins are Blocked

- Fingerprinting Plugins

- Detecting Plugins

- Automatic Plugin Detection

- Detecting Plugins in BeEF

- Attacking Plugins

- Bypassing Click to Play

- Attacking Java

- Attacking Flash

- Attacking ActiveX Controls

- Attacking PDF Readers

- Attacking Media Plugins

- Summary

- Questions

- Notes

- Chapter 9 Attacking Web Applications

- Sending Cross-origin Requests

- Enumerating Cross-origin Quirks

- Preflight Requests

- Implications

- Cross-origin Web Application Detection

- Discovering Intranet Device IP Addresses

- Enumerating Internal Domain Names

- Cross-origin Web Application Fingerprinting

- Requesting Known Resources

- Cross-origin Authentication Detection

- Exploiting Cross-site Request Forgery

- Understanding Cross-site Request Forgery

- Attacking Password Reset with XSRF

- Using CSRF Tokens for Protection

- Cross-origin Resource Detection

- Cross-origin Web Application Vulnerability Detection

- SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

- Detecting Cross-site Scripting Vulnerabilities

- Proxying through the Browser

- Browsing through a Browser

- Burp through a Browser

- Sqlmap through a Browser

- Browser through Flash

- Launching Denial-of-Service Attacks

- Web Application Pinch Points

- DDoS Using Multiple Hooked Browsers

- Launching Web Application Exploits

- Cross-origin DNS Hijack

- Cross-origin JBoss JMX Remote Command Execution

- Cross-origin GlassFish Remote Command Execution

- Cross-origin m0n0wall Remote Command Execution

- Cross-origin Embedded Device Command Execution

- Summary

- Questions

- Notes

- Chapter 10 Attacking Networks

- Identifying Targets

- Identifying the Hooked Browser s Internal IP

- Identifying the Hooked Browser s Subnet

- Ping Sweeping

- Ping Sweeping using XMLHttpRequest

- Ping Sweeping using Java

- Port Scanning

- Bypassing Port Banning

- Port Scanning using the IMG Tag

- Distributed Port Scanning

- Fingerprinting Non-HTTP Services

- Attacking Non-HTTP Services

- NAT Pinning

- Achieving Inter-protocol Communication

- Achieving Inter-protocol Exploitation

- Getting Shells using BeEF Bind

- The BeEF Bind Shellcode

- Using BeEF Bind in your Exploits

- Using BeEF Bind as a Web Shell

- Summary

- Questions

- Notes

- Chapter 11 Epilogue: Final Thoughts

- Index




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