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Foundations of Machine Learning
发布日期:2015-07-02  浏览

Foundations of Machine Learning


This graduate-level textbook introduces fundamental concepts and methods in machine learning. It describes several important modern algorithms, provides the theoretical underpinnings of these algorithms, and illustrates key aspects for their application. The authors aim to present novel theoretical tools and concepts while giving concise proofs even for relatively advanced topics. Foundations of Machine Learning fills the need for a general textbook that also offers theoretical details and an emphasis on proofs. Certain topics that are often treated with insufficient attention are discussed in more detail here; for example, entire chapters are devoted to regression, multi-class classification, and ranking. The first three chapters lay the theoretical foundation for what follows, but each remaining chapter is mostly self-contained. The appendix offers a concise probability review, a short introduction to convex optimization, tools for concentration bounds, and several basic properties of matrices and norms used in the book. The book is intended for graduate students and researchers in machine learning, statistics, and related areas; it can be used either as a textbook or as a reference text for a research seminar.

Preface p. xi
Introduction p. 1
Applications and problems p. 1
Definitions and terminology p. 3
Cross-validation p. 5
Learning scenarios p. 7
Outline p. 8
The PAC Learning Framework p. 11
The PAC learning model p. 11
Guarantees for finite hypothesis sets - consistent case p. 17
Guarantees for finite hypothesis sets - inconsistent case p. 21
Generalities p. 24
Deterministic versus stochastic scenarios p. 24
Bayes error and noise p. 25
Estimation and approximation errors p. 26
Model selection p. 27
Chapter notes p. 28
Exercises p. 29
Rademacher Complexity and VC-Dimension p. 33
Rademacher complexity p. 34
Growth function p. 38
VC-dimension p. 41
Lower bounds p. 48
Chapter notes p. 54
Exercises p. 55
Support Vector Machines p. 63
Linear classification p. 63
SVMs - separable case p. 64
Primal optimization problem p. 64
Support vectors p. 66
Dual optimization problem p. 67
Leave-one-out analysis p. 69
SVMs - non-separable case p. 71
Primal optimization problem p. 72
Support vectors p. 73
Dual optimization problem p. 74
Margin theory p. 75
Chapter notes p. 83
Exercises p. 84
Kernel Methods p. 89
Introduction p. 89
Positive definite symmetric kernels p. 92
Definitions p. 92
Reproducing kernel Hilbert space p. 94
Properties p. 96
Kernel-based algorithms p. 100
SVMs with PDS kernels p. 100
Representer theorem p. 101
Learning guarantees p. 102
Negative definite symmetric kernels p. 103
Sequence kernels p. 106
Weighted transducers p. 106
Rational kernels p. 111
Chapter notes p. 115
Exercises p. 116
Boosting p. 121
Introduction p. 121
AdaBoost p. 122
Bound on the empirical error p. 124
Relationship with coordinate descent p. 126
Relationship with logistic regression p. 129
Standard use in practice p. 129
Theoretical results p. 130
VC-dimension-based analysis p. 131
Margin-based analysis p. 131
Margin maximization p. 136
Game-theoretic interpretation p. 137
Discussion p. 140
Chapter notes p. 141
Exercises p. 142
On-Line Learning p. 147
Introduction p. 147
Prediction with expert advice p. 148
Mistake bounds and Halving algorithm p. 148
Weighted majority algorithm p. 150
Randomized weighted majority algorithm p. 152
Exponential weighted average algorithm p. 156
Linear classification p. 159
Perceptron algorithm p. 160
Winnow algorithm p. 168
On-line to batch conversion p. 171
Game-theoretic connection p. 174
Chapter notes p. 175
Exercises p. 176
Multi-Class Classification p. 183
Multi-class classification problem p. 183
Generalization bounds p. 185
Uncombined multi-class algorithms p. 191
Multi-class SVMs p. 191
Multi-class boosting algorithms p. 192
Decision trees p. 194
Aggregated multi-class algorithms p. 198
One-versus-all p. 198
One-versus-one p. 199
Error-correction codes p. 201
Structured prediction algorithms p. 203
Chapter notes p. 206
Exercises p. 207
Ranking p. 209
The problem of ranking p. 209
Generalization bound p. 211
Ranking with SVMs p. 213
RankBoost p. 214
Bound on the empirical error p. 216
Relationship with coordinate descent p. 218
Margin bound for ensemble methods in ranking p. 220
Bipartite ranking p. 221
Boosting in bipartite ranking p. 222
Area under the ROC curve p. 224
Preference-based setting p. 226
Second-stage ranking problem p. 227
Deterministic algorithm p. 229
Randomized algorithm p. 230
Extension to other loss functions p. 231
Discussion p. 232
Chapter notes p. 233
Exercises p. 234
Regression p. 237
The problem of regression p. 237
Generalization bounds p. 238
Finite hypothesis sets p. 238
Rademacher complexity bounds p. 239
Pseudo-dimension bounds p. 241
Regression algorithms p. 245
Linear regression p. 245
Kernel ridge regression p. 247
Support vector regression p. 252
Lasso p. 257
Group norm regression algorithms p. 260
On-line regression algorithms p. 261
Chapter notes p. 262
Exercises p. 263
Algorithmic Stability p. 267
Definitions p. 267
Stability-based generalization guarantee p. 268
Stability of kernel-based regularization algorithms p. 270
Application to regression algorithms: SVR and KRR p. 274
Application to classification algorithms: SVMs p. 276
Discussion p. 276
Chapter notes p. 277
Exercises p. 277
Dimensionality Reduction p. 281
Principal Component Analysis p. 282
Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) p. 283
KPCA and manifold learning p. 285
Isomap p. 285
Laplacian eigenmaps p. 286
Locally linear embedding (LLE) p. 287
Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma p. 288
Chapter notes p. 290
Exercises p. 290
Learning Automata and Languages p. 293
Introduction p. 293
Finite automata p. 294
Efficient exact learning p. 295
Passive learning p. 296
Learning with queries p. 297
Learning automata with queries p. 298
Identification in the limit p. 303
Learning reversible automata p. 304
Chapter notes p. 309
Exercises p. 310
Reinforcement Learning p. 313
Learning scenario p. 313
Markov decision process model p. 314
Policy p. 315
Definition p. 315
Policy value p. 316
Policy evaluation p. 316
Optimal policy p. 318
Planning algorithms p. 319
Value iteration p. 319
Policy iteration p. 322
Linear programming p. 324
Learning algorithms p. 325
Stochastic approximation p. 326
TD(0) algorithm p. 330
Q-learning algorithm p. 331
SARSA p. 334
TD(¿) algorithm p. 335
Large state space p. 336
Chapter notes p. 337
Conclusion p. 339
Linear Algebra Review p. 341
Vectors and norms p. 341
Norms p. 341
Dual norms p. 342
Matrices p. 344
Matrix norms p. 344
Singular value decomposition p. 345
Symmetric positive semidefinite (SPSD) matrices p. 346
Convex Optimization p. 349
Differentiation and unconstrained optimization p. 349
Convexity p. 350
Constrained optimization p. 353
Chapter notes p. 357
Probability Review p. 359
Probability p. 359
Random variables p. 359
Conditional probability and independence p. 361
Expectation, Markov's inequality, and moment-generating function p. 363
Variance and Chebyshev's inequality p. 365
Concentration inequalities p. 369
Hoeffding's inequality p. 369
McDiarmid's inequality p. 371
Other inequalities p. 373
Binomial distribution: Slud's inequality p. 374
Normal distribution: tail bound p. 374
Khintchine-Kahane inequality p. 374
Chapter notes p. 376
Exercises p. 377
Notation p. 379
References p. 381
Index p. 397
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